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Afraid of salons

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: June 18 2024 at 6:28am

Topic: Afraid of salons
Posted By: Hair Fiddler
Subject: Afraid of salons
Date Posted: November 17 2003 at 9:14am
Hi everyone. I am looking for some helpful advice. All my life I wanted long hair. I had to fight most of my childhood to keep it at a medium length. My mom wanted it short. But now I am older and I can have it the way I want, and she doesnt really say anything to me about it anymore. It is about BSL right now.
Here's my story:
Last June, I decided to get some highlights in my hair (yes, I wanted the Jennifer Aniston color), and I went to a stylist that had cut my hair 2 times prior to that. The salon seemed really upscale, and the stylist seemed good. I liked the haircuts she gave. Well, the stylist started putting on the bleach starting on the front of my hair. I was actually coughing because the smell was so strong. It was overpowering. As it turned out, my front highlights were very damaged, and broke off. Now, my hair which had once been all one length with a few long layers at the bottom, was now one length with ugly short broken strands right at my face! The color of the highlights was no where near J.A.'s color, it was the color of a skunk! The real kicker about this is that I paid over $100 for the pleasure of this experience, and the salon owner wouldnt give me my money back. She was such a witch! She gave me a bottle of Redken's heat treat, and told me it was my fault because I used a flat iron!!!! This is not the case at all. My hair was so healthy!
Anyway, now it is November, and I feel like i should get a trim. I really dont know how to go about doing this. My husband said he'd do it, but he's never done anything like that before. I really dont have a friend who I feel comfortable doing this. And there are no "long hair" salons that I know of in Michigan. I just want like half an inch trimmed, but I am afraid they'll screw it up and take more.

I would say that most of my hair in general is in pretty good condition, and it is not necessary to chop it all off, although it could use a trim. I use deep conditioners all the time, and never blow dry. I have since colored over the bad highlights, and now my hair is a nice medium brown. I only use a flat iron on work days. I have been using the search and destroy method of cutting off damaged ends. But the short pieces in front are getting on my nerves! I could cut bangs, and it would all be taken care of, but I'm not sure I want to do this beacuse it took me so long to grow them out! Plus I have a small cowlick right there, and with bangs, this really acts up! Should I just keep trying to blend them in like I have been doing? Also, how do I get a trim without being scared to death? I really do not like going to salons-and never have.

Any helpful advice would be really appreciated. I am so glad I found this board!

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: November 17 2003 at 6:06pm
Trust your husband. Get him one of the home haircutting books ore videos and have him watch it a few times before he picks up the scissors. I have been trimming my wife's hair and the hair of a couple friends' hair that is long enough to sit on. No complaints, no scissor happy stylist to fight with and the price is right. Believe me, you will be glad you did. Say goodbye to salon torute for good!!!!

Posted By: Sophie
Date Posted: November 17 2003 at 7:38pm
Hi Hair Fiddler, where in Michigan are you? You can Bmail me if you don't want to say...I'm in Northwest Michigan. See my website if you like.

We have helped many clients grow their hair out in our salon. all I can say is I understand where your coming from...we see clents everyday that have had a bad salon experience.

Is it a ceramic Iron that you use?

Sophie -

Posted By: Jenna
Date Posted: November 17 2003 at 8:21pm
Hey Sophie, is there any way she can report the salon and get her money back? It seems that should be illegal. You may know the rules better since you're a stylist yourself.


Posted By: Sophie
Date Posted: November 17 2003 at 8:49pm
She can report the salon to the Stateboard...I don't know that that will get her money back. They will be inspected and that may not even mean anything. The better Business Bureau(sp). No business likes that.

Then of course there is always small claims court.

Sophie -

Posted By: Hair Fiddler
Date Posted: November 18 2003 at 7:14pm
Thank you for your responses. After mulling it over some more, I decided I will go a bit longer before I trim. I think I will go with Bill's advice and let my husband try it. Bill, do you have any recommendations for books or videos?
Sophie, thanks for posting. I dont live anywhere around you, although we have gone on vacation numerous times to Traverse. When we go again, I would really like to book an appointment with you. From reading your responses, you seem like my dream stylist-very caring about what the client wants, and pro-long hair. It may be a while before we go on vacation, but when we do, I will be certain to give your salon a call and book an appointment. Thanks.


Posted By: Tap Dancer
Date Posted: November 19 2003 at 11:27am
Here's a great website that teaches you how to trim your own hair: -

Check it out. And good luck!

[IMG]" />

Posted By: Sophie
Date Posted: November 19 2003 at 2:06pm
Good luck Fiddler. I would love to see you anytime....Let us know how it goes.

