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Effeminite Styles for Guys

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Hair Politics
Forum Description: The politics of Hair is a slippery slope...
Printed Date: February 08 2025 at 9:05pm

Topic: Effeminite Styles for Guys
Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Subject: Effeminite Styles for Guys
Date Posted: April 10 2002 at 8:17am
Hiya all, I know many people will think me a freak for asking this, but I`m gonna ask anyway.

What are some really effeminite hair styles for a guy with hair about shoulder-blade level? These can be temporary "do in the morning" styles, braids, or other things like colour and curls. Also, any idea how to pierce your ears for a night or so, and then get them to close up quickly?
I am straight, but am getting bored and want to do some experimenting.
