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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Hair Politics
Forum Description: The politics of Hair is a slippery slope...
Printed Date: February 08 2025 at 8:51pm

Topic: Hairstyle
Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Subject: Hairstyle
Date Posted: June 30 2003 at 5:40pm
Hi1 Is there anyone out there, who would trust their hair stylist enough, to just say to them, "Give me a style that you think is best for me," or something similar to this? I mean you compltly let your hair in their hands without giving a spefic style you want and without arguing about what he or she suggest.

Posted By: Rod
Date Posted: June 30 2003 at 10:07pm
I do it, but I'm a guy. I know a few women who've done it though.


Posted By: LiliBeach
Date Posted: June 30 2003 at 11:25pm
I have quite a number of clients who would.

But of course, I always let them know what I'm going to do before hand.

I am a professional Hairstylist/Haircolorist with 19 years experience. I have traveled all over the country for my advanced education. I am also a salon owner.:)........and I LOVE Redken!!!

Posted By: Rod
Date Posted: June 30 2003 at 11:40pm
LiliBeach, if they have the right style for them, I'm sure you wouldn't change their hair much. But if these clients say that, do you cut their hair in "a style that you think is best for" them? Or are you tentative thinking they might not react well? And how do they react to a big change?

The first time I went to my stylist, she told me what I should do without me asking. I loved that, because I like people who aren't afraid to give their opinion. I've listened to her since.

My assistant mentioned she needed a cut one day. So, as a bonus, I treated her to a cut and color with my stylist. She had one length hair down to her shoulder blades and was open to anything as long as her hair still covered her ears. Stylists are known as scissor happy, but my stylist only took an inch off the bottom. She gave my assistant a lot of layers, starting at her lips in front.

I had thought my stylist would have had to cut my assistant's hair a lot shorter to make her look great, but she looked incredible after this cut. The layers were what she needed, not short hair.


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