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feather hair extensions,so hot?

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Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
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Topic: feather hair extensions,so hot?
Posted By: remy hair
Subject: feather hair extensions,so hot?
Date Posted: May 16 2011 at 4:21am
This year,the feather hair extensions is really hot,well,we are so glad,there comes out something new,but nearly weeks later,i can see feather hair extensions here and there,fed up with it!

Posted By: jessica86
Date Posted: May 17 2011 at 4:56am
feather hair extensions is very popular in 2011.

Posted By: DoctoredLocks
Date Posted: May 18 2011 at 12:35pm
Here is Doctored Locks' take on this fad.

We get calls several times per day for hair feathers or feather extensions.
Let me jump right to the chase and tell you, we have made a conscious decision NOT to carry them.


What is wrong with you Doctored Locks?? Those feathers look amazing!
Yeah, I hear you. They are really nifty.

If you love the look, you should be aware of how they get to you (and be okay with it).
They are valued only for their feathers - they have NO other industrial use.
They are lazy egg layers and they produce very unappealing meat products - the feathers are removed and the rest of the bird is thrown away.

These beautiful birds are slaughtered simply for your beauty - which kind of makes you look like a jerk.

Well, but what if they weren't killed?
The alternative to slaughter is LIVE PLUCKING - which in short amounts to animal torture. That's not much of an alternative in my book.

Just how big is this trend? The amount of birds killed for this fashion is hard to estimate. Whiting Farms, which primarily supplies fishing tackle shops, ships out 65,000 feathered bird hides each week - though they admit they don't have enough birds to meet the rabid demand of all of the hairdressers and clients - and that is only ONE farm.


Posted By: hairandthere
Date Posted: May 20 2011 at 2:14am
Ever eat KFC? Or wear leather shoes?

Posted By: DoctoredLocks
Date Posted: May 20 2011 at 12:54pm
This is our stance and we are in current development of a cruelty free way to achieve the same look.

Not many people know that the feathers are gotten this way, we are just sharing the knowledge. 


Posted By: hairandthere
Date Posted: May 21 2011 at 2:21pm
The fact of the matter is that these roosters were not hatched for us. They're used by fishermen for production of flies and lures. So rather or not you or I decide to use feather extensions is not going to matter one bit to the situation. I'd feel bad of they were going out of their way to raise and kill birds just for us, but the truth is the fishermen view us as an annoyance to their supply. Which is why most "fly shops" refuse to sell to stylists.

Posted By: Karen Shelton
Date Posted: May 23 2011 at 8:01am
Originally posted by DoctoredLocks DoctoredLocks wrote:

This is our stance and we are in current development of a cruelty free way to achieve the same look.

Not many people know that the feathers are gotten this way, we are just sharing the knowledge. 

Thank so much for sharing this info about feathers.  I knew about the feather controversy, but its nice to see you provide more details.

Any thoughts about the tinsel trend?

That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger or drives you totally insane. :-)

Posted By: SiNfuL GirL
Date Posted: June 09 2011 at 1:35am
I refuse to use feathers as well for that exact reason. Tinsels on the other hand LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE them. They are so fun.

Posted By: sun159159
Date Posted: June 09 2011 at 3:48pm

Agree.  Plus I am just over it.  See feathers everywhere but saw someone with a glitter strand today.  Very cute.  Love tinsel.  Animal friendly.

Posted By: DoctoredLocks
Date Posted: June 10 2011 at 11:57am
The tinsel is fun :)


Posted By: starblue
Date Posted: June 15 2011 at 11:45pm
I actually get my rooster feathers from my friend that works on a farm. She just grabs handfulls of feathers that have fallen off. I sanitize them and use them and they're beautiful!! (and FREE!)  They are a fun look, and I also do the tinsel, which is a really fun look, too. 

Posted By: jenniefrost
Date Posted: June 23 2011 at 6:11am
If you can get feathers without killing the chicken or the rooster that is definitely the best way to do it.  I am repulsed by people who are wearing the rooster feathers when I see them because obviously they don't care that a rooster had to die for them to look fashionable.  What is wrong with that picture?

Posted By: Karen Shelton
Date Posted: June 23 2011 at 8:49am
It certainly has become a huge topic and one that has become a hot topic with people getting upset on both sides of the question.  

That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger or drives you totally insane. :-)

Posted By: starblue
Date Posted: June 25 2011 at 11:31pm
I agree. You NEED to know where they are coming from, or not buy them. That's that.

