Hmmm...ssjockey! I don't know if there
are many men *now* who watch Today, but I know there will soon be one
less occasional viewer. (lol)
This idea that women look more "serious"
with short hair is, pardon me, silly. I have ultimate respect for
women who enjoy looking feminine, no matter their position. The
majority of women, IMO, look *boring* with chronically short locks.
The bottom line is if I respect someone, growing
extra inches (or feet!) of hair will only enhance my admiration. (Esp.
knowing there are people out there (mostly other women, of course) who
insist that "professional" hair equals "shortish" hair.) God
bless those women who have the courage to reject the norm. Yes, that
means you, Lara Logan, chief foreign correspondent of CBS! Best,
Edited by Bob S
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LOL it's not going to change that is good. Long lovers and short lovers. Good to see.
Few men are killed by the bayonet;many are scared by it.Bayonets should be fixed when the fire fight starts.General George Patton Jr.,War As I Knew It,1947.
Bob S
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This IS 2006, not 1906, and I'm always reading that women need only a few "playful wisps" or "volume" in their dreadfully short haircuts to look feminine. If today's women thought they needed length to retain femininty, 90% of those past 40 would eschew the short coifs they wear. What a lovelier world this would be if more women believed this "false conception", IMO. (LOL) Bob
P.S. There's a bit of tongue in cheek in my response. I actually think *most* of today's short hairstyles look decent to pretty good on women. I DO think that, if anything, the majority of women have been sold the idea that they look *more* attractive and feminine with shorter locks, esp. after age 30. I don't believe that most guys agree. Bob
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Bob I'm one that thinks 30 or over still look great with longer hair. Then short. Gee look at the topic we are talking about Ann is over 30 and looks good with long hair. She don't like it but she is sure nice to look at on TV.
Few men are killed by the bayonet;many are scared by it.Bayonets should be fixed when the fire fight starts.General George Patton Jr.,War As I Knew It,1947.
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Er, well, thus far I have refrained from contacting any celeb suggesting or insisting she do anything in particular with her hair, because I know that would be creepy. I may openly show dislike for a celeb's hair choice on the boards, or talking to friends IRL, but contacting the celeb about it just seems to be crossing a line, to me. I just wouldn't feel comfortable going there, and I'm surprised so many of the males on this board seem to think it's all right.
lhairfan31 wrote:
Kuroneko, just as you show your support for short hair on everyone, we show our support for long hair. Writing Ann e-mails and letting her know we would wish she would keep her hair long doesn't make us stalkers.
More awesome than a manatee!
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Wow, this seems to be a topic of some amount of interest...
Where to start?
This is the overriding reason for the stunt:
Kramer wrote:
Ann and her network are conspiring to turn her haircut into a ratings
bonanza. They're soliciting others to join in -- all for ratings.
A haircut done without the glare of the camera would suffice for
purposes of the donation. To create an event out of it, and even
lasso others into the same action, is creating a circus environment.
To me, this is final proof that NBC News has lost it. They are no
longer a news organization. Sure, they can cheaply collect
information gathered by others and report it on air, and occasionally
send token correspondants overseas for on-site reporting, but similar
to CBS, ABC and Fox, they have dumped their investigation directive and
now depend on stunts (such as this "event") purely in a drive for
higher ratings (to enable payment of the bloated salaries of their
Over the course of the past decade, I've noticed a decline in the
quality and depth of news reporting from NBC. The other
aforementioned "big media" outlets suffer the same condition, but not
nearly to the extent of NBC's decline. I have reduced the
attention paid to NBC over the course of these years - to the point
where I no longer watch (morning or evening, despite Ann's lovely long
I think that a flood of emails (from any one person) directed to Ann
pleading for her hair's preservation would probably be
counterproductive. In all likelihood, it would probably be seen
as creepy. One email per person politely stating that they like
it as is probably would not be seen as creepy, but as someone (Rod?)
has stated, Ann has already committed to doing it, and at this point I
am certain that even if (hypothetically speaking) she had a change of
heart, she will still go through with it.
Rod wrote:
Did you know
that a charity only has to give out 5% of what they take in each year to be
within Federal charitible guidelines?
If this is true, then they are clearly in violation of those
guidelines, by their own admission. They collect 3000 donations
of hair per week, but less than 2% of it ends up in recipient
There have been formal complaints lodged against LoL, but none have
been acted upon. Also, their financial filings have been
insufficient. I know. I have 4 years worth of them, and
have studied them. I'm trying to get more information, but I
think my request for this info has been stalled (I'm guessing the group
that handles this stuff is overwhelmed with work).
Rod wrote:
While they're at it, they should do something, anything, to either
Campbell Brown or Natalie Morales. Not only have both had pretty much
the same shoulder length brown hair forever, but they have almost the
same cut. They are on the same show and I can't tell them apart! Even a
small color change would be welcome.
Fair criticism was aimed at several folks here for being emotionally
attached to Ann's long hair. This comment about Campbell Brown
and Natalie Morales seems about on par with their statements about Ann
Curry. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
loveshort&blonde wrote:
Hmmm, I respect more
those women who fight the false conception that you must have long
hair to be feminine.
I respect more those women who fight the false impression that you must have short hair to be taken seriously.
Kuroneko wrote:
Glad to know I displease you so, Bob! Wouldn't wanna think I might arouse you in any way, shape, or form!
