The thing that rally fasinates me about this whole thing is where do these feelings come from. I grew up in the 60-70s and my mother was totally in control of my haircuts till I was about 14. So I had short back and sides when everyone was growing their hair long like the Beatles/Stones etc. I used to hate getting my haircut and wonder if that was the genesis of this fascination with hair and cutting. I have a friend who can't remeber anything untoward in her youth but she would love to have a short clipper cut in a barbers. Where does that come from ??? I'd like to hear anyone else theories
Who knows? I actually loved having long hair too. And I liked having a bob cut and I like my hair in a short crop pixie now. I liked each style when I was wearing it. I just like different hairstyles and fashions in hair, jewelry, and clothes.
The thing that rally fasinates me about this whole thing is where do these feelings come from. I grew up in the 60-70s and my mother was totally in control of my haircuts till I was about 14. So I had short back and sides when everyone was growing their hair long like the Beatles/Stones etc. I used to hate getting my haircut and wonder if that was the genesis of this fascination with hair and cutting. I have a friend who can't remeber anything untoward in her youth but she would love to have a short clipper cut in a barbers. Where does that come from ??? I'd like to hear anyone else theories
Most adult behavior results from something in childhood, but some of it may just be the way people are wired. As a pre-teen, I was first attracted to Cheryl Ladd and Cheryl Tiegs, but not girls my own age. It wasn't until a girl in my own class cut her very long hair into a short Dorothy Hamill cut that I was attracted to a girl my own age. I never had any interest in hair before that, but it has been the biggest attraction for me since.
There's nothing in my family that I can think would lead to this, and I don't remember any hair cutting experience. I don't know where I got it, but then why does someone have a foot fetish or breast fetish?
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I have no idea where it comes from in other people, but for me, it stems from a continuing crush on Dorothy Hammill. Couple that with the rush I get from getting a buzzcut and the fact that I find ears and necks enticing and I'm sunk.
Watching a woman get her hair cut is a vicarious thrill for me that I don't deny. I find dramatic change a good thing and I, personally, enjoy the look of short hair on women.
The buzz cut thing for me probably stems from years of parochial school and weekly haircuts. I suppose I'm different from my former classmates in that I enjoyed the feeling of getting clippered.
I grew my hair long when I got into high school and began attending public school. Enter Ms. Hammill. I loved the way she looked when she spun on the ice and how perfect her hair looked when she was done.
Then most every girl I knew got the same haircut.
From there this fetish took on a life of its own. Most of the girls I dated before I got married had short hair and I'd go with them to the stylist. I hung out with punks and mods in my late teens, most of the girls in those circles had short to very short hair.
I guess it's just part of who I am and not born from some emotional trauma or rejection by long-haired women. I've always chalked it up to me being me.
Anyone else?
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My husband likes my long hair curly, so I do that for him. I am heavily tattooed also and my husband has a bit of a thing for tattoos on women too. I like guys with long hair, my husband hair is a little long not too long. He looks good in his hair cut I must admit.
I guess the other interesting/strange thing about this fetish is how it is split between the sexes. In "general" its guys that like watching/cutting and girls who like it being cut. I once read somewhere that cutting someones hair is a domination thing. I'm personally not real comfortable with that spin on things as I think of in a more artistic way. A lady friend of mine definitely has submissive feelings associated with the haircut fetish but no real explanations. As head shaving has been used as method of shaming women in the past I guess there is a link but hopefully that at the far end of the fetish spectrum.
So Tina can you remeber any event in childhood like a forced or bad short cut that may have been the genisis of your feelings ????
Spud, I don't really buy into that submission thing, like a woman gets her hair cut to be in submission to a man. And no, there was never a time where I was forced to get a certain hairstyle. My mom let me and my sister wear our hair how we liked. And no, I never really had a bad haircut.
To me, hair is part of our sexuality. Some guys like long hair on women, some guys like short hair on women. Who knows why? Who cares? Just get into what you like!!!
Fact is, women in general dress more for men than visa versa. That is why we wear makeup, usually wear more jewelry than men do,we wear dresses and skirts and shave our legs and underarms and wear nylons and high heels,etc.,etc.,etc. Hair is just another aspect of that. True, women wear different hairstyles and fashions to impress other women with our sense of style, there is sort of a competition there with other women, but we do it for men too, much more than men do it for us.
I'm not saying that men don't dress nice and wear nice hairstyles for women too, but we do it more. That doesn't mean we are into being submissive, it just means to me we are being feminine.
