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Hair sticking up in the wrong places

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Short Hair
Forum Description: Devoted to the special needs of short hair
Printed Date: February 08 2025 at 11:58pm

Topic: Hair sticking up in the wrong places
Posted By: korisu
Subject: Hair sticking up in the wrong places
Date Posted: February 12 2011 at 6:14am
So basically, my hair at the top and back is not as light as I would like it to be so it naturally has some volume, and is instead quite flat.

My hair on both sides are quite poofy, but I want it to be flat. I sleep on my side and that doesn't do the trick.

A problem I have though is the part of my head I sleep on. Some of the hair there will lie flat against the pillow, but the part on top of it will stick up because it is kind of being pushed up by the pillow. So basically the bottom half of my side is less poofy than the top half, which can just stick straight out when I wake up.

What can I do about this??

Posted By: baldshorthair
Date Posted: February 19 2011 at 8:42pm

You have a few options that may help.

Consider the following:
1.  Have your hairstylist cut the sides so that they stack or nestle together to avoid the pouffiness.
2.  Have a light relaxer applied to your hair but just combed through for a few minutes.  This will soften the texture enough to make it more manageable but will not completely straighten it.
A lot of hairstylists use the Rusk relaxers because they don't straighten but will help soften the hair so it flows and lays better.
Hope that helps.  Sometimes you have to experiment to find the best solution for your specific hair but consider the options above to see if they might work for you.
Let us know what you decide to do.

Posted By: korisu
Date Posted: February 20 2011 at 7:18am

Posted By: baldshorthair
Date Posted: February 21 2011 at 8:49am
Come visit the site "WORLD OF BALD AND SHORT HAIR GIRLS "...!!! - - -


THANK YOU............

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