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Anybody see Inside Edition?

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Hair Politics
Forum Description: The politics of Hair is a slippery slope...
Printed Date: February 09 2025 at 12:24am

Topic: Anybody see Inside Edition?
Posted By: McKee
Subject: Anybody see Inside Edition?
Date Posted: May 10 2001 at 6:42pm
Well I did. And today, 8 very very courageous people cut off their long locks for Locks Of Love. One woman that I could remember had very pretty long red hair and she cut it very very short in comparison. The only male of the group had very long hair as well and cut it all off in honor of his family members who have cancer and lost all their hair. It was very interesting to see these long to short transformations. I must say that most of the participants looked much better after the cut with the exclusion of the red head.

What didja think?

"If everybody demanded peace instead of another television set, then there`d be peace"

~John W. Lennon

Posted By: dianefromcanada
Date Posted: May 10 2001 at 8:01pm
Reply to message: viewthread.asp?forum=AMB%5FAP121551672&id=3357&page=1#10.3357.1 - 10.3357.1
I didn`t see that one but I seen a similar one just two days ago. It was the Murray show. The women really wanted a change and they had very long hair. At the end of the show they had this cancer child come on the stage and said that she was looking forward for a wig made of real hair. Everyone had tears in their eyes when they saw the child.


Posted By: dianefromcanada
Date Posted: May 17 2001 at 9:10am
Reply to message: viewthread.asp?forum=AMB%5FAP121551672&id=3357&page=1#10.3357.1 - 10.3357.1
I have to mention one thing about the show I watched. Most of the long hair women complained about how much work their long hair was. One lady said that it took hours to get ready for work. One friend mentioned how she hated her friend`s hair because she could never get in the car within leaving her hair out of the car.
One husband was upset because he really loves long hair and that was what made the attraction everysince he knew her. One teased and said that she used her long hair to whip her husband now they will have to creative.
ONe lady said that she had long hair all her life and wanted a change.
What I did notice from everyone on that show that got a cut was that they were so excited about the change because they really wanted to change. What was so very nice was the husbands supporting that change and they said that they love their wives.
I found that show very nice because noone was harrass and everyone came out with what they really wanted in life.
I think it would be an extremely sad day when we are slaves to our hair and we couldn`t make the changes that we want.
That is why I really enjoy this web site because it doesn`t ponder on the negative if someone wants to grow their hair, or cut their hair or shave it etc. I find that there are too many other web sites that draw on this control issue of staying the same. If we can`t do what we want to our hair and express ourselves what is the use? you know.


Posted By: wolfgang
Date Posted: May 17 2001 at 11:45am
Reply to message: viewthread.asp?forum=AMB%5FAP121551672&id=3357&page=1#10.3368.1 - 10.3368.1

I don`t know what should be exciting on a hair cut, you cut it off and that was it. The opposite thing makes more problems.

I guess that less then 20% of the women are able to grow very long hair and most of them don`t do it and the appearance of very long hair in the Western Civilization is in a relation of 1 : 10000 or 1 : 100000x.

From my own experience the chance to see a beautiful long hair in a randomly population (not even very long) is 1 : 1000. Long hair is already mainly disappeared in this culture, and I don`t know why it needs encouragement for this few existing very long haired ladies to cut it off.

If the human race wll survive 1000000 years or so, then the hair maybe disappeared and baldness the usual style. But this can happen much quicker if radiation grows and garbage destroys the living conditions, hair follicles are a sensitive thing of the human body.

What I hate on this shows is that every thing that could give a little bit appreciation for the long hair is kept out and this screaming auditorium is nothing where I ever want to belong to.

I heard that all the women had tears in their eyes and this was focused explicitely by the cameras. Can you tell me why it is so interesting to see it?

I think they have no further ideas how to justify this shows and now they come in with childs suffering on cancer. But this is related to justify the cuts and gives an amoral meaning to very long hair. I can not appreciate this, there is so much hair available that is already cut and could do the same thing.

It is clear that people who don`t take care of very long hair come to a solution that it isn`t a great deal and it makes only trouble, but this is not the only way how it can be seen.

Sorry, this shows make me really angry.

I don`t understand why you defend it.

"I find that there are too many other web sites that draw on this control issue of staying the same"

I think there exist websites where a different sight of view about the hair topics exist and they give the possibility to share this. And this doesn`t comes only from the men. If a women wants quickly changings including short hair she definitely can not grow it very long. But I see no reason to appreciate this, I think people should find together who have a similar opinion about the world.



