QuoteReplyTopic: SILICONE TESTING -Questions Posted: June 14 2005 at 8:52pm
CyberMane~I saw that you have great success with re-tipping
using GL hair with silicone. I have some GL hair I really want to
tip with silicone. What silicone brand do you use and where is
the best place to get it?
Heat Shrink Reusable Individual Strands
per bundle- I prefer using Great Lengths 100% virgin human
hair for this method, although I can create reusable strands with
any hair. I coat it with heat-proof & water-proof
Thanks so much Charlene!!
The guy at FX recommended the Air Dry Silicone for pretipping
the hair. I haven’t had a chance to test it yet.
Has anyone heard from luzminerva4u…….she did her install
pretipping with this silicone. Did she ever report back how they
held up? This was what she used….
I used GE Silicone II 100% silicone Sealant
clear. It is low oder (so it's not real stinky when applying)
withsdands temps up to 400F, I think because it says "NOT for
surfaces that will exceed 400F. Gets tacky in 30 min, so it's
really easy to work with and It fully cures in 24 hours. I bought it
at Target.
Marie, you tried this one too……..
I bought that same silicone but only made one
tip with it I bought it to try to go over pre tipped hair, as we saw
some one else say they did this. the one tip I made (not pre
tipped hair but just silicone did not seam to hold the hair well. I
could pull it apart. I still would like to try it to coat a
Did you ever try coating a pretip with the same silicone?
Yes ,I tryed coating some pretiped on a friend (thank God) just her low lights because she had some and wanted to use it up. We did shrinks with my now standard epoxy and I coated the others with the GE stuff. They low light's) came out in a week! I wont try that again ,.If someone wants to use the rest of the pre tiped hair I will cut off the end and retip. Let us know how it goes with the stuff you found!
Oh by the way I did try to pre tip with the GE and like you it just came apart.
By the way I tryed an experiment but have not had time to really play with it. Fabric paint! My thought was the dimensional stuff has to be heat resistant it goes in the dryer right? I made a tip but have yet got to play with it. Not sure if the paint would end up on the hair! Every time I'm in a store and see somthing new I think hmmm can I bond hair with that !
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hey s~a~a how did you get GL hair? did you have it put in at
the salon then when it was taken off you kept it? Also why are
GL not "reuseable"???? thanks a bunch
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Hi Marie……heehee, the red writing was your quote from an
old post. I have never tried the GE Silicone. So you’re still going
strong with the epoxy tips….kewl.
Yes, I know what you mean…..when you see a product and
think…..Hair....Tips??? I saw something that talked about a
certain glue/ clear sealer that could be cured under a UV light
(like the nail salons have). Now I cant find the site I saw it on. I
was like Hmmm……
Hi SAS, That was funny! The uv stuff sounds interesting but I can't Imagin curing all the tips under thoughs little lights you put your nails in. If your going to try it you could just use the stuff they use on nais I guess.I will have to see if the nail tech at the salon has any!
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Yeah Marie, I don't think this would really work in the long run. I
just stumbled on it when I was browsing sites.
I am still very fond of LG and nail glue overall. I still haven't
attempted the epoxy ones yet, although your tips were very
CyberMane~I saw that you have great success with re-tipping using GL hair with silicone. I have some GL hair I really want to tip with silicone. What silicone brand do you use and where is the best place to get it?
Heat Shrink Reusable Individual Strands per bundle- I prefer using Great Lengths 100% virgin human hair for this method, although I can create reusable strands with any hair. I coat it with heat-proof & water-proof silicone.
Thanks so much Charlene!!
Yikes! I was thinking about pretipping GL hair but after asking them for permission, GL said that GL stylists can't do that. We'd get in trouble. {mmm.... funny cause they said one guy used GL hair to make custom wigs, but cannot tell his clients it is GL hair}. To keep my account open with GL, I will not use their hair other than for their bonding extensions. You know, Save-A-Stray, I mentioned that a long, long time ago- you got some awesome memory!- Wow!
However, I do pretip other hair! This silicone stuff I get it from my nurse buddies from the hospital. It just says 'medical silicone adhesive'. I have rarely used it.
You know, I am not a big fan of pretipping. In fact I hate it!!! I used to buy EuroLocs hair but their bond disinergrates. So that's when I started to pretip my own. I got the idea of silicone after I heard Lisa {metalgirl} raving about it so much that I decided to experiment since I could not go to California for the class at that time.
