My natural hair colour is dark brown (3) I want to be a medium/dark mahogany red. I tried 2 different home dyes ( a 5.6 and 6.45) and they didn't turn out how I wanted, still too dark. Only thing is I did one colour this: - =
didn't like how it came out, not light enough, so went and bought another dye, not realising re-dyeing in a lighter colour wouldn't work and of course it turned it even darker but my roots have lightened to red (not the sort of red I want though) and the rest of my hair is still dark brown. So my question is do I use a prelightner and re dye in one of these: - =
or natural dark burgundy 113a : -
or do I need to use a colour remover then pre lightner and re dye?
Will one lot of pre lightner do enough? or will I have to pre lighten twice? how long do you have to leave in between pre lightening and re dyeing? I think my hair is in pretty good condition, medium thickness, shoulder length.
I'm in the UK so only have one colour remover product available to me, which according to reviews is time consuming and hit and miss result. As for pre lightners I have 2 available at a much cheaper price than the colour remover.
Any advice?