I have always dreamed and wanted really long hair since I will little. I've always felt that it would help me to look and feel more feminine and better about myself.
While I am looking through photos I kind of like this one that was taken on our cruise this summer. I cut my hubby out of the picture so that explains the extra arm and splotch of blond on my head. Anyway, I like the way the wind took my hair for a ride in the sky.
It is a such a big part of me now. I am known as the Italian girl with really long pretty hair. I pride myself with this accomplishment. It truly is "work" to have long healthy hair. I get worried when it does not feel right. I eat healthy foods to keep it healthy. I take a bucket of vitamins to help it grow and stay strong. I use products that my hair likes. All for the love of hair!
A silly picture with my doggie. Shows the length of my hair now. I will post better ones when I get a chance.
I want long hair because I had it almost down to waist length when I was about 11 (five years ago) but I never kept it nice, or brushed/combed it enough, and it always looked really messy, and I've cut it twice since then (to shoulder length) and each time I say I'll regrow it back to waist length, but it hasn't happened yet. So this is going to be the time that I do. Plus I'm getting closer to wedding-ish age,(within the next ten years probably) and I've always wanted to have really pretty long half up, half down hair at my wedding. So I'm planning on growing it out to a little longer than waist length, and then getting it trimmed to keep it at a really nice straight end that is waist length.
So yeah, I just really love how long hair looks, and that is why I am growing it out!
I think it might be your hairbrush. If you have fine hair, it might be of more benefit to comb gently instead of using a brush... It's highly unlikely that you've reached your final length.
Also, what is your hair type? (You can click here to classify yourself; there are visual examples if you click across the top of the page as well.)
May I present my homage to thy ladyship? I've been there & red that. So I can tell thee I've inherited my mother's fine brown hair, slightly curly (1c to 2a)and kinda thin. Wish it was thicker! I currently use an Avon hairbrush - last time I used a comb when I was 16. I've posted a new topic on the board, with a pic o'mine (I still look like that), so I guess your ladyship can 'diagnose' some things about my hair.
Mes hommages (pardon my French!)
Mark Edward Arthur Mac Arran Blackrose
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Thanks for putting that link up Anais, means I have finally got round to doing my classification! Now I just have to get round to finding a tape measure or ruler.
3a C/M ii 35"(21/03/06)dark red
Founding Member of the Benign Neglect Club. All applications welcome and accepted (each member to decide for themselves what they consider to be neglectful)
May I thank Thy Ladyship for the kind welcome? As for my hairlength, U're somehow right, but once it gets to 18 inches, the ends split like hell and I have to ask one of the kittens (I mean girlfriends) to trim it.
I present my homage to thy ladyship,
Good day, my Liege
We seek more information from thee. Perhaps it's your grooming tools that are getting in the way of growth? What kind of combs/brushes do you use if any? Certain grooming tools will cause breakage.
Also, what is your hair type? (You can click here to classify yourself; there are visual examples if you click across the top of the page as well.)
1 duck weighing about 11/2 kg.-2 kg.
1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg
2 teaspoons of minced mature ginger
1 teaspoon of pepper
2 tablespoons of light soy sauce
as many others have said, i do not like short hair on myself. i feel
naked and cold without hair at least to my shoulders. also, the feeling
of pulling hair back is such a good one!
anyone seen anchorman? "wow, that escalated quickly!"
clones? i wish i had a handful of them...just not enough time in the day.
duck? yuck! never did care for the dark meat, but to each his/her own
as many others have said, i do not like short hair on myself. i feel
naked and cold without hair at least to my shoulders. also, the feeling
of pulling hair back is such a good one! i actually found that i
couldn't get my hair out of the way when it was too short to pull back,
but long enough to get in the way.
I'm glad U're glad, Miss Maree Jane! (Guess I am 'guilty as charged' for bringing this thread up again) BTW of the ducks: I like them A LOT, when they are properly cooked (the Chinese will certainly agree with me on this issue). As For my hair, Anais Satin is right: it's more than 20" long (just messured it with a ruler), but I might return to 18' when I'll get a trim...
My homages to both of U
Mark Edward Arthur Mac Arran Blackrose
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Joined: November 19 2005
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I'm glad someone brought this thread up again! My hair is actually
getting pretty long! I mean... long for me! ( It reaches my armpits when
it's "just hanging there" as the duck would say ) Speaking of that, I have
something to add. It's that in my opinion, long hair moves just as much if
not more than short hair (if it's down of course) it moves along your back,
constantly morphing to the movement of your body. It swings behind you
when you walk and when you run, jump, dance it moves so much it tends
to get tangled, so there! point made.
May I thank Thy Ladyship for the kind welcome? As for my hairlength, U're somehow right, but once it gets to 18 inches, the ends split like hell and I have to ask one of the kittens (I mean girlfriends) to trim it.
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