The unworthy guy who sees,
A beautiful angel
With such sad eyes
Who just wishes for you
All the best.
Those sad eyes
Walking the hallways,
Downcast eyes always
No matter who comes by
Interweaving each person.
You are like a stream
Taking the easy way out
Until you are gone
Away from everyone
An invisible character.
Such sad eyes
Hidden in a fall of hair
The best friend you have
The locks ever down
In a way that is safe.
Always safe…
Can you lift your head?
Can my eyes fathom?
Just to allow a glimpse
Into your soul just once?
And see me unworthy?
Your hair is your hiding tool
Forever safe within it’s strands
Allowing no one ever
To fathom those depths
That mean everything to me.
You need not hide
Those strands only seek
My eyes just to see
The intricate soul underneath
It keeps me in captivate.
Please know
Those strands invite
So I see great eyes
That show me the soul
Those framed in hiding stands...