Of course part of being feminine is submission in a way, after all it is the guys that "stick it" to the ladies, if you know what I mean-(tee hee)-, and traditionally men have been more assertive in pursuing the woman and making her "submit" to him, but I am a modern gal. I don't see my relationship with a man as me submitting to him entirely, about hair or anything else. I wear my hair short because I like the way I look in it, I find it sexy, and if a guy finds it sexy on me too, all the better!!!
But really, I don't care if people have a fetish or not about hairstyles. To me anything that makes people excited about each other and that turns each other on sexually, is cool, -(unless it is something brutal like heavy S/M stuff, which I am not into)-.
I love affection, I love sex, and I love being sexually attractive..
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I guess I have traits of both genders, because I like to watch and would like to cut if I thought I wouldn't mess it up. Being cut is kind of iffy. . . I like to do it myself, and like the idea of letting someone I care for and trust do what they want with it (although that would take a lot of trust), but so far I really like total control over the results whenever I have to have someone else do it. I've been known to argue with stylists often or refuse to leave the chair until I got what I wanted. *laughs* So I guess I'm almost the dom here, just a little too timid to really quite count. . . I know exactly the childhood event that got me into hair fetishes: old-fashioned parents who thought all girls had to have long hair. Honestly, the way they taught me to identify genders was that girls had long hair and boys had short, which led to great embarrassment the first time I saw a picture of a short-haired girl and misidentified her. But from the time I found out women could have short hair, I was like obsessed with it. Add to that the fact I liked to climb trees and play with "boys' toys" and you'll see I was really something of a tomboy who was never allowed to be my real self. I came to see the expectation of long hair as a way my family controlled me, and later as a way society controlled women in general. That's led to an intense preference for short hair on women and an overwhelming feeling that short hair=confidence, strength, and freedom, where long hair=lack of confidence, weakness, and sheeplike mentality of just following along with society's expectations for women. I seldom see a long-haired woman I consider attractive, and if a short-haired woman I'd been admiring grows hers I see her as if she's sold out. Yes, this is just a sign of how bad parenting can lead to totally screwed-up offspring :-P .
spud wrote:
I guess the other interesting/strange thing about this fetish is how it is split between the sexes. In "general" its guys that like watching/cutting and girls who like it being cut. I once read somewhere that cutting someones hair is a domination thing. I'm personally not real comfortable with that spin on things as I think of in a more artistic way. A lady friend of mine definitely has submissive feelings associated with the haircut fetish but no real explanations. As head shaving has been used as method of shaming women in the past I guess there is a link but hopefully that at the far end of the fetish spectrum.
So Tina can you remeber any event in childhood like a forced or bad short cut that may have been the genisis of your feelings ????
What an amazing thread! This this type of public acknowledgement would have been quite catharctic for me going through puberty but I suppose in reality no more less so than discovering the hair community at age 34. Since this discussion seems to have stayed quite free of flaming condescending tone, I'll add my two cents for others who may sympathise here or relate.
I was raised in a religious home with very conservative parents. I had one older sister. I too had always been taught that girls hair was to long and a boys hair was to be short after all it was even in the bible. I recall my grandmother telling my mother that once when I was watching television I became annoyed at her when she asked me come and I replied, "not yet grandmom I want to watch this woman finish washing her hair." I was four years old then! I should have known that early on I was hair was going to be very important to me. At five yeasr old (yes I have perfect memory of this) I recall being aroused by a picture of a storybook king who wore a pageboy with a flip. I remember being quite confused by the feelings. It may have been the taboo of long hair on men or the gender bending nature of seeing this style on a guy but I know that it made lasting impression. I also recall a childs board game called Chutes and Ladders where one of the equivalents of lose-a-turn was a unwelcome shapooing card or space. From that tender age it was apparent to me that hair held some mystique of my own sexuality though I would never dare talk about it to anyone until I was 30 years old.
Interestingly enough I would define my fetish in the earliest years to be limited to talking to girls about their hair, shampooing fantasies on the other sex and long-long silky hair.
That part was easy to understand... I was born in the early sixties and I recall "Marcia Brady" hair on about every girl I was attracted to. It wasn't until after I hit puberty did I ever see long hair being cut off in a womens beauty magazine. Other than a brief stint of an adolescent obcession to Cheryl Ladd and Farah Fawcett (it was the hair) Over the next 20 years I must have thumbed every makeover in every publication looking for haircut makeovers. Sometimes speding hours in the library scanning periodical tables looking for the words haircut, hair or makeover to pop off the page.
