Help finding fusion remy indian hair
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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 12:43am
Topic: Help finding fusion remy indian hair
Posted By: BlondeAmbition
Subject: Help finding fusion remy indian hair
Date Posted: February 09 2011 at 9:28am
Last year I bought my first Indian Hair from ebay seller pureextensions. The hair was amazing & by far the best hair I've ever purchased. 6 months ago, I went to repurchase only to discover that she is no longer a registered member. So I ordered indian hair from ebay seller tikihairextensions that were almost twice as expensive, so I was sure it was going to be amazing hair. I was wrong. Barbie hair felt better than the hair I was sent. I have since been searching far & wide to find pre-tipped remy indian hair & I haven't had the greatest luck. Recently I came upon & I was curious if anyone has used their hair & how good it is. I've learned the hard way that just because they "CLAIM" it's remy, cuticle intact, no acid bath, tangle free, IT RARELY IS. Suggestions please. Thanks in advance.
------------- There is certainly no absolute standard of beauty. That is precisely what makes the pursuit so interesting....
Posted By: UmaJ2008
Date Posted: February 22 2011 at 6:25pm
Not sure where you are located, but the best way to purchase hair is to see it and feel it first. I just joined this board, but have been a avid forum user on other boards. IMO the companies that provide a location for you to go in and their hair or let you order through a stylist so they can vouch for the product are the ones that I purchase from. Indique and Extensions plus have retail locations that only sell Virgin hair. You can go in an check out the hair, learn about it and make sure you know what you are buying before dropping $$$$.... just my $0.02 - good luck.