It is a bummer that your spouse is against your desire to have a girlish style. You know her better than really need to find a way to win her over. How long is your hair now? Is there a dress code issue at your work? Do you think your wife would let you go for the guy pony tail look? If she would agree to that then get to that point and start to ease into more feminine styles. Maybe once she sees your hair like that she may find she likes the look on you. Keep in touch, I really want to know how this works out for you.
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Thank your reply. My hair is thick pretty light brown, center parted and to mid ear from the top and to my earlobes overall with bangs to my eyebrows. I have an appt to get it cut in 3 weeks and I'm looking for pics of a short feminine bob that is full in the back with bangs. I think I will just come out and tell the girl that does my hair that i LOVE fem bobs and that I want one. What are your thoughts? I mean what can my wife say if i get a feminine bob that I CAN'T hide right? Any pics or suggestions or help are appreciated. thanks
Interesting. This thread is just over a page, yet has spanned 11 years and 2 Jamies. I guess every topic has it's niche.
Every guy gets razzed a bit when he first grows his hair long. It's just a fact of life as a long haired guy. Once you stabilize your style for awhile people will get used to and find something new to talk about. I've always found the key is to wear it in a neat, fairly normal looking style (even if it's normal for the opposite gender) that suits your overall appearance well. I've always had an easy time of it because I'm slender with an oval shaped face and long hair tends to look good people like me. My advice to not worry about gender or what people think and just find a look that's best for you.
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Joined: January 24 2011
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Ok I went to the salon and straight out told the girl that I want a feminine girls bob, earlobe length with bangs and a stacked back. She said that length and style would look great on me and she cut my hair so that when it grows out a little (about 1 to 2 months worth) it will be a one length earlobe length bob with bangs. Right now its more like a bowl cut with bangs as I let the sides grow longer but the back is there. SOON I will have a fem earlobe length bob with bangs MMMMMMMMM can't wait.
Quite awhile back I wore mine sort of like that. I was sort of tiring of having my hair about elbow length and decided to go for a radical cut. I'd always liked the "wedge" style cut and so I went with that. It was basically a just over the ears banged paige, but with beveling to give it some width. I loved it, though it was a style I'd only seen on women. Later I grew it to below chin length, but kept the bangs. I kind of wanted to go completely blonde with it that way, but compromised and just did some light streaks.
These days I wear it bangless one-length at almost my shoulders. I kind of miss bangs. They really make your hair look full in the front, hiding your hairline. I may go back to them sometime.
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Joined: February 24 2007
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Hey everyone. I went to the salon this past week and got a mani/pedi (with polish) and had my hair cut into a cute feminine earlobe length bob with bangs and clippered nape. I love it. I want it to grow out a little longer and that wont take long my hair grows fast. I had a blast at the salon. Girly stuff is soooo mch fun.
Glad you had a good time, Jamie. That's a great style for a growout, too. It should look good at every length. Long hair obviously isn't for everyone, but is certainly is a pleasure for those of us who love it-- guys included.
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Joined: January 24 2011
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I am soooo loving my hair in this fem earlobe length bob with bangs and clippered nape. I love the way it swings. Im going to let it grow some so next hair appt I will get it cut longer on the sides and getting shorter in back. Its going to be soooo fem.
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Joined: May 26 2011
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I'm new to this forum but not new to long, feminine hair. I have always had it since it became possible. I am straight and married and my wife lets me have what I want! I used to have waist-length hair for many years, with only slight changes. I cut it back above shoulder length once to get a job but grew it back and have only had styling done occasionally since then. I had feathered-back bangs cut in at one point and later had straight bangs, both times with the rest to my waist.
A little more than a year ago I got tired of the split ends, etc., and got my wife to chop it off to shoulder length. We agreed it needed professional repair so I took my time to find a good stylist to have her give me an angled bob style. Since then I added some stacking to the back and last time I had her color the stacking two shades darker for some kind of "lowlights" (I get her to color my gray roots each time).
I really enjoy the bob and although it draws some stares and double-takes occasionally, it is casually accepted by 99% of the people I encounter. All my friends and co-workers are used to it now. I wear it "down" almost always, only tucking it behind my ears for the most conservative occasions. Yes--you really can wear a bob!
