The unworthy guy who sees,
A beautiful angel
With such sad eyes
Who just wishes for you
All the best. ***
Those sad eyes
Walking the hallways,
Downcast eyes always
No matter who comes by
Interweaving each person. ***
You are like a stream
Taking the easy way out
Until you are gone
Away from everyone
An invisible character. ***
Such sad eyes
Hidden in a fall of hair
The best friend you have
The locks ever down
In a way that is safe. ***
Always safe…
Can you lift your head?
Can my eyes fathom?
Just to allow a glimpse
Into your soul just once? ***
And see me unworthy? ***
Your hair is your hiding tool
Forever safe within it’s strands
Allowing no one ever
To fathom those depths
That mean everything to me. ***
You need not hide
Those strands only seek
My eyes just to see
The intricate soul underneath
It keeps me in captivate. ***
Please know
Those strands invite
So I see great eyes
That show me the soul
Those framed in hiding stands...
------------- Guys like me notice!