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Starting to Worry

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Hair Loss
Forum Description: Support group for those suffering from hair loss.
Printed Date: June 16 2024 at 11:08pm

Topic: Starting to Worry
Posted By: Kuroneko
Subject: Starting to Worry
Date Posted: June 20 2003 at 10:11am
For a long time I made excuses for the amount of hair I've been losing, everything from stress, to the wrong shampoo, to denying it's happening at all. But lately I've been losing startling amounts every time I wash my hair, and I'm starting to notice visible thinning, especially at the front hairline and crown, even though I'm fairly young and a woman.
I've recently been taking supplements I heard should help hair loss, including the most complete multivitamins I could find, L-Lysine, Biotin, Flax and Evening Primrose oils, and most recently (in desperation) Saw Palmetto, but nothing has seemed to help much so far.
Combining the hair loss with the fact I'm tired a lot and my weight hasn't budged in four or five years even if I try to eat less, exercise, and get more calcium and water in my diet, I wonder if I might have a thyroid problem. Unfortunately, I haven't been to have it checked out yet, because I can't get anyone to take me seriously! So far all I've gotten was one person telling me even if it were my thyroid, fixing it wouldn't magically make me drop the weight, and another who thinks it's all a joke.
For the first thing, how do I get people to take me seriously on this and actually get the tests done? And for the second thing, if I do get tested and it is my thyroid, would treating it likely help my problems like hair loss, lethargy, and inability to lose weight, or would it just be another thing I'd hang all my hopes on and be disappointed?

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: June 22 2003 at 1:09am

I am so sorry about your situation.

Please go to your health practitioner and get the tests done.
My sister and a good friend both have thyroid problems.
My friend has an under-active thyroid gland and prior to diagnosis and treatment she was so tired all the time that she actually fell on the street a couple of time, once breaking her jaw!!
My friend also had hair loss and was unable to reduce her weight.
After about 3 months of treatment, she was like a new woman. The treatment does make a significant difference to your physical (and hence mental) condition.

Unfortunately, some people will not take another's suffering seriously.
Good and true friends should support you and help you, not think you are making excuses.
Please ignore the people who are not supporting you and get yourself diagnosed.
It could be something other than your thyroid and may be very easy to remedy.

Best of luck,


Posted By: Debbie
Date Posted: June 22 2003 at 5:21pm

There is more to life than hair...Come on---Go get a life!!!!!!!

Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: June 23 2003 at 5:13am
Well, I haven't fallen over on the street yet, but I have been sleeping a lot, so much that I dread naps now. I know if I try to nap, even if I set the alarm for half an hour or an hour, I'll sleep six or eight. . . even if I slept six or eight at night before. . . A lot of times I'll just be writing and lose concentration and nod off in the middle of the work :-( . I'm so antiproductive lately.

Posted By: Debbie
Date Posted: June 23 2003 at 12:47pm


There is more to life than hair...Come on---Go get a life!!!!!!!

Posted By: bluebee
Date Posted: June 26 2003 at 9:53am
MAny of your symptoms sound like PCOS "Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome" as well. My daughter has it. Not dx'd but more than likely I have it, my mom too, and my niece is being checked for it.

Theres a post about it in this forum...tiltled "For those who have consulted a doctor" (I think, if not exact, pretty close)

Do some reading up on it. When you go in to see your doc, tell them that you've heard of PCOS and wonder if you could have that. They may refer you to an endocrinologist.


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