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A very kind comment about the request Holly made

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Hair Politics
Forum Description: The politics of Hair is a slippery slope...
Printed Date: February 02 2025 at 2:44am

Topic: A very kind comment about the request Holly made
Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Subject: A very kind comment about the request Holly made
Date Posted: January 11 2000 at 8:56pm
I really understand what Holly really meant. In other english words basically she is asking us to have more respectful toward each other and when we do we are actually respecting God etc. and eventhough some of us that are not religious no matter how we look at it our lives becomes richer when we respect each other. There are many ways of looking at this and explaining it in many diffirent forms.But I can also understand Ally reactions because I come from a very religious family. I personally is not so religious but I can really understand you Ally because I personally almost punch my sister because she felt it was her duty as a christian to tell me that just because my new male friend is going to have a divorce he would still be married in the eyes of our church and the only way we settled this dispute was to drag my sister to the pyschologist and make the pyschologist earned his money. Personally I felt I didn't need to hear that religious stuff after I became a widow but etc....The bottom line is it doesn't kill us to be nicer toward each other on these web sites and nothing is worth hurting someone feelings. It is too easy to hurt people and we are intelligent enough to control and make sure that we are peaceful.Diane

Posted By: Holly
Date Posted: January 11 2000 at 8:56pm
Diane,Hi and thanks for replying. Like I said to Jade I wasn't going to post anymore about this subject but I just wanted to thank both of you for understanding.I also want to make it clear that I don't go around telling people how to live their lives, i.e. divorces and other lifestyles. That's between themselves and God. I'm divorced and remarried myself. That's too personal for people to comment about. Well, o.k., she was your sister soone comment is allowed:)) but over and over can be too much.I don't understand the part about taking her to the psychologist because of her comments-there's probably more to this than you wrote about and it's no one's business anyways, but it kind of gives the impression that if you have a certain belief that you need mental therapy. Maybe you didn't even mean it like that (hope!).If you've read my past posts for "Religious Pressure To Keep One's Hair Long" you can see that I don't like judgmentality. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this is what you are implying about me in your post. I just don't want others to get that impression if this is what they are thinking about me after reading your post about your sister. I know firsthand how things can be so terrible in a marriage that there is no choice but to divorce. God knows every individual and what his/her circumstances are.So thanks again for your sensitivity. Like I wrote to Jade, I really appreciate it!Take care,Holly
