Need help with son's long hair
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Topic: Need help with son's long hair
Posted By: michelle16
Subject: Need help with son's long hair
Date Posted: February 28 2011 at 6:30pm
I need advice on dealing with my son's hair. He is 9 and we have been growing his hair since he was 5. He loves his hair and wants to grow it longer, which doesn't bother his father or I but, it is becoming increasingly difficult to deal with. It is very very curly and thick and he refuses to do anything but wear it in a ponytail. However, he is very active and with the curls the tangles are a pain to deal with. Do any of you have any suggestions? I want to braid it but he refuses. Maybe an idea on how i can get him to want to do something other than a ponytail, at least for when he is out playing.
Posted By: Ricc
Date Posted: March 02 2011 at 10:46am
I'd certainly suggest applying a good after shampoo conditioner to help with the tangles. I've always found using a leave-in conditioner like Infusium 23 helps prevent tangling with my somewhat curly (fine) hair.
I can't offer much advice on persuasion, but you might show him some pictures of cool guys with braids. Maybe he'd try a cornrow look.
Anyway, your son sounds like my kind of guy. I loved long hair when I was his age, too (and still do).
Posted By: Traci_cheer07
Date Posted: June 02 2011 at 8:36pm
Hey Michelle, I've been dealing with a long-haired boy for years now (you can see my posts on a couple of other threads) and I have to say that accessories are invaluable, just like they are with girls. I got my son started wearing headbands & barrettes early & after a while he thought nothing of it (not to mention having it set on rollers, but that's another story ). Esp. these days when so many athletes are wearing their hair back in headbands and even high ponytails, I think you should show him some pics (in a matter of fact way of course). Check out this pro tennis player! -
You may have to have The Talk with him -- the one that starts "It's fine to have long hair but you have to take care of it properly...." A good after-shampoo detangler and comb-out is a bare minimum.
Anyway enjoy & thanks for supporting long haired boys!
Posted By: bandeaux
Date Posted: August 15 2011 at 8:22pm
I may no longer be a child, but I am an adult male who is in total support of the use of accessories. In fact, I have used them for over a year. I grew weary of being restricted to the use of a ponytail (even high) or a braid of some sort. After a consultation with Karen, who is the finest lady I know through email, I now use plastic black or tort colored barrettes, side combs, and headbands. Good Hair Days makes a perfect plain side comb in tort or black that really hold well even in sport events. The headbands that Camila of Paris offer are also fantastic. Take a look at the tortoiseshell bands on the last page of headbands (AD 36, 42, and 44) from their site. The bands have strong teeth but do not give a headache which is really amazing. Even if you pull all the hair back tightly, they are comfortable enough that you can forget that you even have one on. I hope this helps. I too enjoy long hair.
Posted By: bandeaux
Date Posted: August 15 2011 at 8:24pm
I may no longer be a child, but I am an adult male who is in total support of the use of accessories. In fact, I have used them for over a year. I grew weary of being restricted to the use of a ponytail (even high) or a braid of some sort. After a consultation with Karen, who is the finest lady I know through email, I now use plastic black or tort colored barrettes, side combs, and headbands. Good Hair Days makes a perfect plain side comb in tort or black that really hold well even in sport events. The headbands that Camila of Paris offer are also fantastic. Take a look at the tortoiseshell bands on the last page of headbands (AD 36, 42, and 44) from their site. The bands have strong teeth but do not give a headache which is really amazing. Even if you pull all the hair back tightly, they are comfortable enough that you can forget that you even have one on. I hope this helps. I too enjoy long hair.
Posted By: Daisy :)
Date Posted: September 10 2011 at 10:49am
Hi Michelle. I have a son who was in the same situation as your son is. Now he will go with any style. He has almost waist length hair, and being only 11, he needs it up. Mainly two braids. Firstly, like the others said, show your son pictures of other long haired guys with their hair up. Also, I have to say, headbands are fantastic, they were very useful when my son was younger. But what might work, is the half-pony. Tie your son's hair up into a high ponytail, then go to do another loop, but only pull the hair half way through, this is a half-pony. It is a practical, and as a bonus, it looks great with curly hair. If you have any questions, please ask.