Bob S wrote:
The majority of women, IMO, look *boring* with chronically short locks.
Dave, don't confuse "The Today Show" with NBC News. "Today" isn't news.
It's entertainment with some news. Makeovers and stunt events are
certainly nothing new on morning shows.
I doubt Ann wants people to watch based on her hairstyle. Repeated E-
mails aren't going to convince her not to cut it. As Dave says, it is creepy.
Dave, if LoL was "clearly" in violation of Federal charity regulations I'm
sure we would have read about it. What are the "formal" complaints about
LoL? Who have they been made to? Why hasn't the Federal government
acted upon them? Where did you get LoL's financials and what have you
discovered by studying them?
My comment about Campbell Brown and Natalie Morales isn't on par with
their statements about Ann Curry. My comment is that they look a lot
alike and I wish one would make a change. That isn't criticizing women
who cut their hair and sending E-mails. Nothing wrong with saying you
like Ann's hair longer. When you start believing your wishes should
supercede hers you've crossed the line.
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You really think Campbell and Natalie look a lot alike? I don't think they even look like they could be related. Campbell always goes with the famous double ear tuck. Her bangs often look like they're too short or too long or too unkempt. She seems to cut her hair and then never keeps it up. Natalie usually looks like she has it together. Her hair is usually sleek and brushed looking.
"Typical" Campbell:
"Typical" Natalie:
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Dave, don't confuse "The Today Show" with NBC News. "Today" isn't news.
It's entertainment with some news. Makeovers and stunt events are
certainly nothing new on morning shows.
Fair enough, although their "Dateline" show seems to devote 1 to 2
hours to the minutae of a singular story (with overemphasis on the
Rod wrote:
I doubt Ann wants people to watch based on her
hairstyle. Repeated E-mails aren't going to convince her not to cut it.
As Dave says, it is creepy.
uh huh.
Rod wrote:
Dave, if LoL was "clearly" in violation of Federal charity regulations I'm
sure we would have read about it. What are the "formal" complaints
about LoL? Who have they been made to? Why hasn't the Federal
government acted upon them? Where did you get LoL's financials and what
have you discovered by studying them?
Being based in Florida, LoL is accountable to a Florida governmental
agency, not to the Federal government. This is the agency from
which I received their financials several years ago. I could
guess that the agency is overwhelmed with more pressing matters
(dealing with an enormous amount of 2004 & 2005 hurricane
damage issues), so complaints about LoL (and requests for recent
information) would take a back seat. I know that they have
received formal complaints because I was told so by a representative of
that agency.
Rod wrote:
My comment about Campbell Brown and Natalie Morales isn't on par with
their statements about Ann Curry. My comment is that they look a lot
alike and I wish one would make a change. That isn't criticizing women
who cut their hair and sending E-mails. Nothing wrong with saying you
like Ann's hair longer. When you start believing your wishes should
supercede hers you've crossed the line.
It's kinda hard to figure out here where to delineate the generic you
from the specific you (directed to me). I will assume that you
meant to imply the generic you throughout the excerpt.
I'm with Kramer on this point: I have absolutely no trouble
differentiating between and identifying Campbell Brown and Natalie
Morales. Do some people (not "accusing" you, Rod) have difficulty
differentiating between people who have similar hairstyles? And I
am also left to wonder: why must every single person in the world have
a different, uniquely-identifying hairstyle? To me, that mindset
places an unreasonable demand upon others.
I meant the generic you. Natalie and Campbell look a little bit alike. I don't
watch "Today" enough to see them regularly, and they aren't always on it.
When one is on the show I'm not sure who it is until they say. I don't think I
implied everyone in the world needed to have a unique hairstyle. When two
people have the same job (fill-in host) on the same show, it would be easier
to tell who's who if they look different. I don't think either should change
(cut/grow/color) their hair for me personally, but it would make it easier to
tell them apart.
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Do they look similar? Perhaps. Can I tell them apart?
Easily. Even if their hair was even more alike ("identical"
even). I'm certainly not meaning to boast or make you feel badly
(definitely not!). I once read a message on a different board
from a person who said that the are basically face-blind and use hair
to differentiate between people they know. I had never even
considered the existence of such an affliction.
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Ann back to wearing her hair down this morning. Geez, time is running out and they won't give Ann any segments until looks like next week. You would think their would be some interview they could throw in between all the hours of Olympic coverage. My prediction, Ann backs out and doesn't go through with it. lol My wish anyways.
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Cherish days like this. Ann looked spectacular. You're dreaming, lhairfan31, if you think she's going to back out. Alas, Ann made a commitment to this moons ago and the promotion by NBC makes it impossible, even if she did like her hair long. Not that I'm looking forward to it...
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Few men are killed by the bayonet;many are scared by it.Bayonets should be fixed when the fire fight starts.General George Patton Jr.,War As I Knew It,1947.
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Why do I have a feeling we might see more going. ALso I hope they show off her bangs I would like to know if they are one lenght or not.
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I have a bad feeling also that she will probably go back to ultra short. If she would keep it at shoulder-length, then that wouldn't be too bad. One thing though, If Ann goes back to really short hair, Katie then might grow hers back out some again like she did before. I would doubt if the producers would want them both back to short hair. Boooring Lets hope not.
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