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a little convincing

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Short Hair
Forum Description: Devoted to the special needs of short hair
Printed Date: February 08 2025 at 5:44pm

Topic: a little convincing
Posted By: wayne32
Subject: a little convincing
Date Posted: April 11 2012 at 11:27am
I would so love for my wife of 15 years to have a short hairstyle like she did when we were married.
Her hair is about halfway down here back and in ok condition, but not the best for sure.
I just don't know how to convince her to get it cut much shorter or even talk about it with out her thinking i am displeased with her looks now.
I really think a short cut would suit here and know I loved seeing her with short hair before.
Any ideas? ??
Thank you all.

Posted By: loveshorthair
Date Posted: April 11 2012 at 1:05pm
Been down this road many have to be very careful how you approach it.  I was able to convince my wife to go from waist length hair to a long pixie or short layered was over a long period (not all at once).  I pushed too hard and she rebelled and grew her hair out to shoulder length.  Since then we have worked it to a chin length bob...she won't go any shorter.
I also was able to cut my wife's hair but pushing too hard she has stopped letting me.
I would try using praise - not that you don't look good - but how great her eyes are or face....and how much you would enjoy seeing her in this style because it really brings out your eyes...
Since you have old pics of her with short could comment how great she looked...and find short hair on her really sexy...
Sorry, sort of rambled.  I just wouldn't push too hard and hopefully she will want to do it for you.

Posted By: wayne32
Date Posted: April 11 2012 at 1:59pm
Yes, I did not eve think of the old pics with short hair.
She had a short wedge when we got married, would be out of style by far now.
I would love to see her hair cut and styled to a chin bob with full bangs or similar style.

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