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What`s Worked for Me!

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Hair Loss
Forum Description: Support group for those suffering from hair loss.
Printed Date: June 18 2024 at 8:40am

Topic: What`s Worked for Me!
Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Subject: What`s Worked for Me!
Date Posted: November 03 2002 at 6:09pm
I am a 42 yr. old woman, and after 3 yrs. of dealing with thinning hair, I have figured out a combination of options that have turned the loss around! Nearly all are what your body needs to develop and maintain itself (no suprise there).
In `99 I noticed my hair was starting to look like the example pics on the Rogaine 2% box: when parted down the middle, it was noticably thin on either side. I read about and added the following nutritional supplements into my diet:
>A protein powder: Nature`s Plus brand Super Green Pro-96. Blended with a couple frozen strawberries helps the taste...
I settled on NOW brand supplements, `cos I feel they have the most value (potency) for your $$.
>Silica >Biotin >Kelp >Inositol >MSM
>Borage Oil >L-Lysine >B-Complex
I applied Rogaine 2%, but with no results after 4 months. Since the box listed side effects, and I was ultimately after health, I decided to quit wasting my money.
I bought and still use Nioxin shampoo/scalp therapy/NX 3 Follicle Booster. I found these to be excellent products, reduced shedding to minimal, and leaves your hair looking great!
After 6 diffferent hair stylists, I finally found one who understands how I want my hair cut--she can actually trim my hair the way I want it to look. She gets a decent tip every time.
One day a book title caught my eye: `What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Pre-Menopause` by John R. Lee MD. He discussed how in the yrs. preceeding menopause production of a hormone, Progesterone, which compliments and balances the hormone Estrogen, starts to fall off and estrogen becomes the dominant hormone in a woman`s body. Some signs of Estrogen Dominance: PMS, irritability, depression, headaches, breast tenderness, water retention, fat gain around stomach, hips and thighs, irregular periods, and...and...Hair Loss! I saw myself in nearly every symptom. Here`s a quote from that book and it really makes sense: "When progesterone levels fall...the body responds by increasing its` production of the adrenal cortical steroid Androstenedione. This steroid conveys some androgenic (male-like) properties, in this case hair loss. When progesterrone levels are raised by a progesterone transdermal cream, the androstenedione level will gradually fall, and your normal hair growth will eventually resume. Since hair growth is a slow process, it may take 4-6 months for the effects to become apparent." Wow!
I added progesterone cream to my plan in April `02 and it works!! The areas that showed thinning are starting to come back. My scalp is less visable, and in general my hair feels thicker, looks better!! More importantly, low progesterone/estrogen dominance is a serious health risk for women. It can bring on some serious, serious disease concerns. This low progesterone/ high estrogen process can start in your mid-20`s. So please everyone, take a look at this book. It details major
health issues no women can afford to ignore. And, it`ll grow your hair too! I noticed a sense of calm the first time I used it too-- balancing the hormones, you know. The Progesterone cream I use is made by Emerita brand and is called Pro-gest Body Cream. 2- 2oz tubes in a box for $40 and they last about 3 months. You apply 1/4 tsp. to the skin (on places that rarely see the sunlight) for maximum absorption twice a day for 21 days, then lay off for a week. I would definately recommend reading this book.

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: February 09 2003 at 11:02am
Dear Kensingtonn,
So glad to have seen your comments. We have much in common. I, as well, am a 42 year-old woman who noticed in Feb '02 my hair had greatly thinned. Due to my age I did not associate it with menapause until I started having hotflashes in March. Over the next four months I saw many doctors but they were of little help. I found Dr. Lee's book and began the progesterone cream in October. In January I noticed a reduction of the thinning process and by February noticed some slight regrowth. I have also combined this with a vitamin nutrient supplement similiar to yours (nature's plus "ultra hair" vitamin supplement, biotin, silica and flaxseed oil). However, I have only done this for a month so I don't expect to see results for awhile.

As you are a little farther along in this process and it has been a several months since you posted your note, I was wondering how the progress was going? As I have only been doing the cream for four months I didn't know if the hairloss reduces more and if I can expect the regrowth to get more significant?

Thanks for posting!

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: July 31 2003 at 6:20am

I realized only after reading this ... that when I was pregnant I was not making enough dr put me on a suppliment of progesterone...that is the only time in my life that my hair was long AND thick...what a thing...I would have never guessed..well of I go to gnc to get some son is 4 now andd my hair is once again short and thin...I whis I had realized this before... thanks

Posted By: Mylissa
Date Posted: July 31 2003 at 1:22pm
Is progesterone available w/out a prescription? I'm thinking not? Just curious...not because I'm thinking of taking it...just one of those questions that popped into my mind


Posted By: bluebee
Date Posted: August 03 2003 at 11:34am
I was thinking the same an RX needed? Are blood tests done? Or can the cream be bought OTC?

I've had thinning hair-since my 20's, I'm 43 now. Whenever I've had blood testing done, everything is always in the acceptable limits. Anything in particular to check?

I'm seeing my doc next month and would like to talk to her about this.

I will look for that book too.

Do you still take the supplements?


Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: August 05 2003 at 12:25am
hi! Do you use progesterone cream on the scalp or take a supplement? Thanks!!

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