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Malaysian Method

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: February 02 2025 at 3:54am

Topic: Malaysian Method
Posted By: Jenny_RR
Subject: Malaysian Method
Date Posted: February 05 2005 at 8:17pm
I think awhile ago someone had asked about the Malaysian method, and it was unclear exactly what that was. Here's a link I found anyway: -


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Posted By: Syren123
Date Posted: February 05 2005 at 8:34pm
Oh come now. The Malaysian Method? It looks like a regular braided track to me. She probably just doesn't integrate synthetic in the braid which is what makes it thick. So what? A woman named Dena at hairpiece did a thing on me called a 'pole weave' using strong black string in the braids and it looked just like that. The tracks were super thin and flat and the wefts were sewn right on them. It was awesome. I explained the process to my usual track weaving stylist (who is black), she practiced a little on her wig head, and presto chango: she learned it on her own.
And this gal is charging people $750 to do that?! This business really is a license to steal sometimes.
BTW, Jenny, you do find an amazing amount of information!! I've learned so much from the links you've supplied I can't tell you.

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: February 05 2005 at 8:41pm
That's cool. I really don't know much about tracks, but I've seen a few salon websites referring to this technique, and I had no idea what it was--do they do this sort of thing in Malaysia? Who knows. There are so many names for similar methods and hair, it's dizzying. I have seen pictures of "pole weaving" before, and this does look very similar.

By the way, I wasn't at all suggesting that anyone should buy anything from that website. I pasted the link just to show people what the "Malaysian method" apparently refers to.


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Posted By: Syren123
Date Posted: February 05 2005 at 8:45pm
Of course not! I think everybody knows that, Jenny. And anyway - think anyone on this board would fork over their money anywhere without thoroughly investigating first?! LOL

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: February 05 2005 at 9:34pm
I certainly hope they wouldn't. But every once in a while, we have someone stop by who's paying like $3000 for extensions that are ruining their hair. Or someone who thinks their $50 platinum extensions are geniune Russian hair because their stylist said so. Or others who are just one step away from setting their heads on fire. (That's when we have to do an intervention--LOL!) :)

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Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: February 05 2005 at 9:44pm
I think the 'Malaysian Method' was created by a stylist named Lisha Coleman.

I haven't tried the Malaysian method, but off of the Lisha website I did buy the video tape on the 'Secure locking ' method and the custom Ingetration. Both were very informative and seemed like good methods. I just couldn't seem to the the secure locking method to stay in very fine hair, but it is a unique way to make a track in hair. The integration tape is great.

All of Lisha's tapes are pricey, but I am able to write it off as a business expense.

I very highly considering purchasing the video on how to do the micro illusion method. I love learning new hair extension stuff.

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Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: February 06 2005 at 8:22am
The Malaysian Method.........

Is created by taking a small piece of hair and making a small
ponytail. Start threading around it about 3 times creating a knot
which is your anchor. Then sew another two times curving your
needle up through the 3 circles you just made. When it's
secure, split the ponytail in half and go up through the knot with
the thread two or three times.

Once the anchor is totally secured start weaving in and out
along the hair line like your basket weaving. Use one hand flat
against the clients head as close to the hair line as you can
while weaving in and out very close to the scalp with the other.
You do this until you get all the way around the head. The
thread must be kept very taunt around the hairline at all times
or you will have slipage if you leave it too loose. When you get
to the finish point on the other side make another ponytail
creating your second anchor.

Once completed, start backstitching over the weaved thread
making your track more secure. Keep backstitching over the
weaved thread until you get back to your first anchor you made.
This is how each tracks is created. Then sew on your weft,
hand tied being the better choice for the flatest look. You can
leave some of the clients hair out between tracks then make
your next track. You may prefer to use a straight needle for this
method. This method used to be called The Laser Weave.

Metalgirl~I so happy to hear you like the Integration video. I
have been planning on getting that one for the longest time. I
have 4 of her videos already. I really like her videos!! $$$$

Sorry to go off subject, but I actually wanted to ask you
personally about Shrink Links. I just got an e-mail from them
about taking the course. I wanted to ask you if you saw any
damage with this method at all. I want to do the safest method
possible for fine, thinner type textures that can't handle fusion.
Would you recommend I go on the course or do you know
another course that would be better for this hair type. I'm
weaved out!! Would love your input.....thanks

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: February 06 2005 at 10:17am
thats interesting that the video in the tripod link is under $50. But Lishas video is $175. It looks like the same video.

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Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: February 06 2005 at 11:14am
hmmm I sent an email off to the tripod link at the top of the thread and it got returned to me, unknown user address....bummer I really was interested, but not at $175.

