Fabulous hair! You've grown soooo long since 2000! I think this should be a progress pictures thread. Let's all post progress pictures.. I'll make a collage tomorrow hopefully and edit this post.
Edited 11/28: Here are some photos:
March 2003 (2004?)(I'd swear I started growing in 2003) June 2004 in Los Angeles Early September of 2004 Late September of 2004
Early December 2004 March 2005 at around mid-back-waist-ish Beltaine 2005 when it felt like waist length Late June at hair meet, with LisaJaney and Teacherbear
Cherry picking in mid-July 2005 August 6 2005 at almost-hip ???unknown date, possibly October October 2 2005 at covering-hipbone length
Looks almost tailbone when straight Frozen hair day, November 18 2005
Define "regular" trim... haha. They weren't regular by any means. It was more like "Okay, the ends of my hair feel/look fried..." Followed by a trip to the hairdresser and saying, "Please take off as little as you can!"
I got in "trouble" for going 6-8 months between trims. I actually did some major cuts in those few years, especially between 2000-2002. I had more or less been maintaining a shoulder length style until the end of 2002 (I was about 17) when I decided to grow it out.
And since then everyone (family, friends) has just been very supportive. Every time I would say, "Oh...should I cut my hair?" it would be "NO!" from them. And I've had a few boyfriends that said they'd be mad if the hair went missing, so it stayed...
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Joined: November 02 2004
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Gorgeous hair!! You're an inspiration to all of us "wannabe's". I think the key to letting it grow is patience.....which can be very difficult when you're at the ugly "in-between" stage. I've had short hair so long that when I look at pics of myself with longer hair I don't remember what it was like to have it that long!! My husband is glad I'm letting it grow...I think he's tired of looking at my short hair also!
Thanks again for the great pics!
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wow, amazing growth! I agree with Anais-it should be a progress thread.
Unfortunately I have no picture since my hair has never really been
shorter than it is now. Ah well. (Can't remember it being shorter than
28.02.06 34 inches
Photos Lifes a grave. Dig it.
-Wednesday 13
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I don't think I was ever consciously taking progress pictures... I just had the occasional day where I was fascinated by how long my hair looked and took a few pictures.
And I really wouldn't say I have healthy hair. Or any great product tips.
I've been using satin pillowcases for probably two years though. Sometimes if my hair is looking relatively nice or I have it braided, I tie a silk pajama top on my head when I sleep. It keeps my hair in semi-decent shape when I put pseudo-micros in every summer.
My hair isn't exactly straight either. Most of those pics are following a blow dry straight. Air-drying produces a poofy fuzzy mess that I haven't learned to deal with.
LadyFrog, how long have you had your hair that long if you can't remember it short? Do you keep it a similar length consistantly? I personally couldn't see myself being able to manage with hair any longer than your own.
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letmecount123, I have had long hair my entire life. In the past, I did
not consciously grow it or maintain one length, I just chopped off 4 or
5 inches every year and it always stayed around elbow length. It's only
the past year maybe I realised my hair was long and decided to
grow it. I hope this has answered your question
I agree Anais, lovely pics
28.02.06 34 inches
Photos Lifes a grave. Dig it.
-Wednesday 13
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Anais, I don't know if I've ever seen anyone's hair grow faster than
your's does. That is sure some incredible progress indeed!
Fabulous hair! We decided to include some progress pictures of
Jennifer in this thread as well.
This picture was taken in January of 2004, shortly after Jennifer and I first met:
June of the same year ... 5 months had past:
September of the same year:
This picture was taken almost exactly one year ago. At this
point, I was considering Jennifer's hair to be "long", but she didn't.
Then in March of 2005, we took this picture. Her hair looks
uneven at the bottom, but I think it's just the way she had it pulled
back this particular day:
I took this picture of her while on vacation at Assateaque Island this past summer:
Then, in September I took this picture and Jennifer made the remark to
me around this time that she thought her hair was beginning to look
Because of split ends from not having a trim for a very long time, we
decided to trim the longest growth from the middle of her hair. I
hated to do it, but we agreed it was best for her hair. Now, her
hair looks much neater and it's ready for a year of growth in
2006. I can't wait to see her hair at her waist.
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