Well. Long hair in front is good. It gives your face a frame. It's a good idea to look at yourself in the mirror and see what kind of face shape you have. Oval is fantastic. Everything else is generally trying to look like it. So, let's say your face is round. Very long bangs that go beyond your check bones gives that oval shape. If you have a high forehead, bangs are good to cover that. Look for articles on this site that show face sizes and see if you can find your own. If you are looking right now on the advertizement with the blond woman... her forhead is on the highside and the longer bangs frame her face. Bangs = fringes I believe in UK. As far as length? If you are potete...small for the average 17 year old... you want shorter hair... it gives the illusion of height. If you are tall... long hair gives the illusion of shortness. Short hair is ewasier to take care of, yet, has little options as far a style, as long hair has up and downs and half-ups and downs and so on. Most teens have long hair because, generally, ten hair grows fast and can be flaunted in that area, where as you get older the growth cycle can change to shorter. Hairstyles are about compliment. You want your hairstyle to compliment what you already have. If you have really pretty eyes, long bangs can hide them, making them more diesirable to look at, or short bangs can free up the eyes so they are not hiding. The picture above shows two things. High forehead with straight down bangs to hide how high it is and long enough to play with her pretty eyes. Longer hair means not too much mainteneaqnce as far as hairstylists. You still need to go, but, not as often. As you hunt for a nice appealing hairstyle...things to consider. 1. How will you like it? 2. How will everyone else like it 3. How will the girls like it. 4. How will the boys like it. This get's into psychology and sociology. It's not fair to get a hairstyle you like, but no one else likes. 1. You like it... hair care, general appeal 2. Is it appealing to everyone else, because what others think is a reflection on how you feel 3. How the girls like it. Not as reliable. Lot's of psychology. Just because they say or don't like it, doesn't mean it's true 4. Guys... same... but general rule, the more girly the better... Everything here is part of hairstyling. All these things should be considered. The average womens hairstyle... middle length... nape of neck to shoulders gives you more to work with... more styling options and keeps away from the "same ole same ole" Yet, not too long if very long is not an option with you. My personal oppinion, though...
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