Even if you don't need a trim, stop in and say hi...Cheers

Sophie -

Posted By: Sophie
Date Posted: November 19 2003 at 2:31pm
Oh....I have to tell you...My hubby trimmed an inch off of the back of my hair this summer on the He did a great job. Although I have to say that my inch is different than his. ....Isn't there a joke about that or something???...

I'll give you afew pointers...

The better the sheers, the better he will be able to
cut a straight line.

Stand in front of him...stand up straight, and look straight down to your toes.
Wet hair, combed down straight and smooth...start in the middle and work to each side.

Sophie -

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: November 23 2003 at 6:47pm
Hello Hair Fiddler,

Sorry to hear that the salon fried the front of your hair. Others here have offered some very good suggestions. The only thing I can think to suggest is if you go to a salon, firmly tell the stylist that you want to grow your hair to the floor and only want 1/4 inch trimmed. That way, if his/her "1/4 inch" is as much as an inch, you'll be okay. And even if/though you have no intent to grow your hair anywhere near that long, it'll help set the perspective of the stylist in case they don't understand that you want only 1/4" trimmed.

Good luck, and let us know what happens as time progresses.


Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: November 24 2003 at 10:15am
Hair Fiddler, one video that was pretty good was EZ Home Cuts by James. It had multiple haircuts on it which included a long hair trim. One book I picked up several years was How to Cut Your Own or Anybody Else's Hair by Bob Bent. Also check out Amazon or do a search on google. Read the reviews. And be sure your husband takes off on a small amount the first couple times. A quarter inch is plenty for the first time. If necessary take another 1/8 you cut trim more but you cannot uncut it. I usually have my wife stand in the kitchen, I spritz her hair with a mister then I pin up most of it up in sections with a clip. I comb it forward, then trim straight across using a comb as a guide. I let down a little more and use the already trimmed hair as a guide. For the bangs, I comb them straight up and just trim them even across the top. She receives a lot of compliments on her hair, and even a couple coworkers have asked if I would do theirs too. I had to turn down one woman though. She had gorgeous blond, wavy hair past her elbows. I thought she wanted just a trim, but she wanted it bobbed! I told her it was too beautiful, it was her hair to do what she wanted with, but I couldn't chop off all her beautiful hair. I just could not bring myself to do it.
Good luck to your husband in keeping his lady looking fine. And you too in your efforts in growing out your beautiful long hair.

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: November 25 2003 at 6:15am
Originally posted by Bill W Bill W wrote:

I had to turn down one woman though. She had gorgeous blond, wavy hair past her elbows. I thought she wanted just a trim, but she wanted it bobbed! I told her it was too beautiful, it was her hair to do what she wanted with, but I couldn't chop off all her beautiful hair. I just could not bring myself to do it.

I once found myself in this exact same situation... and felt the same way.


Posted By: enfys
Date Posted: November 25 2003 at 1:01pm
Good for you!
I wish I knew more people like the ones on this forum in real life. You know that "You'd be more popular if you cut your hair into a bob" What the hell? Like I care.

Why does no one in my pocket of Wales appreciate long hair?

------------- -
Ah-ha, a place I can soon add hair pics...once I do some

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: November 30 2003 at 4:26pm
Originally posted by enfys enfys wrote:

You know that "You'd be more popular if you cut your hair into a bob" What the hell?

Hmm... it sounds to me like another of the innumerable vapid encouragements from a short hair fan. Why is it that I never hear of people who have and appreciate long hair possessors use such vapid encouragements to urge the short-haired to grow long? Could it be that all longhairs are sensitive to and respectful of others' hair choices, whereas some percentage of short hair fans are not?

Originally posted by enfys enfys wrote:

Why does no one in my pocket of Wales appreciate long hair?

Are there a lot of sheep in your neck of the woods... er, grasslands there in Wales?


Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: December 06 2003 at 11:48am
I am in a similar situation. I have cut, permed, colored (and many other bad things to my hair) over time. Well a year ago I decieded that I was going to grow my hair out. I stopped going to a salon entirely, because my stylist INSISTS I look better with short hair. And always manages to convince me to keep it short. Smooth talker! Anyway, I didn't go to a salon in a year and just let it grow (ever so slowly - I average about 1/4 to 1/2 an inch a month) I kept coloring it however and then one day decieded it has been a year I will try a new salon. Well WHAT A GREAT EXPERIENCE! the stylist is very pro long hair. I had started taking hair vitamins about a month before my salon visit and my hair grew an inch that month! I was excited and ready and she was great. She convinced me to stop lightening my hair and keep it my natural color and to continue using the products I had been using (redken all soft) even though her salon didn't sell it. She said the product was excellent and to continue with it because it was working and my hair wasn't looking to bad for everything I had done to it. she cut an inch and said for me to return in 6 weeks for another trim of 1/2 an inch and we would continue on that schedule of 1/2 inch every six weeks. When she was done you could not even tell that she had cut an inch off. Somewhow with the style she gave me it looked LONGER! Go figure. I had never been so happy. So six weeks later (and another inch and a half odff growth) I really needed my trim and scheduled my appointment and added a deep conditioning treatment. I get to the salon and she is out sick so they give me to someone else. OK - so here is the problem - this lady told me that if I went with about an inch to an inch and a half then I could extend my time till the next visit since I will be very busy with work, school and holidays. (something inside told me to reschedule and waait for the dream stylist I had found - but it was a week before thanksgiving and family was coming into town - and I wouldn't be able to get back there for at least 3 weeks -so I forged ahead) I told her I wasn't really interested in cutting more than an inch if she could keep it half an inch to an inch that would be fine though. Well needless to say I couldn't see how much she was cutting of the back but once she got to the side it was over 2 inches! Not only that she told me their shampoo and conditioner would put more shine to my hair I figured at $36 per bottle it had to be good so I bought it. Well I let her know she cut more than I wanted but the cut came out beautiful, so I figured no big deal I'll have the length back in 2 months. But here is my problem it has only been 2 weeks and I have split ends ALL OVER the place. I atribute it to the shampoo & conditioner (it is Aveda curresence or something like that) I only used it twice in the first week and noticed all the split ends and trimmed them myself and went back to redken and haven't had split ends in the last week so I know it has to be the shampoo & conditioner. My question is will they take it back? I like other products from Aveda that I wouldn't even mind exchanging it for - or even if I got a credit since I will be going back to my ORIGINAL stylist - but does anyone know if a salon takes back shampoo and conditioner if it doesn't work and they are the ones that recomended it? I am so disappointed this hair cut cost me over 2 inches and split ends! AHH I feel like I will never get my long hair - it is just grazing my shoulders now. Maybe in another year it will be where I want it.

Posted By: Tap Dancer
Date Posted: December 06 2003 at 1:30pm

I'm sorry to hear about your split end problem. Every salon is different, so you'll have to ask if they'll take back the products. I think a lot of the better salons would, though. Good luck!

[IMG]" />

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: December 16 2003 at 8:31pm
Hi Maria! I'd like to intersperse comments... is that okay?

Originally posted by Maria Maria wrote:

I am in a similar situation. I have cut, permed, colored (and many other bad things to my hair) over time. Well a year ago I decieded that I was going to grow my hair out. I stopped going to a salon entirely, because my stylist INSISTS I look better with short hair. And always manages to convince me to keep it short. Smooth talker!

Hmmm... they insisted that you look better with short hair... that may (or even may not be) their actual asthetic preference, but their insistence on the infallability of their subjective opinion is merely a hard sell. (the harder it is to talk somebody out of what they believe and/or know to be the truth, the harder the sales pitch).
Originally posted by Maria Maria wrote:

Anyway, I didn't go to a salon in a year and just let it grow (ever so slowly - I average about 1/4 to 1/2 an inch a month) I kept coloring it however and then one day decieded it has been a year I will try a new salon. Well WHAT A GREAT EXPERIENCE! the stylist is very pro long hair. I had started taking hair vitamins about a month before my salon visit and my hair grew an inch that month! I was excited and ready and she was great. She convinced me to stop lightening my hair and keep it my natural color and to continue using the products I had been using (redken all soft) even though her salon didn't sell it. She said the product was excellent and to continue with it because it was working and my hair wasn't looking to bad for everything I had done to it. she cut an inch and said for me to return in 6 weeks for another trim of 1/2 an inch and we would continue on that schedule of 1/2 inch every six weeks. When she was done you could not even tell that she had cut an inch off. Somewhow with the style she gave me it looked LONGER! Go figure. I had never been so happy.

Super! You were blessed to find a great stylist.
Originally posted by Maria Maria wrote:

So six weeks later (and another inch and a half odff growth) I really needed my trim and scheduled my appointment and added a deep conditioning treatment. I get to the salon and she is out sick so they give me to someone else. OK - so here is the problem - this lady told me that if I went with about an inch to an inch and a half then I could extend my time till the next visit since I will be very busy with work, school and holidays.

Uh oh...
Originally posted by Maria Maria wrote:

(something inside told me to reschedule and waait for the dream stylist I had found - but it was a week before thanksgiving and family was coming into town - and I wouldn't be able to get back there for at least 3 weeks -so I forged ahead)

Must... learn... to trust... gut... instinct...
Originally posted by Maria Maria wrote:

I told her I wasn't really interested in cutting more than an inch if she could keep it half an inch to an inch that would be fine though. Well needless to say I couldn't see how much she was cutting of the back but once she got to the side it was over 2 inches! Not only that she told me their shampoo and conditioner would put more shine to my hair I figured at $36 per bottle it had to be good so I bought it. Well I let her know she cut more than I wanted but the cut came out beautiful, so I figured no big deal I'll have the length back in 2 months. But here is my problem it has only been 2 weeks and I have split ends ALL OVER the place. I atribute it to the shampoo & conditioner (it is Aveda curresence or something like that) I only used it twice in the first week and noticed all the split ends and trimmed them myself and went back to redken and haven't had split ends in the last week so I know it has to be the shampoo & conditioner.

