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The Word

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Category: Beauty Talk
Forum Name: Diet Days
Forum Description: A place for sharing ideas, tips and our daily struggles
Printed Date: January 22 2025 at 5:06am

Topic: The Word
Posted By: stevieb
Subject: The Word
Date Posted: April 15 2012 at 11:43am
Just the word diet makes me barf. Sorry! It is hard enough to lose weight on top of all the misleading ads to make money off of your misery. I must admit, I tried a few, but after while the only thing I was losing was my money. 

Posted By: Ericachristina
Date Posted: April 26 2012 at 5:18pm

Yes I agree there are a lot of gimmicks out there for losing weight. Every time I watch late night TV I see commercials for new exercise machines and cooking aides like juicers, or grills that claim to be a healthy way to cook and will help you shed the pounds. Some people say don’t eat carbs, some say don’t eat meat, some people say eat no sugar, and some say count calories and food points.


To be honest diets shouldn’t be called DIEts, they should just encourage a healthy life style. It doesn’t take much to lose weight and if you set your mind to it and you are motivated and focused you can do it without many tools or fad diets. All you have to do is eat healthy, have a balanced diet that is low in fat, sugar and salt; and when I say low I don’t mean deprive yourself just cut back. Keep hydrated and keep active. Work out regularly, do some weight training as it can help you burn more fat and don’t over eat or eat when you are not hungry. Also you shouldn’t starve yourself, eat regular meals and small healthy snacks in-between.


People can lose weight themselves you don’t need to pay monthly fees to join a diet fad...

Posted By: stevieb
Date Posted: April 27 2012 at 11:28am - Ericachristina I couldn't agree with you more. That is what I usually say "eat healthy" and make it a life time commitment instead of creating short time goals. If you need to lose weight, exercise, eat a little less, but know that to keep the weight off, you have to eat healthy all your life. 

Posted By: boconnor
Date Posted: June 12 2012 at 10:31am
I think its easiest to start with small changes one at a time and make them a habit. I realized I wasn't eating nearly enough veggies as I should, so I started bringing them for my afternoon snack at work. I also have made going to the gym a priority and go straight from work so I'm not tempted by comfy couch. Plus, once I'm at the gym I end up staying for close to an hour because I figure I'm already there.

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