Posted By: dianefromcanada
Date Posted: May 17 2001 at 11:09pm
Reply to message: viewthread.asp?forum=AMB%5FAP121551672&id=3357&page=1#10.3369.1 - 10.3369.1
I think what it really comes down to Wolfgang is that most men and women don`t have the same view points in general about changes. I guess I should have tape the show and send it to you because there were no real tears. There were no plot to get long hair women to cut etc. Most women when they decide something it is because they really want it. What angers me is when some men think that women can`t think for themselves and women are out of their mind for changing their style of hair. I also find that women tears are often misunderstood by the opposite sex becuase I rarely seen a show that the women regretted their decisions. Most women have their two feet on the ground and know what they want. Forbide the talk of cutting as it might promote a cutting virus as the message is very strong in some places on the internet. To me to find an area that everyone thinks exactly the same way about a subject is like putting yourself in a can and closing the lid to prevent other wonderful views. It is not reality. REality is exciting and challenging. You asked me once about all this. It is very much a woman nature to find ways to make herself more younger, more sexy , more exciting etc.
ON the show it wasn`t about locks of hair or children that have cancer but everything to do with change and it just happen that the women thought besides throwing their hair in the garbage can they can hand it over to someone that would actually appreciate it which in my opinion and others would find this a very generous gift of the heart. This is one of most beautiful personal gift that is shared.

It is clear that people who don`t take care of very long hair come
to a solution that it isn`t a great deal and it makes only trouble, but this is not the only way how it can be seen. ( Wolgang)

Wow!! Sorry that this is silly. I find this statement way out there. My change was to have long hair and I use to have very short hair one time. I can easily understand both sides of the time frame of taking care of the hair. Mine has always been difficult because it is naturally wavy to start with. Short or long it was never easy to take care of. Sure some short hair styles do take much longer time to style but I can say I do miss my days of jumping in the shower and voila I was all done. The other day my oldest was shock when he saw the whole process it took me to comb my hair. He couldn`t believe how thick it was etc. Don`t get me wrong about appreciation. But I must say something when I hear strong voices about not perming, not coloring , not cutting and at times I was yelled out on the internet for just having a stupid trim. Being accused of promoting cuts. Like some people seriously need a life. it really reminds me of my late husband when I had to practically threathen him to get new underwear. I would have to actually sneak and steal his underwear and replace it with new. Hell would break loose if a change would happen in his life. For him and some others they have to have the same stupid belt since grade ten, the same style of hair, the same clothes etc and they feel secure but to some others like myself find it extremely sexy , exciting and worth every moment in life to throw out the wardrobe, to change the style of the hair etc. Does it mean I am a flake for it? Well most people say I can be a brain surgeon on the side lol but color, change, is life. Maybe I was a peacock in my past life and has to have color and flash lol. Does it mean that someone who cuts their hair doesn`t appreciate their hair? Of course not. Yes there are some people who really hate hair and let it grow because they can`t be bother to go to the stylist. I seriously think that our thoughts are not the same throughout life and our style change and to some people the change is easy and to others it is scarry.
I rarely come across a woman that doesn`t feel a need for a bit of change in her hair. AT times it is something very small like having bangs or growing them out but it is a change. I would think that without any change for some people it would be extremely depressing and would feel like being behide bars and never be yourself.
How sad


Posted By: wolfgang
Date Posted: May 18 2001 at 4:59am
Reply to message: 10.3370.1

it may be that the women are happy with their new style or not, I have no information about this. The statement with the tears I figured out from several replies on other boards. Maybe I have confused the shows. But then there is really an inflation of cut off shows.

I personally have seen Oprah shows on Germen TV and pictures of Maury Povich shows on the all cut off site.

"because I rarely seen a show that the women regretted their decisions"

From the Oprah show I saw I can say that the woman after the cut of her super long hair cried and said "I miss my hair". To get an objective estimation about the other cut off events it would be necessary to speak with the women some time after the cut, I am surprised that nothing like this ever happened.

<< It is clear that people who don`t take care of very long hair come to a solution that it isn`t a great deal and it makes only trouble, but this is not the only way how it can be seen. >>

"( Wolgang) Wow!! Sorry that this is silly. I find this statement way out there. "

Diane, what is "silly" and why it is "out there?".

I though I have made clear that women with super long hair are often completely isolated in their environment and they were told very often "why don`t you cut it?". And as all other human beings they try to be pleasant for their environment. It is often the environment that has problems with the super long hair. I conclude this from statements I have read over the last 1 and 1/2 year.