Are the split ends at the ends, or scattered throughout? If only at the ends, she may have used dull scissors on your hair. (This stylist sounds like an evil person to me).
Originally posted by Maria Maria wrote:

My question is will they take it back? I like other products from Aveda that I wouldn't even mind exchanging it for - or even if I got a credit since I will be going back to my ORIGINAL stylist - but does anyone know if a salon takes back shampoo and conditioner if it doesn't work and they are the ones that recomended it?

I don't know the protocol in such situations, but I would guess that if you used a noticeable amount of the product that they would be likely to refuse to accept your return of the product, even for store credit.
Originally posted by Maria Maria wrote:

I am so disappointed this hair cut cost me over 2 inches and split ends! AHH I feel like I will never get my long hair - it is just grazing my shoulders now. Maybe in another year it will be where I want it.

I feel badly for you. But I think you know what to say, next time your fave stylist is out ("No thanks, I'll come back when I can see her!").

If it's of any consolation, many of us have been in a similar situation, where we've had a trim request ignored and the stylist has cut off much more than was requested.

Hang in there!


Posted By: Ally
Date Posted: December 29 2003 at 8:22am
Maria, it sounds like you were the victim of dull scissors. Aveda Curessence (in my experience) is a phenomenal product -- worth the $36. (It's funny: As soon as you mentioned a $36 conditioner, I knew it had to be Curessence, because the price is what keeps me from buying it too often.) I can't imagine how it would cause split ends.

I have the best luck with stylists when, before I get in the chair, I tell them emphatically that I am working toward waist-length hair and that the length is my number-one priority. I also tell them that I've had terrible experiences with stylists ignoring my wishes, and that I'm now paranoid of salons, and this tends to make them defensive on my behalf for some reason, very much inclined to show me that /they/ can listen.

When specifying an amount to take off, I say "less than a quarter inch, so little that it doesn't fall off the scissors." All stylists know what that means. If I'm still nervous, I ask her to show me what she's cutting.

That said, if a stylist who is otherwise long-hair friendly tells me I should really lose half an inch, I will listen to what she has to say. Often they /are/ right.

In the end, I tip hugely if my wishes have been granted. I find that on return visits, the stylist is eager to show me how little she can cut. ;)


Posted By: Sophie
Date Posted: December 29 2003 at 9:18am
If you purchased Salon Products at the salon...They will take the product back. Because the Manufacturer stands behind the product when purchased at a salon.

If they don't, put in a call to the 800# an the back of the product.

As a side note I have taken product back from a client, even if it is over half empty. Because my distributor will credit me for the product.

Sophie -

Posted By: IowaBiker
Date Posted: December 29 2003 at 9:52am
Originally posted by Ally Ally wrote:

When specifying an amount to take off, I say "less than a quarter inch, so little that it doesn't fall off the scissors." All stylists know what that means. If I'm still nervous, I ask her to show me what she's cutting.

Same here...

I FINALLY found a gal who does what I ask, and doesn't offer her view of how much should be cut. .

For about a year I was in limbo when the lady I was going to quit the business. I tried different places and at each salon I sternly told the person I only wanted a 1/4" trimmed. I'm also 6'3" and 230lbs, so I also intimidated person a little from cutting any more


Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: December 29 2003 at 7:30pm
Hi Iowa Biker,

I regret to say it (for the sake of women) but I think in general that male clients receive more respect in salons from female stylists than do female clients. I've been very fortunate going to many salons (that do not specialize in long hair) and having my requests for only 1/2" trimmed honored. The one time my hair was cut much shorter than requested (when I first began growing out), the stylist was a man. I never went back. After that, the next stylist was also a man but he was excellent, visited him at the salon for two years and helped me grow out the layers, trimmed the tiniest bit but the improvement in the state of my hair was noticeable each time.

Anyway, I ramble...

Ally, that is excellent that you are getting the respect you deserve at salons. You have trained your stylist well. Glad to hear that they see their challenge in the "proper" light. . The closer the stylist conforms to my request, the better the tip... what a concept, huh?

Sophie, it's good to hear that salons (and the product manufacturers) are so lenient with returns. I guess it depends on the circumstances. I guess there are some scenarios in which using most of a package before deciding it isn't working can be plausible (especially if a lot of the product is used in each "application").


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