However, I do plan on taking the Mark Barrington class because man his pretips are beautiful! I also love his thin walled shrink links. Man they are faster than those shrinkies! I also love the fact that you can give him any kind of hair and he'll pretip it! Talk about CUSTOM ORDER!!!
As far as clients choices, I get more Cyberhair and Great Lengths requests and very few request for Locs, Shrinks or Reusables. These Locs or Reusable clients came to me from other stylists. So I fix their current HairLocs and retip their hair.
I have this mannequin with most of the methods I offer and Cyberhair and Great Lengths are the top choices- hey, whatever makes them happy. You know, I'll put whatever hair they want- be it Synthetic, Human, Cyber, or PUBIC
It reminds me of a skit that I saw on some comedy show on tv a few years back that was poking fun at the Hair Club. They called it the "Pubic Hair Club for Men" and had a bunch of guys with pubic hair toupees on saying how much they loved their new hair!
LOL! I tell you Lisa, whatever clients like, you know?
You see these models I did to the left of this post, right? Well I got this last minute call to do a photo shoot in NYC and the designer wanted some Pirates of the Carribean theme. So I used my old Dome monofiber, boiled some dreads, gathered some leftover wefted hair I had and voila!!! The designer showed it to boutiques and this 'recycled hair' is going to be featured in the mags
Talk about 'trash to treasures'. Here is the model I did using all that recycled hair www.starrd.com
It reminds me of a skit that I saw on some comedy show on tv a few years back that was poking fun at the Hair Club. They called it the "Pubic Hair Club for Men" and had a bunch of guys with pubic hair toupees on saying how much they loved their new hair!
Okay...in the Middle Ages, there was a thing called a mirkin - a pubic hair toupee! I don't even want to know why that would be necessary or considered attractive. And why I know such a thing says alot about the friends I had when I was younger....
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I did wonder a while back if this would be a GL issue. Now we
know!! Do you like GL or Hairlocs hair quality better? Do you
see damage or clients with thinning hair after continuous
applications/removals with the GL?
Charlene, can you please post a big pic of just the silicone
container/tube?…that’s all I need and I will do the searching. I
just need a start. I have found some medical silicones, so I can
just match the containers/tube or at least narrow the search
from the zillion medical silicones out there. There is no
company name on the back or anything like that? That’s a little
Yes, MB is a great product!! I am a MB affiliate….love the perma
plugs!! I still have never come across anything better with that
plastic like tip. The shrink links are great too!!
I mean, as in the stuff you use to create artificial nails?? It dries super hard and super fast, ya know the powder stuffyou mix with the liquid?? I have some im thinking of trying it was it goes REALLY hard, and maybe it wont even need coationg with nail glue?
I did wonder a while back if this would be a GL issue. Now we
know!! Do you like GL or Hairlocs hair quality better? Do you
see damage or clients with thinning hair after continuous
applications/removals with the GL?
Yeah, let's forget about pretipping GL- yikes!
As far as hair quality. If you're asking me, me personally
am not a big fan of human hair. Currently, my fave is the
Cyberhair- I just do. I love the tiny attachment, the fact that I can
wash and go - minimal styling, the fact that I can color my hair
and the hair won't get color. No anti-tap to worry about. Talk about human and synthetic all-in-one- the best of both
But, you know, I love hair so damn much that I try anything
that's new. I'm gonna try Plastikhaar soon!
I have to admit that the GL hair, for human, man does it wear
better- I'd say. But then I get clients who hate GL and clients
who hate HairLocs and then there are those that hate weaves
or synthetic or cyberhair and then there are some living in the
'dinosaur ages' - so it's good to have a lot of choices!
As far as extensions damage. What I have witnessed
throughout many years of new and old methods, I'm convince
that it is NOT the method itself- but the maintenance of the
person or how the person was educated by her stylist. For
instance, I've surveyed 2 clients with equal amouts of hair and
same method. One client's hair looked like yuck and the other
was still beautiful... {mmm...reminds me of my car and my
friend who has the same car as I do- his is beat up!!! }
So yeah, the more you keep having extensions, any kind, your
hair won't be the same as before. {you know like fake nails,
Also have to say, that anything fake is a sure risk- just like hair
color or perms- hey even ponytail holder {a-ha!}. If a client tells
me, "so will hair extensions damage my hair?" I tell her,
Save~A~Stray wrote:
Charlene, can you please post a big pic of just the silicone
container/tube?…that’s all I need and I will do the searching. I
just need a start. I have found some medical silicones, so I can
just match the containers/tube or at least narrow the search
from the zillion medical silicones out there. There is no
company name on the back or anything like that? That’s a little
Yes, MB is a great product!! I am a MB affiliate….love the perma
plugs!! I still have never come across anything better with that
plastic like tip. The shrink links are great too!!
