What hairdressers should never say...
Printed From: HairBoutique.com
Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Hair Politics
Forum Description: The politics of Hair is a slippery slope...
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Printed Date: February 08 2025 at 11:49pm
Topic: What hairdressers should never say...
Posted By: phil
Subject: What hairdressers should never say...
Date Posted: February 27 2002 at 5:05pm
I was at the hairdressers the other day and one of the clients said to her: Do you ever get tired of your job?" Her reply surprised me: "Oh, it`s all right, I just go on auto-pilot!!" Oh, really! In that case, I might as well get a robot to do it! OK so men`s hair might not be quite as exciting as womens` but I was under the impression that she was at least attempting a bit of creativity. Obviously not - well she`s a nice person and maybe a bit too honest, but I won`t be going to her again.
------------- phil
Posted By: dianefromcanada
Date Posted: February 27 2002 at 10:22pm
lol lol you always seem to find these interesting situations Phil. Yeah, I wouldn`t want to go there again. Who knows she might have meant something else. Most of the time their jobs is very demanding on their backs and they are very tired at the end of the day. When you hear these things at times it`s funny like the one that I came across that decided to change her career because she couldn`t stand touching hair and said to a bunch of us that she could never. Now you tell me Phil wouldn`t someone like that know if she hates touching hair that she shouldn`t go into hairdressing? lol At the time I thought it was way to funny.
------------- dianefromcanada