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Feather Xtensions: Fashion Or Murder?

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Topic: Feather Xtensions: Fashion Or Murder?
Posted By: sky123
Subject: Feather Xtensions: Fashion Or Murder?
Date Posted: June 22 2011 at 8:57pm
Fashion, or murder?  Feather trend bad for roosters

Rooster-feather hair-extensions are the craze right now, but the demand for the feathers could be contributing to an increase in rooster deaths at feather facilities around the nation, according to media reports. Rooster feathers have long been used for fly-fishing lures, but the current demand for feathers is exceeding the supply.

Feather harvesting usually involves letting roosters live only as long as it takes for their backside feathers to grow as long as possible, according to The Associated Press. When the roosters are about 1 year old, their feathers are harvested and the roosters are euthanized; in many cases, the roosters don’t survive the plucking process.

The hair-feathers—which are soaring in price—have been made popular by celebrities including Steven Tyler, Ke$ha and Miley Cyrus, who tie them to random strands of hair for a streaked look or wear them as extensions.

Posted By: graigmillson
Date Posted: August 31 2011 at 6:35pm

Feather kits can be purchased with accoutrement that can be arranged together. Accoutrement appear in all colors and sizes. Most are colorfast, and bear washing, brushing, curling, collapsed ironing, etc.

------------- - Hat

Posted By: DoctoredLocks
Date Posted: August 31 2011 at 9:49pm
We have currently made a human hair prebond that mimics this look without harming any animals!


Posted By: amyng
Date Posted: September 11 2011 at 1:26am
Feather hair extensions is a popular hair trend that celebs started and now it's hit the mainstream. My 18 year old daughter loves her feather hair extensions.

------------- - Snap on Feathers

Posted By: baconjacke
Date Posted: January 21 2012 at 8:15am
Feather kits can be purchased with accoutrement that can be abiding together. Accoutrement arise in all colors and sizes. Most are colorfast, and buck washing, brushing, curling, burst ironing, etc.


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