From that vantage point my interest changed. If you'd have asked me then what my fetish was, I've had told you with utmost certainty ladies hair "makeovers".
Like many of you, my first exposure to the hair community was and I remember feeling such a sense of euphoria that I was not alone.
Today I am much more arroused by short hair on a attractive girl rather than long. When I see a beautiful women with great hair my thoughts are always of her hair and how she would look with it short and how much I would enjoy watching her haircut or cutting it myself with all of the emotion. taking womens hair without consent is tantamount to rape in my book and utterly distasteful and yet forced haircuts are strangely interesting despite their taboo nature.
In that same vein headshaving leaves me cold too as I only really enjoy the look of ultra-short hair if the feminine features remain intact.
For me it started when I was 12 or 13. Two girls in my class (twins) showed up at school after having their long hair cut short. They had also pierced their ears and were wearing a little makeup. The transformation was remarkable. They went from being somewhat average looking to downright cute. I developed quite a crush on one of the girls.
Because that's about the time puberty starts to kick in and I was really started to notice girls, I think Melissa and Mary's haircuts probably started my fascination with women's hair.
Just after I turned 16 and had gotten my driver's license, my girlfriend and I had a movie date. She said she had an appointment to get her hair cut and asked if we could just go there before our date. At this point I had not developed a sexual interest in hair. Lori had long hair that reached almost to her belt. I watched as she had it cut to a bob that was just a little longer than chin-length. She didn't tell me she was cutting her hair short. In fact, she said she was thinking about it and only decided after she sat in the chair. After the haircut, I couldn't take my eyes off her because it so completely changed her looks. She was striking and no longer looked like a teenage girl to me. She looked like a stylish young woman. During the movie, I couldn't stop touching her hair. I think that is what cemented my obsession.
I suppose if a beautiful woman had flashed her breasts at me during that period in my sexual development I would be a boob man now. Who knows? For me, hair is definitely not a sub/dom thing. I am not into crewcuts or head-shaving. It is dramtic transformations from long hair to a much shorter, different style that appeal to me most. However, short hairstyles must be still be feminine and flattering. The woman must look as good or better with her new style as the old one or the appeal is not there.
I cut hair professionally for several years. For the most part, working in a salon wasn't the dream job you'd think it would be for someone obsessed with hair. I would never hack off a woman's hair against her wishes. Most of the time people just get their hair trimmed in a salon. However, I had a number of long-haired clients whose looks, I thought, would be vastly improved if they would simply cut their hair short. I obsessed about them (creepy, I know). I was able to convince many of them to take the plunge. I cannot fully describe how arousing it was to see a beautiful woman, imagine how awesome she would look with a hairstyle you envision for her and then actually create it. Talking a woman into cutting off her long hair is much like seduction. Some told me later that they would have never cut their hair short had they not sensed a certain passion in me as I convinced them. They said they were actually excited about cutting their hair because I seemed excited.
I met my wife in the salon. She was one of those clients who I pictured with short hair. One day, she came into the salon with long, dark hair and left with short, red hair and a dinner date (she asked me out...). We were married about two years later. She still does not know about my fetish. I'm afraid to tell her because of what she might think. *I* still think it's wierd but I can't change it. I stopped working in the salon partly as a career move to allow me to make more money and partly because I believed that every time I became aroused while cutting another woman's hair I was somehow being unfaithful to her. I was also afraid I might actually cheat on her. I still cut hair at home for people we know. I continue to be every bit as passionate about it as I ever was. I can't deny that I still become aroused from time to time while cutting hair but I don't obsess about it like I used to. Now, it's more a way to express myself creatively than a source of sexual gratification. I simply love to make women look beautiful. I love cutting hair.
To Tina - I didn't mean to imply that all people with a hair fetish are into the dom/sub thing its just something that I'd read about and I wanted to ask people as this thread has been so open. Certainly for me its not very dom when I plead with my wife to cut her hair in a certain way LOL.
Another thread talks about guys being alot more open to style suggestions than girls. I often said to people who make remarks about my hair. "I don't care my wife likes it" I want to please but my wife thinks I'm trying to control her. Go figure !!!!
