Hi I'm not sure if anyone has any advise but if so its greatly appreciated. My natural hair color is a dark ash or "cool" blonde. A few months back I added a few highlights to virgin hair that came out too gold so I went to a salon. The beautician dyed my hair a dark neutral based blonde. It faded out to a caramel\reddish blonde that looked very harsh with my skintone. I went to another salon I went to a few years back for color correction and was told the color couldn't be removed and still left with too much warmth. Well to make a long story short its 6 months later, I've paid 3 different salons trying to remove or at least neutralize the gold so that I have a normal looking blonde shade and no one has been able to correct anything. I do have excessively oily hair so that doesn't help but the color is fading right back to brassy gold within 1 week and that's with no washing it over the weekend. They kept telling me the color didn't have ammonia so maybe it was demi? But in any event my hair isn't gluey or breaking, shimmer lights hasn't helped. Sorry for the long post but please let me know if anyone has any suggestions on what color to choose or any products that help lock color in thanks!