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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: General Hair Talk
Forum Description: A free wheeling discussion of hair related topics.
Printed Date: July 06 2024 at 6:27am

Posted By: Ozbourne
Date Posted: September 14 2004 at 4:11pm
Hey. I was hoping someone might have an answer i''m desperatley searching for. I am a red headed guy with short, naturally curly hair. My hair is extremely dry and coarse, and even if i use moisture enhancing shampoos, or conditioners (even hot oil treatments) my hair, unfortunately, remains the same. Styling my hair is impossible as gel doesn''t change the appearance uch. Is there any products i can try that would make my hair more manageable, even to allow me to apply a simple style? I have tried john friedas ''friz-ease'', but it had no dramatic affect.

Please help

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: September 14 2004 at 4:26pm
Moisture shampoos and conditioners don't do much. They contain weird chemicals that are supposed to "attract" moisture from... apparently nowhere. Anyway, you'd be a good candidate for one of the following:

(1) CO washing or
(2) Oil treatments.

(1) Shampoo is too drying for some people's hair. "CO" washing means "Conditioner Only".

Curlies get great results with this routine because curly hair dries out so easily-- and it takes a lot to keep curls hydrated. CO washing is done with cheap dollar store conditioners like Suave and V05--Some recommended CO conditioners are the V05 kiwi lime (name? ) and the Suave Clarifying Conditioner with Light Conditioners.

Anyway, you glob on a huge amount and rub it in like you would do with shampoo. Then you rinse it out and use your regular conditioner as a "finish". Rinse again.

It takes awhile for your scalp to adjust to not having a shampoo. Theoretically, shampoo-free people should adjust by about 2 weeks. Some products can cause scalp breakouts and some don't, so experiment with different cheapos and keep track of your results.

(2) Oil treatments

Here's a copy of another post I made about heavy/deep oiling:

Jojoba oil (best), Coconut oil (great and cheaper than jojoba), or Sweet Almond are both found in health food stores or online from soapmaker ingredient websites. Massage it into your hair (use about a teaspoon for every four inches of hair you have) and then leave it in for as long as possible. The oils will seep into your hair for a deep moisture treatment. Showercap it if you like. After an oiling, you'll have to wash it out with your regular shampoo and finish with a conditioner. I've seen a lot less frizz/dryness with this routine.

But... it's best to pick only one. CO washers tend to use lighter oils, and that's still possible, but it's just harder to get out all the oils with only conditioner. And you have short hair, so you don't need the extra oils for the hair length.

Try both and see which one your hair likes best-- good luck and HTH


-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: carameldiva
Date Posted: October 27 2004 at 4:14pm
try shampooing/conditioning with sally's generic version of paul mithcell's tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner. Also try deep conditioning with a product called bone marrow(it can be purchased at sally's) as well. Other products biojoba shampoo by joico and altima conditioner by joico can be purchased at

As anaissatin said you may want to consider conditioner washes daily and shampoo/condition or deep contion bi-weekly that's my routine. I use aussie 3-minute miracle for my daily co's. I too have dry, extremely curly hair, not coarse unless i don't condition at all.

Me and you, your cousin and your momma too rollin on da strip on bow's

Posted By: UP Lisa
Date Posted: October 28 2004 at 1:46pm
I would try Fructis deep conditioner in the little round green container. I have baby-fine hair, so it makes my hair too soft, but I would think it would work great for you.


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