I like the bit in Antons reply about ordinary girls becoming much more attractive after a makeover. I guess thats what I really like to. The difference! Maybe if you could grow your short hair over night I might be into short to long makeovers. I guess thats where wigs come in.
I certainly feel good when my wifes short hair is noticed and people say things like.
Its so short I wish I had the courage to go that short
What a fantastic style its so different
As her personal hairdresser I love it and I know she gets a kick out of it too
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I certainly find hair very attractive on girls but I think what is mean by this is not a fetish board is like posting stuff meant to be explicit, otherwise it wouldn't be a board about hair any more, it'd be oneo f those seedy dirty boards were every goes "lol 1337 wtf oh nos!!1111one" and lots of Xs around the place where pictures don't come up (don't know why, just fits the image). You get the idea. This place would loose the friendly atmosphere.
I come here because I like hair, It's the most customisable thing about the body really and it's fun to get help and help others with it and just talk about it. And hair is just plain fun.
The sheer number of views as opposed to replies is something to support your comments =P IT's annoying when you have a question that nobody wil answer just look at though.
I must admit find it kinda "arousing" if I see hair being bleached or other radical changes, or just plain long hair.
So yeah I have a nasty hair fetish too =P
It's annoying though, cause I really annoyed an ex-girlfriend with a hair obsession, I kept asking her to change it and she though I wasn't happy with her the way she was =(
Of course, other stuff happened and now she's never going to talk to me again (at least taht's what she said) but back on topic.
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Wow, it's so nice to read through this thread talking about a "thing" or interest for short hair, or different hairstyles. And everybody is discussing it so eloquently and without even too many spelling mistakes ... that always helps the intelligent conversation :-)
In one of the other posts, I read about the person feeling almost a sense of euphoria to discover a site like, and the fact that other people out there are interested in women with extremely short hair. I would very much agree with those statements.
I've never been able to determine where this intrigue of mine comes from. Though I do suspect, as many of you have mentioned, that there was something that initiated all this from childhood. But I can't point out any one thing. I do know that my parents never put any strict limits on my hairstyles, or those of my siblings either. We could keep our hair pretty much how we wanted, within reason.
But probably since around the seventh grade, I've been fascinated with very, very short hairstyles on women, even the extreme cuts of buzzcuts and head shaves. And it's never been a thing of cutting someone's hair against their will or anything like that. I think we would all agree here that that is completely wrong and even illegal (I think so).
But it's also worth noting that I totally LOVE long hair on women as well. I think there's nothing as pretty as long, awesome hair. And I'm not the type of guy who necessarily fantasizes even about dating a gal with a buzzed head.
However, I do think a woman with a shaved or buzzed head is very sexy, and I would very much like to assist a woman in cutting off her hair someday. I can't quite pinpoint the reason for all this. Maybe it's because the nice features of her neck, eyes, and cute, little ears are exposed. There seems to be something very feminine to me for some reason about the shape and appearance of a woman's shaved head. Maybe it is because she is so willing to part with all that beautiful, long hair. Seeing a woman with great hair getting clippers run over her head is definitely an arousal thing for me. Any thoughts from others as to why?
I also love, though, too getting my own hair cut. I have pretty nice, normal hair, and it's not receeding or anything. And I keep it in a style a few inches long for the vast majority of the time. But I've also had my head completely shaved a couple times (with shaving cream and razor) and very much enjoyed the look and feel of this haircut. It's hard to keep your hands off your head! And I'm very nervous and excited as the clippers are running over my head.
I guess it is so comforting to know now that there are other people out there with similar stories or experiences to tell. I just always thought it kind of odd that I had this interest, not freakish or anything. And I guess we've known for years now that there are numerous women in the world that have no problems saying that they find bald men sexy. It would seem normal, then, that it could also be the other way around for some men ...
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I have been a hair enthusiast since I was a very young child. Yes, at one time I focused on the actual touching, caressing,etc. of hair as all of us did, and I kept it a deep dark secret. However, I evolved to a much higher level. I actually let people know my personal preferences of exremely short hair on women, including the cutting and preference of shaving her head. I let people know about my collecting hair, as we all did, and all the other things that go with it like taking photos of haircuts I like. When the average woman found out about me learning to cut hair and liking the extremely short haircuts, I was just about inundated with requests to cut their hair. I think it was just something different that women found out about and it was interesting to them. Even when I was in the Army, I let it be known that I cut hair, and not only did the men want hair trims, but the women soldiers would come to my quarters and I cut their hair too. Personally, I think hair-fetishism is the wrong word for the most of us who like this special kind of hobby. I think hair obsession is a more appropiate name to give it. When I think of the word Hair-Fetish, I imagine someone who is fondling hair and "getting off on it" all the time, and nothing else. Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth. I have a lot more to say, but I do not wish to bore anyone with my drivel, as it were.
