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hare care regimens

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: General Hair Talk
Forum Description: A free wheeling discussion of hair related topics.
Printed Date: July 06 2024 at 5:44am

Topic: hare care regimens
Posted By: tennischick
Subject: hare care regimens
Date Posted: September 11 2004 at 4:28pm
wat are your hair care regimens???

Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: September 12 2004 at 2:22am
I'm so low-maintenance it's not even funny :-P . I just wash my hair (with something specially formulated for fine hair, or with Neutrogena T-Gel if my scalp is pretty itchy that day), condition it (I'd like to try that foam conditioner that's meant to weightlessly condition, but for now it's just whatever is the mate to my shampoo of the moment), let it air dry (often helped by sitting under the fan :-P ), comb it into something resembling a style, maybe add an accessory or two, if my hair is sticking up weirdly I might put a bit of gel on whatever is acting out to make it behave, or I might put a little hairspray or spray gel to keep it in place. . . that's about it. With my fine hair, I would probably get more body if I blow-dried, but I worry about the damage it can cause :-( .

More awesome than a manatee!

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: September 12 2004 at 1:32pm
My hair is also low-maintenance. Comb my hair before washing it, which I do once a week (yes, my scalp has adjusted, and it takes the whole week to get kinda oily), and follow-up with conditioner. I don't use much of either product. After thoroughly rinsing out the conditioner, I follow-up with a 1 tablespoon of vinegar diluted in about 1 quart of distilled or purified water.

I braid it daily for work or otherwise. I probably spend about 10-15 minutes a day (combing & braiding), except wash day (almost 1 hour).

That's it. Not too difficult.


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