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Joined: January 24 2011
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Welcome to the bobbed guy club. I hope It grows because there is NOTHING wrong with a guy having a bob hairstyle. I have my hair cut in a feminine bob with bangs and I LOVE it. I love the way it looks and swings and my stylist said it fits my face shape. I think we need to start a revolution about gender and hairstyles. Where I am from any guy that is remotely feminine is usaully looked down upon, but I have my hair cut in a girls earlobe length bob with bangs and im letting it grow some. I have an appt in 2 weeks and I am thinking of getting it cut in an angled bob with bangs. longer on the sides and graduated up a LITTLE in back and having the back stacked. I mean girls can wear their hair from LONG LONG to SHORT SHORT (even bald) so why cant guys have bob hairstyles right?
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Joined: May 26 2011
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Jamie-I agree and I am pushing the frontier with a bob! You can see my basic cut in my avatar--the angle and stack are evident. I am letting the front grow out, maybe an inch more, and angle it even more then. Plus I may have the stacking dyed black instead of just a couple of shades darker than my normal. I have lots of pix on the GuysWithBobs Group on Yahoo--are you a member of that group?
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Joined: January 24 2011
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Yes I am too pushing the limits with my bob but I love it. whats the name of the group your in on yahoo. I looked for it and couldnt find it. PM me your email and I will send you pics of my pretty fem bob
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Joined: October 22 2010
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Hi jamie, There is nothing wrong in being yourself. I was also in a dilemma about a couple of years before. but now i don't really care much about what others think. After all it is our life. below is my photo of hair.
I have natural brown hair with highlights that only became evident once I let it grow out. The salon lady styled it into a pretty bob for me. She also waxed my eyebrows too. I love having the style and it makes me look much younger.
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Joined: September 13 2011
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There are certainly distinct differences between masculine and feminine
decor style, however, this does not mean that it is not possible to mix
these two styles together to make a coherent living space.
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Joined: July 01 2012
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Hi everyone. I'm a guy (Jennifer is the fem name I like to use) and I have wanted for a while to grow my hair out and get it cut in a very feminine bob with bangs. I haven't because when my hair starts getting longer people tell me I need to go get a haircut and I cave in and do. I really want a feminine bob with bangs either chin length or earlobe length. What should I do? Does anyone have suggestions for how to deal with this and what would be the best most feminine bob with bangs cut to get?
Unfortunately there will always be people who stick so strictly to gender norms and societal ideals that they will put down anyone who doesn’t fit into what is expected. I agree that in most cases women can get away with shorter hair styles and they aren’t singled out as much for being masculine. The notion that men are supposed to be masculine is sometimes a lot stricter than women being feminine. Girls are allowed to be tom boyish and sporty without much ridicule.
In some cases though certain women are singled out for having a short masculine hairstyle, some ignorant people may look at them and automatically assume that they are lesbians or unfeminine which is totally unethical and just plain stupid. But people will judge no matter what so you have to do what makes you happy.
If the hairstyle suits your face and you like it then keep it! If you let every negative person out there influence what you did you would never live your life for YOU. I think some men look great with longer hair; some men have the face and bone structure to really pull of the longer styles.
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Since my last post a bit over a year ago I have continued to enjoy my angled, stacked bob. I wear it down almost all the time, rarely tucking it back. Since last summer I have added highlights, too. Also, I have added earrings, usually wearing 2-inch hoops in the front holes and ball studs in the back ones. I am straight and I do not act effeminate. It is fun to enjoy this look!
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Joined: July 01 2012
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Thanks for the replies. Erica, I did ask a stylist once how I would look with a bob and she said my face and features were great for that style.that's one reason I am wanting to get one so bad.
Bobbed, you are lucky to have a great bob already. I want to be able to enjoy that feeling too, and the dressing up as well.
That said, nobody has offered any advice on how to deal with all the people that pressure me to get a haircut and what length and style bob is the most feminine and sexy.
I really need advice because I want to let my hair grow and finally get the feminine bob that I have always wanted.
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