So I conclude that there can not be very much understanding for the super long hair. I myself know from discussions with co-workers that they often argued it would make too much trouble and they wouldn`t appreciate it. I never have find someone in real life who was similar impressed by super long hair as I am (exceptional "long hair meetings", so I conclude that most people don`t take care of it.

I think women with super long hairs are distributed randomly in a mostly short haired environment, and the same is true for men who admire it. After my opinion it would be better if this people could come together as to make compromises to the environment. And this could be done by TV.

"I guess I should have tape the show and send it to you"

I think I am not interested in this. I hate this shows or at least what I hear from them and this is my individual point of view. That`s why I am looking for douzen of years after very long haired women and it`s one of the things I appreciate most in physical appearances and this shows only present it for destroying.

"Most women when they decide something it is because they really want it"

That may be correct, but why to spotlight this in a nation wide TV? Are you sure that there is not a lot of money behind this? Only for the ratings it is worth to offer 100000 $ U.S. or more to each of the women, I don`t know if this is true but it is possible. If not they were at least spotlighted for some minutes and this may be the big highlight for them. Do you know if the women or if their relatives have consulted the managers?

"ON the show it wasn`t about locks of hair or children that have cancer but everything to do with change and it just happen that the women thought besides throwing their hair in the garbage can they can hand it over to someone that would actually appreciate it which in my opinion and others would find this a very generous gift of the heart"

This I don`t understand. If they would throw it in the garbage someone else can catch it and give it to someone who needs it. What has this to do with a great heart? First I conclude, if they after your opinion do something what they really want, they lose nothing but win everything and suddenly it is a generous gift of the heart.

On the other site if they really lose something why don`t they spend a few hundred dollar U.S. for extensions or wigs that are already available? This is nothing in view of the effort to reach a super long hair.

I think your sight of view is exact the one that justifies this shows and you share it with all of the people who give it the ratings for further continuations.

After all, I think we can not come to a common sense about this topic, our opinions represent emotional founded sigth of views that we don`t share.



Posted By: dianefromcanada
Date Posted: May 18 2001 at 9:10am
Reply to message: viewthread.asp?forum=AMB%5FAP121551672&id=3357&page=1#10.3371.1 - 10.3371.1
Yes Wolfgang I would agree that it is tough to understand why anyone would have super long hair. I really can`t see that sort of thing in this climate for sure.

If they would
throw it in the garbage someone else can catch it and give it to someone who needs it. What has this to do
with a great heart?( Wolfgang)

Oh come on of all people you should understand this one. Lets take you for an example. You offered to pay for an airline for anyone that couldn`t afford to go to Vegas. That money would have come out of your pocket. It is not like you won a lottery ticket. You worked hard for that money and it would have only made you happy to help someone.
The same type of feelings. When we pray for someone healing do we gain anything out of life? When people spend hours without pay for volunteer work do they gain anything out of life? To do something that we are willing and find out that our gestures would make someone else happy that is the biggest reward and gift from our hearts. That is exactly what we are suppose to do in life. To be kind to take care of our neighbors and love our families etc.

I think your sight of view is
exact the one that justifies this shows and you share it with all of the people who give it the ratings for
further continuations

Well Thank God for choices!!!!!!!!!! One day I will travel all over the world with a group of people to help the poor.That is my dream. That is my thanks for being alive and having choices . Does that mean it won`t be gift from the heart? Better think Wolfgang. We will have to agree that we will not reach an agreement on this.


Posted By: dianefromcanada
Date Posted: May 18 2001 at 1:01pm
Reply to message: viewthread.asp?forum=AMB%5FAP121551672&id=3357&page=1#10.3372.1 - 10.3372.1
Also Wolfgang I really wish that most men on the internet that really love hair give women credit. The women who chooses to grow their hair super long like Diane Witt has weathered of lot of ideas thrown at them and they made their mind that this is what they want. That is their change in life and they know what they want. Those women won`t change their mind by hearing the word cut or seeing talk shows. My firm opinion is to think that a woman is so fragile to the thought of cutting her hair after having it super long is out of this world. I find it very insulting and often find it coming from the fear of men who love long hair.
Women know what they want. Just because someone has long hair and decides to cut it doesn`t mean she didn`t appreciate her hair. It was just her own decision in life.
I guess the idea of women having their own thoughts might be a tough one for some men to accept.
I find this fear from men screaming don`t say the word cut etc very much a turn off in life because Women know what they want. Women don`t need protection from this. Women are very strong in nature and can adapt to all kinds of weather in life. ( not picking on you directly Wolfgang)
