i'm thoroughly annoyed! grr..
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Topic: i'm thoroughly annoyed! grr..
Posted By: whitney_brett
Subject: i'm thoroughly annoyed! grr..
Date Posted: November 09 2003 at 12:48am
Today I went to my stylist for a trim. She was telling me how she'd been up all night, etc. I had her cut my hair (i have a short style and it had grown out at least an inch)...but upon arriving home and messing with it i realized that the top layers were barely cut when i specified that i needed at least an inch off. So I, a normal civilian in the world of hair with no formal training, just hacked off what i could myself because I was so annoyed and impatient, but I can't reach the back. So I'm annoyed that I had to do this. Now---I realize I could wait until she works again (on Wednesday) and go back in to have her trim it up, probably for free. But I am hesitant because there is now brown dye all over the back of the shirt I wore---but I'm blonde and do not use brown dye. The only explanation I could come up with is that it must've dripped off of my mother's hair, who was there and got brown coloring today, onto the other chair she had sitting there, and i must've sat against it when i was done, since I did have 3 capes on. I suppose I'm just upset with the whole situation. I'm afraid I messed my hair up by cutting it myself (even though it looks fine and it STILL not short enough), I'm upset I had to be put in that position in the first place, I'm upset that she was up all night, and I'm upset that there's brown dye all over my $50 sweater. I guess I just wanted to complain....any advice/sympathy posts? I suppose I just feel like I'm getting the short end of the stick here, but I think that's kind of irrational. Anyway--Thanks for listeningggg:)
------------- "Honey, I've always said if your genitals are on the outside, you're hiding something on the inside!" ~ Karen Walker ...~*Whitney*~...
Posted By: Sophie
Date Posted: November 09 2003 at 7:41am
Hi WB; Sophie here...You should definitely call her and let her know that you need more done with your cut. This happens sometimes, even if the stylist isn't up all night.
It does sound unprofessional of her, to be talking about her "night before", escapades...Sometime when you two are talking about your hair I would tell her that it... worries you, to hear her talk about not getting enough sleep, and you have to get your hair cut and styled...in her chair under those circumstances.
The color thing on the sweater....unfortunately this happens (hopefully very rarely)...but I would also let the salon (or your stylist), know about this too. Either the shampoo bowl wasn't properly wiped off before you, or a cape could have even been re-used when it shouldn't have. I have paid dry-cleaning bills for clients....or sometimes I offered their next service free, to cover the value of the shirt or sweater.
All this said, handle it in a calm professional way when you talk to her and I would hope she would do everything in her power to make it right.
Others might have more to add...hope this helps...let us know how it goes. CHEERS:
------------- Sophie http://salonwest.proboards34.com - http://salonwest.proboards34.com
Posted By: whitney_brett
Date Posted: November 10 2003 at 10:42pm
the dye came out of my shirt, my mom's shirt, and my jacket, so that's good news!
------------- "Honey, I've always said if your genitals are on the outside, you're hiding something on the inside!" ~ Karen Walker ...~*Whitney*~...
Posted By: demodoll
Date Posted: November 12 2003 at 8:37pm
Be real careful about how you talk to your stylist about what you are unhappy about. She should definitely recut your hair for free since she didn't do what you wanted but I don't even know if I would mention the shirt. I know everyone should be assertive and all that but she does a great job on your hair and I know you don't want to have to find another stylist. Sometimes if you offend stylists, especially if you have gotten to be friends, you can really mess things up and your hair won't come out quite so well anymore. So go easy on her. If you didn't know she had been up all night you might not have been quite as angry maybe.
------------- "It is better to look marvelous than to feel marvelous" Billy Crystal
Posted By: whitney_brett
Date Posted: November 13 2003 at 7:32am
that's probably true--i mean, she was just telling me about how she was up all night sick, and she joked around about how I "probably didn't want her cutting my hair after being up all night." She always does an amazing job with color but i've never been totally satisfied by the cuts that she does. it's never consistent. I got to thinking about it though and I bet she just misinterpreted what I asked for. I'm still annoyed, but no so much with her as i am of just the whole situation. nothing like this has ever happened before, so i'll let it slide for now.
------------- "Honey, I've always said if your genitals are on the outside, you're hiding something on the inside!" ~ Karen Walker ...~*Whitney*~...
Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: March 22 2004 at 6:03pm
Invoke the name of Bazoozoo and unleash your inner torrent of murderous rage.
Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: March 22 2004 at 6:34pm
Captain Japonica wrote:
Invoke the name of Bazoozoo and unleash your inner torrent of murderous rage.