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If blondes are dumb, are peroxides dumber?

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Hair Politics
Forum Description: The politics of Hair is a slippery slope...
Printed Date: September 27 2024 at 12:19pm

Topic: If blondes are dumb, are peroxides dumber?
Posted By: phil
Subject: If blondes are dumb, are peroxides dumber?
Date Posted: February 25 2001 at 3:19pm
OK relax. Of course blondes aren`t dumb. There can be no correlation between hair pigment and IQ and it would be spurious to suggest so. But if a person were to dye their hair... could that be another story? Let me tell you what happened to my friend Tracey recently.
She is an intelligent single woman of 28 with shoulder-length brownish hair. She tried extensions but they didn`t work so took instead to dyeing it blonde. The change, she said, was almost immediate.
In nightclubs, she found more guys chatting to her than ever before. The trouble was, they tended to be the less-than-bright variety and their conversation was universally dull. She said that at work she found herself included in superficial chat about things like soap operas even when people knew she didn`t watch most of them. She said her boss appeared more patronising and didn`t take her as seriously as before, and the same applied to her family.
Now, my point is, I think most of that was in her head, and that it was mainly an element of self-fulfilling prophecy.

So my question is this:

If a woman like her dyes her hair blonde, half expecting to be taken for a bimbo, is she not, as it were, dumbing herself down for easier `consumption`? Of course they`ll say they are doing it because they like the look, and that blondes, like Rod Stewart said, have more fun.
But I sometimes wonder if, consciously or otherwise, they do so well aware of the ramifications.


Posted By: duke
Date Posted: March 19 2001 at 4:17pm
Reply to message: viewthread.asp?forum=AMB%5FAP121551672&id=3273&page=1#10.3273.1 - 10.3273.1
Without endorsing the word "bimbo", yes, I`d aggree with that. Not that I`d actually judge a woman
as stupid coz she goes blonde, but I respect it when people accept their natural color, and don`t
take the narrow-minded view that you`re unattractive if your head isn`t blonde or splattered with
highlights. Also, guys who are so shallow that they`d automatically prefer a bleached blonde to
a natural person with another color are perhaps the type you`d attract if you`re a fake blonde!


Posted By: dianefromcanada
Date Posted: March 19 2001 at 7:57pm
Reply to message: viewthread.asp?forum=AMB%5FAP121551672&id=3273&page=1#10.3288.1 - 10.3288.1
Duke you bring up a good point. I really don`t understand why some people really enjoy this multi color hair thing all at once. YOu know the top is one color, the side another color and the underneath a third color. Never understood that attraction.


Posted By: lgp82
Date Posted: April 04 2001 at 5:30pm
Reply to message: viewthread.asp?forum=AMB%5FAP121551672&id=3273&page=1#10.3289.1 - 10.3289.1
Actually, I did an informal study on this. I firmly believe that blondes to get more attention. When I was blonde guys would check me out all the time, when I had brown hair I got a few random looks, when I had red hair I got more looks than with the brown hair but far less than blonde.
However, I think it comes down to how you present yourself. I am confident, gorgeous and intelligent and I know it and I think that comes across in the personality.
The reason why men probably look at blondes is because they have brighter hair and it creates more attention. Just a thought.


Posted By: phil
Date Posted: November 19 2001 at 4:17pm
Reply to message: viewthread.asp?forum=AMB%5FAP121551672&id=3273&page=1#10.3309.1 - 10.3309.1
Yesterday I saw Shirley Manson, lead singer of the band Garbage, being interviewed on TV. She has recently dyed her hair blonde (and cut into a fetching mohawk, see pic). She openly revealed that "I get served quicker in bars" and "People think my IQ is dropping at alarming rates" So, blondism is still alive and well - at living, it seems, still, at least in the UK.
