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Hair as a Mood Indicator?

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Hair Politics
Forum Description: The politics of Hair is a slippery slope...
Printed Date: March 06 2025 at 8:54pm

Topic: Hair as a Mood Indicator?
Posted By: Erica
Subject: Hair as a Mood Indicator?
Date Posted: January 11 2000 at 8:42pm
Today is yet another dark & dreary rainy day in Ohio, and it has gotten me thinking how much the little things in life (like the weather) can totally affect your overall mood. Wet rainy weather is a big downer. I had a tough time crawling out of bed today to go to work--and since I was running late, I quickly threw my hair in a french braid. Which, by the way, is the easiest & fastest style for me to do---it only takes me five minutes because I don't have to curl my hair at all when it's hidden in a braid. (Yeah, it's cheating a little!)So I was thinking how I feel down & moody with this crummy weather we're having, and my hair shows it. On days that I am happy & content, my hair will be fixed more elaborately--or I'll at least try by spending more time on it in the morning. Likewise on days that I am tired or stressed or not feeling well, I'll throw my hair in the easiest & fastest style I can--i.e. a bun or a braid. Same goes for clothes--I'll put on something I think makes me look good when I feel like "myself", but I'll throw on the most comfortable and fuss-free (and often baggy) clothes when I'm moody.Am I the only one who does this, or is this a generalization that can be made for everyone? What do you think?PS--Maybe I'm just getting LAZY because I've been pulling my hair back in a braid or bun almost everyday--I'm to the point that I don't even need a curling iron anymore! Haha, LOL!