{hahahaha} you're so funny. Stick to your MB. Forget about my
homemade silicones {hahahahaha}. There's are NO
comparison to MB. His are the real McCoys. Compare to his?
Mine suck See, if I find the REAL DEAL, I'm not interested in 'reinventing
the wheel'. Will take his class soon- promise
So, you, what methods do you do?
And which ones you think are better?
Damage-wise? GL? HL?
Hahahaha…….oh, ::secret silicone:: I know that one well!! Hahahaha
I don’t think MB will tip just *any* hair. I have spoken to Mark
and he said that very kinky hair or any type of hair with a
silicone coating is not something they will usually manufacture
tips for. He said he has tipped synths for film/TV work. Well, he
did say that he really tries to accommodate the stylist with the
hair they want to use. He is a very nice person to talk to. I am
still looking for good tipping backups as not everyone will be
using Shrink Links or can even afford it!! I have always used
LG and nail glue for making my own tips. I actually really enjoy
making them…I know very few do like this job but I really love it.
That’s why I though I would check out silicone tipping for a
I am trained in MB Shrink Links & Prostyles, I also do Links/
Rings/Tubes, Euro Interlock Weaves and different combos. I
really like the Shrink Links the most….and those tips!! Although
no method is the miracle method, they all have there flaws. I
think fusion extensions are the most damaging overall.
I have heard that Cyberhair is great stuff. The attachment is
interesting looking too. What are the requirements to get
I actually really enjoy making them…I know very few do like this job but I really love it. That’s why I though I would check out silicone tipping for a change.
SAS- do you know of any medical person to probably give you some of this stuff? My bottle has NO name. It's looks like a 'sample' bottle you get when you ask for testers at The Body Shop.
ME? I HATE TIPPING. I would pay anybody who loves to tip.
I think fusion extensions are the most damaging overall.
Please explain...
Save~A~Stray wrote:
I have heard that Cyberhair is great stuff. The attachment is interesting looking too. What are the requirements to get Cyberhair?
Actually, the US daughter company, International Hairgoods, were the ones who solicited this cyberhair to me. After 2 years of comtemplating, I decided to add it to my collection. One of the reasons for my decision was because they added an 18" cyberhair strand. In the past it was only 10". Plus they offer 'micropointlinks'. In other words, it is 4 cyberhairs tied to 1 single growing human hair giving the look of fuller hair without a hairpiece.
Therequirements is
1- First, the company has to find out if you fall within a non-cyberhair territory. Which means, depending on where you service, there are to be no cyberhair dealers within a 250,000{?} resident radius. {PM me and I'll give you their #}
2- You also need to meet a quota. My contract states that I have to sell 200 strands a month- that's easy for me.
Aderans- the inventors and parent company, is expanding their cyberhair extension collection and will introduce 'texture' hair for my ethnic clients. At this time, these 'texture' accents are being tested by one of my ethnic clients and, you know, she loves them!!! The test instructed her to maintain her hair as if she has no extensions in them. She, like myself was impressed with the results after her 3 week trial! Unfortunately, Aderans could not make huge quantities as of now and therefore my client had to settle on my 'homemade' human hair pretips.
I can't find any company who sells pretip ethnic hair
If you also have clients who are thinning or hair that is so weak for extensions, then SAS this is a great option to add to your collection. This happens to be the #1 selling extensions in my business.
Also I find this hair company to be very innovative {utmost important to me as a professional}. They are parents of companies as the one mentioned above and also Bosley Medical.
As far as cyberhair goes, I have a problem with a company that would charge so much $$ for synthetic hair. I understand human hair being expensive, being that it is in limited supply. But I cannot justify paying hundreds of dollars for a batch of manufactured hair, especially since it doesn't even last through multiple applications. I guess they'll charge for it as long as there are people out there willing to pay for it.
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