I must admit that I myself have a hair obsession/fetish. I cant think of any place it could have started, I was always allowed total freedom with my hair, and I actually get some sort of thrill out of cutting my own hair. I guess you would say I'm more of a dominant force when it comes to this, but with no one to act out on, I act on myself. I am constantly cutting/dying/otherwise changing my own hair, often with no regard to what actually looks good (I usually get pretty lucky though).
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Look at those who think the only look for a woman, is long hair. I actually knew a moronic idiot, who said many times the following statement,"A woman who does not have long hair, is not a real woman." This guy was/is an idiot.
Someone like yourself who constantly plays around with your hair is not unusual, at all. There are a huge amount of men and women who do this all the time. The beauty industry is staying rich from folks like yourself, even though they do not realise you are enjoying yourself.
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I don't like extremely short hair on girls at all. I used to only like long hair until not so long ago I developed much more of an appreciation for short hair - but no shorter than chin legnth. Hair being cut short to chin length I migh consider cute but anything shorter I don't find attractive. I think the reason I find hair being chopped off as of recent is because it shows how long the hair was before. I love long hair especially if it's thick and shaped.
I don't know it's a weird thing, I still prefer longer hair but it's not often you see it instantly grow so I guess that's why people have a liking for hair being cut and dyed, both instant changes. Hair extensions don't have the same impace because it's not something people are used to - hair "growing" instantly even if the end result is more attractive.
I love seeing long dark hair being bleached light blonde and maybe dyed an unnatural colour like bright red, it's not often I've seen it though.
I seem to be the only one with the colour attraction though.
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You aren't alone, Vineman. I like to see the end result of colorization of hair. It's part of a drastic change thing that I find attractive.
I do, however, prefer women with chin length or shorter hair, which may be where we differ. Not fond of incredibly long hair on women (anything past mid-back is kinda odd in my opinion, but consider the source).
It is nice to see this thread last as long as it has and still be totally respectful toward everyone involved.
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Yeah, the longer hair gets, the more likely it is to look limp and stringy, and the more likely it is to be damaged, especially if it's treated harshly with heat or chemicals. I think hair starts to look limp or damaged, in a lot of women, if it gets much past the shoulders, but I definitely prefer very short hair. I like to see the ears and nape, as I think those are the sexiest parts of a woman.
HeadBoy wrote:
I do, however, prefer women with chin length or shorter hair, which may be where we differ. Not fond of incredibly long hair on women (anything past mid-back is kinda odd in my opinion, but consider the source).
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What a great board and stimulating discussion!! I am a 40 year old male and have had a hair obsession since I was very young. I know exactly how it started. Growing up in the sixties was a great period of change in this country. My father would sit me down on a yellow step stool in the kitchen and buzz my head with his clippers. I would cry as I felt it was a punishment for something I had done wrong, which it frequently was. My mother and dad would fight about my haircuts and the more they fought, the shorter my hair was cut. I have a sister, seven years my senior, who teased me mercilessly over my "pigshaves" as she would call my haircuts. Remember this was the flower power 60''s and long hair was popular on young men and women. short hair was considered part of the "establishment". I began to fantasize about cutting my sisters long blonde hair off as reverge for her torture. As I grew older I began to dig through garbage cans behind salons looking for hair clippings. I was rewarded with a couple of ponytails. One day when I was waiting to have my hair cut a teen girl had her long blonde hair cut into a pixie. The image solidified into my developing psyche. I collected hair clippings and style magazines for years and told no one because I was afraid they would think me weird. About a year after I married my wife I got caught digging through a salon dumpster. They threatened to call the police. In tears, I told my wife everything. She was relieved that I wasn't having an affair. She went to a couple of hair shows with me and after a couple of years had her long hair cut into a buzzed back inverted bob by a barber/stylist. She still wears her hair in short bob styles and likes it that way. I am so glad I told her. She doesn't completely understand my desires but from time to time indulges me by having our hair cut together in an old fashioned barbershop by a nice lady barber. We always have great sex for days following these haircuts. Thanks again for the candid discussion.
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