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DIY micro bead extensions?

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 12:33am

Topic: DIY micro bead extensions?
Posted By: niamhh
Subject: DIY micro bead extensions?
Date Posted: December 23 2010 at 2:00pm
Hi all,
I am currently on my 2nd install of full head of micro beads (professionally applied).
I am getting them removed soon and taking a break from extensions for maybe a week and after that intend to replace them myself (cannot afford to get them done professionally again).
How difficult is it to DIY micro beads? How much potential is there for damaging my own hair? I have been wearing them for a while now so I have a pretty good idea of how much hair to attach an extension to, how close they should be to the scalp etc, but still worry I will get it wrong.
Any advice appreciated!

Posted By: serro1
Date Posted: January 24 2011 at 9:58am
mostly not good results in this type prosedures, when you trying to make yourself. my opinion dont take risk for your hair. i was see one situation with - keratin kaynak and she was tried to put out herself, but result was not good. if its  like as - micro saç kaynak it will be more problem to put out.  


Posted By: VivaLaBxtch
Date Posted: March 20 2011 at 10:40pm
Micro beads are extremely easy to apply, and can be done at home. I've done them on my own a few times. It's such a simple process and the hair can't be too damaged in the midst of things unless you squeeze the bead too hard. You could even have a friend help you, no matter how experienced or inexperienced they are, cause if worst comes to worst, you just take the piece out and redo it. Everything is reusable unless you flatten out the bead too much. You'll be able to do it, I was fine.

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