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The end of the world was suppose to be July 4 according so something very old

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Hair Politics
Forum Description: The politics of Hair is a slippery slope...
Printed Date: March 09 2025 at 8:59pm

Topic: The end of the world was suppose to be July 4 according so something very old
Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Subject: The end of the world was suppose to be July 4 according so something very old
Date Posted: January 11 2000 at 9:12pm
I was driving around with my kids in the car and all of sudden on a religious talk show they mentioned the end of the world was going to be on July 4. No joke. They had guest speakers etc. What a thing to hear when one has children in the car with them.Well the end of the world didn't come even thought it was based on something very old etc.So I can say Happy birthday JEff.I see that everyone has been very busy on the politic board and by the way Holly you might think the worse of me and that is okay. It won't make my life less richer or more but I did give the name of your husband to a powerful group of people who pray for healing .I use to participant in that group.I have to say one thing. I really seriously didn't attack any short hair female and I am sure that I didn't hurt any feelings.I just thought of something. When we turn 30 we are often told that we should cut our hair to be more mature . That is when it starts with the remarks.
