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Waist length hair on men

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Category: Men's Hair & Fashion
Forum Name: Men's Hair
Forum Description: Devoted to the special needs of the male species.
Printed Date: March 14 2025 at 1:02am

Topic: Waist length hair on men
Posted By: blonde mistress
Subject: Waist length hair on men
Date Posted: February 11 2004 at 9:56pm
Do any of you men on this board have waist length hair or longer?

Like many women, I find very long hair on men sexy and attractive.

It doesn't bother me in the least to be with a guy who has much longer hair than me, in fact I love it!

I dated a man once with hair past his waist, he was a good looking guy with such beautiful hair. He was really adorable. What a great time I had with that guy!

Posted By: Kintaro
Date Posted: February 11 2004 at 10:15pm
There are a few, but I'm not of their ranks. I am very tall, so I won't attain Waist for another year or so. I forget exactly who though, but if you ask in LHS, they could help more (except me, who already has somewhat)

Variable-at-natural, 21 inches at maximum.

I hate all of the following and lots more : Fundamentalists, racists, sexists, fascists, ageists (people saying seniors = senile , kids = stupid , 18 = immature or a combo of them), and bigots for causes yet to receive their own designation.

Posted By: BaldJasmine
Date Posted: February 12 2004 at 10:25pm
Dave Decker who monitors the Long Hair board here on HB has hair to his knees. Pretty hair too, he's a handsome fella.


Posted By: blonde mistress
Date Posted: February 15 2004 at 9:52pm
Thanks for the reply Kintaro, keep growing your hair.
So BaldJasmine, this Dave has knee length hair? Nice!
We could use a few more men with hair that long!


Posted By: Helicala
Date Posted: March 06 2004 at 12:56pm
Waist length hair on a guy is a very attractive concept. The problem is that most guys with hair that long are way too old for me! (I'm 16) The thing is that most of 'em start growing it in high school, or around that time (i think). So by the time it gets that long, they're much, much older.

I've never seen a teenage boy with hair that long, though it would be very nice to see that. I have, however, seen a couple of guys in their late teen years with their hair about halfway down their back... of course none of them go to my school, though.


Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: March 27 2004 at 8:46pm
Actually, there is a guy at my school who has stunning waist-length, curly layered hair that is naturally a bright, fiery red. He's a really HOT guy too...

Posted By: Raptor
Date Posted: January 04 2011 at 3:25pm
Hi i really love growing long hair till my knees and braiding it.. can i get some tips re this... :)

I love long hairs   [IMG]smileys/smiley1.gif" align="middle" />

Posted By: MrRapunzel
Date Posted: January 23 2014 at 3:11am
I'm 54. My last haircut was 1970. My hair is about 15 feet long. For years I wore it in a French braid then just folded the braid but lately I have been keeping it in a sort of modified bun that hangs down my back a ways.

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