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Hair Loss Due To Sunburn (Please Read)

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Hair Loss
Forum Description: Support group for those suffering from hair loss.
Printed Date: September 28 2024 at 10:27pm

Topic: Hair Loss Due To Sunburn (Please Read)
Posted By: Rybad
Subject: Hair Loss Due To Sunburn (Please Read)
Date Posted: September 02 2004 at 2:15am
First off let me start off by saying I am a 19 year old male, none of the males in my family have ever been bald or had a hair loss problem. Baldness does not run in my family.

Now onto my problem. About a year ago I went on a trip to an amusement park during the summer, and I got my head shaved the night before I left. It was a really close crop, I was basically bald with just a little stubble on my head. I just wanted something different for the summer so I would't have to worry about my hair. It turned out to be one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made. Stupid me I forgot to bring a hat and it was extremely hot that day and I was exposed to the sun for a long period of time. Needless to say I came home that night with a horrible sunburn on the top of my head. The next day the pain was terrible and it the skin was bubbly. It was a severe sunburn. I dealt with the pain and didn't think about the effect it might have on my hair. Within the next few weeks when my hair started to grow back I noticed it was much thinner on the top and growing in patchy. I figured over time it would heal and correct itself, but after a few months no new hair filled in the spots. My hair wasn't growing in right.

As I said its been over a year now, and the hair still grows in patchy on the crown of my head where the sunburn was. I've seen a dermatologist but all he did was subscribe me Rogain, which is for NATURAL hair loss, which I don't have. He wasn't really interested in listening to my story, and just wrote it off as a normal case of hair loss.

This is an extreme strain on my mental health and is constantly bothering me. Does anyone know if my hair will eventually grow back, or is it possible my hair follicles were permanately damaged? Is there any natural treatment anyone knows of to heal my scalp and regrow the lost hair? I'm sorry for the long post but I wanted to make sure everyone understood my situation.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Posted By: Debbie
Date Posted: September 02 2004 at 9:18am
I know what stress and worry can do to hair! You say that none of your people are bald by nature? I have never heard of being sunburned burning your hair out of the scalp. This may sound bizarre but have you been to a phychologist (sp) about this? I know that stress (and worry) can make your hair fall out and make your hair NOT grow! You may want to get a 2nd opinion on the dermotologist (sp) also! It never hurts for a 2nd or even a 3rd opinion! I hope your hair returns! Good luck to ya. Debbie

There is more to life than hair...Come on---Go get a life!!!!!!!

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: November 12 2004 at 12:07am
wellof course sun burn can cause hairloss.
Ever see Chemo patinets. It frys there skin from the inside out.
The sun is a free radical and damages the skin.
My advice is to use aloe vera plant spariling for alittle bit and see if there's any resultsand Dermotlogist are idiots
I waited one year to see one and they have no answers.
They just give you stuff that has alcohol in it that drys out your skin more.
My advice si find a dermatlogist that will listen to you.

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