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hair growth from short to long

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Hair Politics
Forum Description: The politics of Hair is a slippery slope...
Printed Date: February 09 2025 at 12:06am

Topic: hair growth from short to long
Posted By: sandra
Subject: hair growth from short to long
Date Posted: January 11 2001 at 2:44pm
as previously mentioned on this message board i`m trying to grow my hair from short to very long again.i refer to a previous article in hairboutique which features the hair growth of "noreen" from short bob to approaching knee length.i would love to emulate her.i would like to know her whereabouts to determine how her hair growth is progressing and to see if thre are any further pics of her on the net.previous story called noreens photos on is my role model.

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