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malaysian hair weaving technique

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 09 2025 at 7:54pm

Topic: malaysian hair weaving technique
Posted By: yubbydubby2
Subject: malaysian hair weaving technique
Date Posted: March 22 2011 at 1:52pm

Searching for a new weaving technique to keep tension off my own hair. I have very little information, does it require braiding, if not this would be the ideal technique for me. Thanks


Posted By: naturalxtension
Date Posted: September 06 2011 at 1:29pm

Malaysian Method- this hair weaving technique is known by many names to include; Flat Method, Braidless Weaving or Braidless sew-in. 

The most unique weaving method integrate weft hair throughout clients own hair, allowing the flattest and natural looking weave available today.

Attachment requires no adhesive, no glue, no braid or chemicals. Your clients hair remains healthy as it is allowed to breathe.

Application process is usually 3 hours and under. Technique can last up to 3 months with proper application and maintenance.

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