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human summer moulting?

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Hair Loss
Forum Description: Support group for those suffering from hair loss.
Printed Date: September 27 2024 at 6:17pm

Topic: human summer moulting?
Posted By: manda
Subject: human summer moulting?
Date Posted: June 04 2003 at 2:41pm
Is it possible for humans to moult like animals e.g. cats when it's hot out?

My hair's started shedding more than usual, since it got warm over here (doesnt happen much in Britain). It sheds mostly when I wash it, although probably not more than 130 hairs, it still scared me. My hair is pretty thick, and doesnt look any different from usual when it's dry. It's shoulder length and quite easily tangled, but I'm pretty sure this is more than just tangled hair that has previously come out shedding in the bath.

It's not coming out in massive clumps or anything, and doesn't do it when it's dry. I've heard of the talogen phase or something, when you just shed hair for a period.

Any info would be welcome, thanks.

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: June 04 2003 at 3:21pm
Hi Manda

We had a mini heatwave in London last week which has been building up for a while.

Anyway, I am definitely undergoing an early summer moult. Losing about 50 hairs a day which is more than my usual 15-20.

Unless you are ill or have changed your diet, I wouldn't worry. It should get back to normal in due course.

Hope that helps.



Posted By: manda
Date Posted: June 05 2003 at 11:20am
Thanks Uzma,

I talked to a few people today and they said that they've lost more hair since it got hot down here, so I'm not so freaked out.

Thanks for your reply

(and heat in britain? i nearly dropped dead of shock, didnt you?)

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: June 05 2003 at 12:19pm
Bring on the heat

All I want to shed is clothes - not hair!!!!

Hope you enjoy the beautiful summertime, Manda.




Posted By: manda
Date Posted: June 05 2003 at 2:36pm
Thanks, you too!

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