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What Do You Do With Your Friends?

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Category: General
Forum Name: Friendship Forum
Forum Description: Make friends, post about off topics unrelated to hair or beauty but please keep it friendly.
Printed Date: March 13 2025 at 2:08pm

Topic: What Do You Do With Your Friends?
Posted By: chx2013
Subject: What Do You Do With Your Friends?
Date Posted: January 30 2013 at 11:41pm
What is your favorite thing to do with your friends?

Do you play video games together, hang out at somewhere together or do sports? What do you like to do?

Posted By: Ericachristina
Date Posted: January 31 2013 at 5:50pm
Well my friends and I never get together to watch sports...and we don't play video games but usually we have girls nights. We usually get together go to dinner if we are drinking we sometimes rent a limo and then we may head to a nice club or lounge. When sex and the city came out (the first movie) we rented a limo went to dinner and to the movie and then out dancing afterwards. Sometimes we rent a hotel downtown and just stay there for the night.

In the summer we go down to Niagara Falls Canada and party down there.

Sometimes we go on small road trips like to Montreal or Even up to blue mountains skii resort and spa. Other times we go away for a week and stay in some resort, for instance I've went to Nassau with my friends.

Sometimes I plan get togethers at my house and we have a girls night, we may use the hot tub and stay in do facials watch movies and usually talk non stop.

We do a lot, I love unwinding with my friends.


Posted By: imakitty
Date Posted: February 12 2013 at 3:58pm
We like to partayyyy!

But usually we just watch movies or go shopping together. :)

Posted By: wiliamrich4
Date Posted: January 28 2014 at 10:26pm
I like to play with my friends. We usually play basketball and enjoy. Also sometimes we go on small trips and for shopping.

Posted By: Dayla
Date Posted: April 06 2014 at 3:23pm
We go shopping or go to someone's house to watch movies. Or we do each others hair!

Posted By: rigato
Date Posted: May 15 2014 at 6:56am
We all have very busy days so the best thing is to come together in someomes appartment, sit, talk, drink and have fun

Posted By: kathrynrico9
Date Posted: April 19 2015 at 1:32am
We go for hang outs to enjoy ourselves.

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