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French Braiding

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Hair Politics
Forum Description: The politics of Hair is a slippery slope...
Printed Date: February 02 2025 at 2:53am

Topic: French Braiding
Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Subject: French Braiding
Date Posted: January 11 2000 at 8:54pm
I am in the 5th grade and have an assignment due on french braiding. My Grandpa said I could find the information on the Internet, but all I see is people selling video tapes on how to do braiding. Does anyone know how braiding got started? I really would like to know.TYIA Kynna

Posted By: andy
Date Posted: January 11 2000 at 8:54pm
Hi there,I have always wondered who first thought of the idea of interweaving strands of hair (or rope) in that way to make a decorative pattern!If you find out how it got started let me know please!andy


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