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Problems with glued in weft, other suggestions?

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 1:00am

Topic: Problems with glued in weft, other suggestions?
Posted By: inawhirlwind
Subject: Problems with glued in weft, other suggestions?
Date Posted: March 18 2011 at 11:11pm
After a horrible perm that fried my hair and a horrible haircut that was suppose to help even out my hair after the perm, I officially feel hopeless and have given up on my hair.....  I decided to glue my weft back in to hide the horror of my hair but it's driving me crazy for the same reasons why I stopped wearing it.  I use proclaim super bond glue to put the weft in, but it just never seems to stay in for more than a couple days! Plus I feel like it just makes my scalp so itchy!
I'm a poor college student so I could really use some advice on other options.......  Plus I live/go to school in a fairly small town though I CAN get my mother to send me up supplies from the Sally supply store at home... However something faster that I could find around here would be better...

Posted By: VivaLaBxtch
Date Posted: March 20 2011 at 10:36pm
I used to use Proclaim glue from Sally's alll the time. It does get VERY itchy and will not hold for more than 2 weeks (at the absolute most) :/  I've heard Liquid Gold Bond stays in for longer and is used more by professionals. You can find it on Ebay for cheap.

Posted By: frenchie1
Date Posted: March 30 2011 at 6:05pm
Viva is right, go for Liquid Gold, it's easy and safe to use on your hair. You'll need to get some pure acetone or some kind of oily remover aka orange oil or Supersolv. Supersolv is probably better if you've got a sensitive scalp, although don't let it sit forever.
LG will allow a much better hold.
Proclaim has a super bad reputation on the boards, for being impossible to remove.
Another easy alternative is tape, super tape or proflex.

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