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how short is too severe for buzzed nape with bob?

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Short Hair
Forum Description: Devoted to the special needs of short hair
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Topic: how short is too severe for buzzed nape with bob?
Posted By: esmith7713
Subject: how short is too severe for buzzed nape with bob?
Date Posted: August 06 2012 at 12:10pm
My wife wears a very short bob. Lip length and higher in the back, so a good 3 inches at least of exposed nape. Her stylist buzzed it (undercut too) to a 1/4 inch two weeks ago, so of course she's due! I'd love to buzz it with a #1 but with that much nape exposed I'm worried it may be too severe. I've used a 1 before but the bob was longer, maybe only 1.5 - 2 inches of exposed nape.
It's the tactile feeling of the close buzz I love. Her hair is not very coarse so even a #2 doesn't have that much of a bristlely feeling that I love. The #1 does.

She's mid 40's and I'm very lucky she indulges me.

What do you all think?

Posted By: lovebobs
Date Posted: August 06 2012 at 12:21pm
I say to taper it from a #1 into a #2, that would look really good. Do you understand what I mean? By the way you are SUPER LUCKY to have her indulge you, its rare!

Long with BLUNT bangs or ALL cut to lip length, I cant decide my favorite!

Posted By: lovebobs
Date Posted: August 06 2012 at 12:22pm
Can you post a pic?

Long with BLUNT bangs or ALL cut to lip length, I cant decide my favorite!

Posted By: esmith7713
Date Posted: August 06 2012 at 1:47pm
yes, i do know how lucky i am - it's been a long rode but i feel we have grown so much closer as a result.

i do know what you mean about tapering-tho i'm not sure i'm skilled enough to pull it off! any tips?

sorry- i can't post a picture.. not comfortable with that.

Posted By: lovebobs
Date Posted: August 06 2012 at 3:09pm
Does your buzzer have an adjustable blade? if so its pretty simple!

Long with BLUNT bangs or ALL cut to lip length, I cant decide my favorite!

Posted By: esmith7713
Date Posted: August 06 2012 at 3:28pm
no it doesn't. i have an andis ceramic clippers. comes with standard 000 blade and i also have a #1 blade (not a plastic guide but an interchangeable blade). i have the following guides too

Posted By: xxxzvp
Date Posted: August 06 2012 at 4:16pm
Try the #1(1/8"), if she thinks its too short, it should grow to #2(1/4") length in about a week. I know what you mean about the difference in feel between a #1 and a #2. Go for the #1 and a pic from the back would be great. 

Posted By: esmith7713
Date Posted: August 06 2012 at 4:34pm
i really want to do the #1 as it's my favorite length on her - it is only a week -true!

Posted By: xxxzvp
Date Posted: August 06 2012 at 4:51pm
What does she think about going that short? Would she go even shorter, like clipper shaved with the 000 blade? It is really up to her. If she is open to anything, go for it.

Posted By: esmith7713
Date Posted: August 06 2012 at 5:11pm
i definitely would not do the 000 = especially with her bob as short as it is. as i mentioned there's a good 3.5 inches of exposed nape- she would not like that! tho i do like teasing her about shaving it down to the skin-but honestly i don't like that either- as i mentioned i love the bristle feeling of the #1. i'm just not sure how it will look with that much exposed.

Posted By: Ginny Skinny
Date Posted: August 07 2012 at 7:34pm
I will echo the above posts and congratulate you on having a partner that is willing to play along.
My advice would be to build her trust by making minimal, subtle changes while building your trimming skills. Don't risk turning her off to the whole thing by rushing it.
Once it's become somewhat routine, maybe schedule a long weekend or week out of town and see if she will let you get a little more "radical" when she knows she won't have to see anyone she knows until she's had a chance for some regrowth. Not that it won't look good to folks like us but she'll be worried about what  friends and family will think of a more "extreme" look. Take it slow and have fun.

