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Constant Hair loss 4 years now :(

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Hair Loss
Forum Description: Support group for those suffering from hair loss.
Printed Date: September 27 2024 at 6:26pm

Topic: Constant Hair loss 4 years now :(
Posted By: mbhames
Subject: Constant Hair loss 4 years now :(
Date Posted: February 04 2005 at 12:04am
Oh! we must be sisters somehow. I too have fine hair, I was always told by hairdressers that my hair is fine but I have a lot of it, well 4 years ago it absolutley started falling everywhere, evenly, to this day it hasn't stopped & my hair is HALF the thickness than it used to be :( I've been tested for thyroids, nutrient, ever disease, you name it & I don't have female pattern hairloss (starts to receed like a mans) it's all even and it doesn't run in my family...frustrating! No doctor has an answer for me & my hair is very noticable thin no whereas it used to just be fine. I lose the long hairs and the short hairs that are trying to grow back. I understand how awful this is for you as this has caused me much greif. Next step I'll try a dermatologist as I'm thinking maybe I have some scalp condition?? who knows, I suggest you go to your doc first & rule out the diseases & conditions taht can cause this then take it from there. I'll keep you posted if anything works for me, likewise if anything works for you let me know!

Posted By: Cold_lil_kittie
Date Posted: February 04 2005 at 4:37am
hiya... well i sorta feel where ur coming from.. my hair up till about um a year ago used to be so thick... and now its finer and not so thick... my hair dresser said its fine that i have no blad spots ect... that to lose 50-hairs a day is normal... but to me it still seems weird. I haven't been tested for all the things u have... had my thyroid tested last like 5 years ago it was fine then. but they only change ive had in my life wich i know its not something small is my stress level has risin.. and my scalp is dry but where i live the weather does that.. I lose the long hairs seems to be a lot for awhile now.. but i did learn something from my hair dresser if u have long hair ur supposed to brush it from the bottom up... (didnt know maybe u had long hair and didnt know cause i didnt).

Im only 23.. there isn't any female baldness in my family.. that i know if and it's pretty big fam. i'll let you know if i find anything out or something that works i just started taking a new vitamins suppl.


Posted By: Cathy Brown
Date Posted: February 10 2005 at 7:18am
mbhames....your story is exactly the same as mine. My hair just started falling out and thinning for no apparent reason. I have some small bald spots around the hairline. I have been to every type of doctor there is who could possibly help to no avail. I want to see if I can get hair extensions but I would need someone who has delt with thinning hair. I can't find anyone as of yet.

If anyone reading this know if someone with thinning hair can have extensions please email me at thank you!


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