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tape in extension questions! HELP!!

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 12:42am

Topic: tape in extension questions! HELP!!
Posted By: apage8
Subject: tape in extension questions! HELP!!
Date Posted: March 02 2011 at 9:13pm
i just got the tape in extenions (hair addictionz) in..they only lasted a month, but i think i jumped the gun and took them out sooner then they needed to be. next week im going to get them put back in cleaning them tonight and i have been trying like hell to get the tape residue off the weft. i have tried everything and its still i have to get it totally off?? we are gonna put more tape in the same i duuno what t do!
also, i found the corners peeled and they slipped pretty easy. i THINK it may have been the direct heat from the blow dryer but not sure (causing the bond to melt?). any tips to keep those suckers in place??!  i use beautifying serum from eufora on the ends, no conditioner at the scalp and sulfate free keratin color save shampoo and condit. could something im using cause the slipping? i would lose one almost everytime i washed my hair Cry

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