Posted By: esmith7713
Date Posted: August 08 2012 at 7:29am
ginny- great advice. that would be the perfect solution- now if only we could get away!

Posted By: xxxzvp
Date Posted: August 15 2012 at 7:57am
What did you/she decide?

Posted By: esmith7713
Date Posted: August 15 2012 at 12:31pm
i ended up trying the taper as suggested. i first used the
1/4, up the entire nape thru the undercut. then used the 3/16 for the lower part but of course said the hell with it and buzzed the entire nape with the 3/16, then the lower part with the 1/8th. looks good but still not the same as doing the entire thing with the 1/8. i also did not go close enough to the long hair where it was pinned up. i'd really like to make a neat clean distinction between the buzzed part and the longer hair. maybe next time. my hesitation is she's scheduled for a cut in 3 weeks and i wonder what the stylist things- she did the undercut first herself but obviously knows it's being trimmed in between!

Posted By: xxxzvp
Date Posted: August 18 2012 at 8:34am
If you want a clear distinction between the buzzed nape and longer hair, try under cutting the nape about an inch up underneath the longer hair. My wife used to have a heavy weight line cut, and I would trim it on occasion and thats what I did. It gave that clean step you are looking for. As for what will the stylist think, who cares. If she asks, tell her you gave your wife a trim, no big deal.

Posted By: esmith7713
Date Posted: August 18 2012 at 11:31am
actually, she does have an undercut. the hair is buzzed well up high under her longer hair - well above her occipital bone. i was referring to where the buzzed part meets the unbuzzed part. i did not go right to that line but kind of pulled away the clippers as it went up her scalp towards the longer pinned up hair. i really like that clean look - where it's buzzed right to the pinned up hair. that's what i was referring to.

Posted By: esmith7713
Date Posted: September 19 2012 at 9:52am
update - my wife got her haircut last friday and it looks great - just above lip length, slightly angled so it's a good 3 inches of exposed nape. of course i told her i needed to buzz the nape shorter than what the stylist cut it. she let me do it yesterday.

i carefully pinned up all her hair in back and on sides and this time i went for it. i used the number one blade attachment (andis) not a #1 guide (i've learned the real removable blades cut shorter than the corresponding clip on ones). Using the #1 I shaved all the way up to the pinned up long hair and all the way around the tops of the ears, basically tracing the same path the stylist took. it is SHORT -very short - so short that i'm feeling i went a bit too far. i mean it even looks short to me!!   the exposed part already caught the eye of my kid so i know it's very noticeable. i love the tactile feeling of the #1 much more than even a #2. the 1 is more stubble, while the 2 is 'softer'. i guess her hair is not too coarse. i also love the look of where the buzzed hair 'meets' the longer, pinned up hair. this time i carefully shaved right up to this line.

i wanted to update everyone and also acknowledge publicly that i need to reign this in! it's not fair to her. next time will be just a #2 with a slight taper and won't go as high.

Posted By: lovebobs
Date Posted: September 20 2012 at 8:21am
Can you post a rear pic?

Long with BLUNT bangs or ALL cut to lip length, I cant decide my favorite!

Posted By: gendolly
Date Posted: November 07 2012 at 8:34am
I think it has to be a personal choice whether you use the #1 which is 1/8th inch or the #2, which is 1/4th inch. 

I would love to see photos of the finished look.  Will that ever be an option?

When done properly buzzed napes look great with a bob.


Posted By: gbruenning
Date Posted: May 30 2014 at 12:57pm
Can someone give me a name of popular celebrity who has type of cut? 


Posted By: gendolly
Date Posted: May 30 2014 at 12:59pm
Zayn Malik from One Direction has a buzzed nape and although his haircuts haven't been traditional bobs, if he let his hair grow longer while keeping the current buzzed look, he could potentially have a short bob.  Do you agree or not?

His hair may be too heavily textured for a traditional bob, so that might be an issue.

I can't think of any celebs right now with this look, except maybe Miley Cyrus?  Thoughts?


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