Posted By: hairbeautys
Date Posted: June 27 2011 at 3:51am
yes,feather hair is very popular,very nice!


Posted By: SiNfuL GirL
Date Posted: June 28 2011 at 5:47pm
Me personally even if i new where they were coming from like shedded feathers i still would feel woozy about wearing another animals (hair/feather) just a little weird in my own head i guess lol. Same goes for furr coats Id rather not wear any furr even fake just for the fact i dont believe in wearing something for fashion and kill an innocent animal to do so. At least when the native americans killed animals back in the day they found use for everything from meat to bone nothing to waist but that was to live... i dont need to live to have a feather for a furr coat. just sayin,

Posted By: DoctoredLocks
Date Posted: July 01 2011 at 1:36pm
After further discussion with the owner of Doctored Locks, some additional point of view was decided to be shared :)

From the owner of Doctored Locks - 

"Ever eat KFC? Or wear leather shoes?"
The reality is that there are people that disagree with our stance on this issue.  Since you asked, I will add my 2 cents.

Chickens, Piggies, Cows and other industrial animals are used for food.  These birds are NOT.

Chickens, Piggies, Cows and other industrial animals are used for clothing.  These birds are NOT.

Chickens, Piggies, Cows and other industrial animals are used for household goods.  These birds are NOT.

These birds are specifically killed for their feathers.  That's it.  Their meat/eggs/etc. are discarded as waste.  That means, when you use their hides in your hair - that bird was specifically killed for THAT purpose and that purpose alone.  

If beauty was a byproduct of an otherwise functioning industry, that would be one thing.  This isnt.  This is an entirely different scenario.  

"Fly Fisherman use them, so why can't I?"
This is not a serious argument is it?  The fact that you are adding to the death toll in unsustainable numbers, adding tremendous amounts of animal pain and bio waste, your point seems to be that because other people in other unrelated industries do its ok?  Come on now.  The point is that NO ONE should be using these birds as "products."  Its gross.

Personally - I believe in what I do, and I believe that each individual DOES have an impact and make a difference in the world.  I have not eaten meat for over a decade.  I only wear second hand leather goods - and only when a suitable synthetic hasn't presented itself.  Can I do more?  Sure.  Do I believe that my contributions over time have spared some amount of animal cruelty?  Hell yeah I do!  Where there is no demand, there is no industry.  Its up to you.

We currently have a sample batch of human hair that mimics the look of these feathers being produced for us. :)


Posted By: SiNfuL GirL
Date Posted: July 02 2011 at 5:08am
Nice and very well said, except for the meat part because i did the no meat thing it doesnt work for me lol. However I do my best to choose things that dont involve the death harm or bad breeding of animals for my personal best. I say best because if its FDA approved you cant trust it anyways, food, spf, vitamins ya vitamins are only required to have 8% of whatever it says it is so if you get vitamin c 1000 mg only 8% is vitamin c the rest is fillers meaning your doing way more harm than good to your body. what blows me away is KFC has a documentary out on them and there chicken farms and how discusting and harmful that shoot is yet people still eat it. soooo wrong.

Posted By: Indiapowell90
Date Posted: August 18 2011 at 9:47am
Apparantly breeding these roosers for feathers actually prolongs there life span, because the feathers need to be long


Posted By: DoctoredLocks
Date Posted: August 18 2011 at 12:29pm
Think really carefully about what you just said...


Posted By: naturalxtension
Date Posted: September 12 2011 at 6:24pm

Lots of great posts in this thread.  Which brings me to a new question. 

Where do goose feathers fit into all of this?  I have been receiving advertisements now for people selling multi-colored goose feathers.  Supposedly they are a little harder than the rooster feathers but can be dyed a wide range of colors and supposedly last as long.  But who knows what to believe anymore.  Afterall the exposes about the various Brazilian Blowout and similar I don't believe anything.  What is the real scoop on the goose feathers and do the geese have to be killed to get the feathers?

Posted By: Karen Shelton
Date Posted: September 12 2011 at 6:50pm
Personally I am really over this rooster feather hair trend.  Everyone seemed to be wearing them including Holly on Bachelor Pad and one of the actresses on Pretty Little Liars.

Even Roseanne Barr was wearing rooster feathers in one of the episodes of her Nuts reality TV show in Hawaii.  

I have not heard much about good feathers.  Are they the same thickness and length as the rooster feathers?   Are they a solid color or in patterns?

That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger or drives you totally insane. :-)

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