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Posted By: Syren123
Date Posted: February 06 2005 at 12:52pm
Save-a-stray's description is exactly the same as the pole method only using one piece of string instead of three. The result is the same. It did not last three months, that's for sure, but it did last 6 weeks which for my fine hair was a world record. I suppose it would have lasted 3 months, but as my hair grew out, the wefts hung like a curtain and drove me crazy. At 6 weeks I couldn't stand it anymore. If a person's hair grows very slowly like some black women's hair, it could last much longer, that's true.
The only drawback was the garbage hair I bought at - yes, hairpiece - which was toasted at 6 weeks.
It was handtied weft, but the usual matted dried doghair after about a month.
You know, if there was a person near me who did this method, Malaysian or whatever, I would go there - it really is a great method- long lasting, non damaging. If any of you stylist ladies are interested in learning it, you really should cuz you could sell the hell out of it. $850 sounds a bit steep, tho - that Dena charged $60 a track and I had 4.

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: February 06 2005 at 1:01pm
Speaking of videos, has anyone tried these: - - - -


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Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: February 06 2005 at 2:40pm

Does the name 'Save - a Stray' refer to animals? If so, that's very cool. I have apopted many rescued animals, which includes my 2 dogs, cats,****atiel, and 2 donkeys!

Anyway, I totally feel that the shrink link method is a good one. I wore them personally for about 3 years, and my hair is very fine and thin, and I was no worse for the wear. I have not seen breakage an any client, and I have been doing this method (among others) for about 5 years or so.

The only downside of this method is that if the client is very oily or they are in water a lot (swimming, etc) these will tend to slip out faster. For most people, they do stay in the hair very well for about 10-12 weeks, and as that 12 week theshold comes near, they do tend to slip out at a faster rate, but that's ok, you don't want anyone wearing any kind of extensions longer than 12 weeks anyway.

If the hair is very thin, you want to be careful in your sectioning, because if you don't use enough hair to which you are attaching the perma plug, you could get 'root pull'. But that is not unique to this system, it could happen to any extension if you don't take enough hair in your section.

That's why I now personally prefer wefts on myself, because I like to wear a lot of hair (8 ounces) and I really don't have enough natural hair to attach 8 ounces of any strand method extension, so I use clip in's. Extensions have not damaged my hair, my hair is just genetically bad hair.

MB sells really great quality hair, which they get from Extensions Plus, or you can provide them with another source of hair, which they make into their 'perma plugs' The perma plugs are tipped with hard plastic and stays in tact and doesn't melt under heat, so you can reuse the hair for 1-2 years. And yes, the hair is decent enough to last 1-2 years without getting tangled and matty.

I have expiremented with using hair that I pretipped myself with Liquid Gold, and I find that hair sheds over time with this method. With the perma plug's hard platic tip keeping the hair in tact, this hair does not shed at all over the duration of wearing.

With removal, you just reheat with flat iron and it all comes right out. They have a residue remover that you spray on the residue, rub with cotton sqaure, and it comes right out.

Also, before you put them in the hair, it's important (and I'm sure they would tell you this) to wash the hair 3 times with dish soap. If you don't do this, the shrink links could slip out prematurely.

I really haven't had any problems with this system or company. Soon I guess they are going to start working the hair shows to 'debut' this product (15 years in the making) and they asked me if I'd like to work the shows with them doing demos, etc.

I'd be happy to answer any more questions if you have any.

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Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: February 06 2005 at 7:32pm
Metalgirl~ Thank you so much for your reply, you are an
extremely helpful person I see on the board. Very much

Yes, I am involved in animal rescue. I just do it independantly,
trapping strays and taking them to be spayed and neutered.

I really want to go on that course now. I am all amped up !! I
am only interested in using top quality hair. I tried looking up
Extensions they have a website or do you perhaps
know the location? I will travel to go get some good quality
hair.Thanks again for your reply

Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: February 06 2005 at 8:16pm

That's wonderful you are with ferrel animals! Right now, my dog and I are in a 'pet partner' training course to become certified so we can go visit sick/disabled people in hospitals. I love animals and I like the thought that healing can be achieved thourgh the loving energy of animals.

Anyway, back to hair:

Extension Plus
17738 1/2 Sherman Way
Receda, CA 91335
(818) 881-5611

They have a website homepage, but it's been under construction for some time now.

You will have to send a copy of your cosmetology license before they will send you a price list.

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Posted By: maliburum
Date Posted: February 06 2005 at 8:22pm
Hi ladies subject title caught my attention. I am interested in learning new ways of doing extensions also. I was wondering if it was ok to suggest a video trade off between members? If this is not a good thing by the admin, then I understand but I think it might be helpful for someone that maybe has videos that they have watched and no longer need.


Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: February 06 2005 at 8:31pm
Syren~Sorry if my post wasn't clear. It is just one thread that is
threaded around the base 3 times or so to make a secure
anchor. It's not like three pieces of string wrapped around it.
They have so many different names for methods that it get
pretty confusing. I always hope I'm not going to go on a new
course and I already know the method, that its just been called
something else. I love learning new methods!! I can't get
enough!! The only videos I have bought are Lisha Coleman's
which I do recommend buying. I have bought all of the Hair To
Go weave collection. They are homemade videos but are pretty
good for picking up different weave patterns. I like the Perfect
Hair Extension video as far as methods go. The videos are
quite entertaining to watch. My next purchase will be the Micro-
illusions and the Integration videos. If I find any other good
tapes I will be sure to post and let you all know about it.

Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: February 06 2005 at 8:47pm
Metalgirl~ Isn't it the great most rewarding job ever.

Thanks for the info of the hair company. I will look into getting
some of their hair. I will have to send them my New York
License for now. I moved to LA last year and applied in august
for state board testing. I called them in november and they said
my date would come shortly....I'm still waiting!!

Posted By: Skyeam
Date Posted: February 06 2005 at 8:57pm
Hi Save a Stray,

Thank you so much for providing how-to info on the Malaysian Weave. I have some questions regarding the Malaysian Method- hope their not too confusing. I'm about to get out my mannequin head and practice and I really want to learn this method. Exactly how many knots do you make at each anchor? Is it one before you split the ponytail and one after? Also, when you bring the thread back to the other side to the first anchor, do you have to follow the same "basketweave" pattern you did on the first run? What do you mean by "backstitch"? When you come back to the first anchor, do you knot it again?


Posted By: Skyeam
Date Posted: February 06 2005 at 8:57pm
Hi Save a Stray,

Thank you so much for providing how-to info on the Malaysian Weave. I have some questions regarding the Malaysian Method- hope their not too confusing. I'm about to get out my mannequin head and practice and I really want to learn this method. Exactly how many knots do you make at each anchor? Is it one before you split the ponytail and one after? Also, when you bring the thread back to the other side to the first anchor, do you have to follow the same "basketweave" pattern you did on the first run? What do you mean by "backstitch"? When you come back to the first anchor, do you knot it again?


Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: February 06 2005 at 9:18pm
Skyeam~ I will come back in a few and talk you through the
exact method,....amount of knots and things for sure!!

Posted By: Skyeam
Date Posted: February 06 2005 at 9:21pm
Thanks Save a Stray. I appreciate it!


Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: February 06 2005 at 10:17pm

First make sure your thread is double knotted and pinch a
small ponytail, they can be about a 1/4" - maybe 3/8" in size.
Make the 3 securing circles around the pony then sew another
two times curving your needle up through the 3 circles you just

Then you split the ponytail.When you split the ponytail pull it
wide enough apart that the thread is forced right up snug to the

Then go up through the ponytail you just split and make
another secure knot (can do another knot if needed). You only
need to do this one time and you now have made the finished

Don't cut the thread if you don't need to. and go straight into
weaving in an out. Start going in as close to the anchored
ponytail you just made, so theres no space between the
ponytail and the first weaving in spot.

Weaving in and out all the way around to the other side and
make your second anchor. As soon as you have secured the
second anchor again, without cutting the thread backstitch. Just
like when you run out of thread when your sewing on a weft
and you need to go back through the weft to secure it from

So all you are doing is taking the thread and back tracking over
the weaved track. You are just making it more secure to hold
the weft. Go all the way back to the first anchor and now you
just sew the weft straight onto the track. This is the Malaysian

I hope you understand my explanation. If not fire away with
more questions...........hope this help.
Let me know how this works out for you!!

Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: February 06 2005 at 10:37pm
No. Skyeam you don't basket weave again on the way back to the first anchor just backstitching going under(blanket stitch/slip knot) with the needle angled facing to the left if your right handed. You can use about 1/2" spacings is good going backwards.
You can just go through the middle of the anchored ponytail one more time and then you are ready to sew the weft on.

You can use a second stitch through the ponytail if you find it more secure at the start, You may find one is not enough,its up to you Skyeam. GOOD LUCK!!

Posted By: Skyeam
Date Posted: February 06 2005 at 10:44pm
I started out the ponytail just as I would doing the "pole" weave method and I believe I got the first anchor pretty secure. My problem was weaving the thread through the hair from left to right- since I'm right handed. i'm also using a curved needle. A straight would probably work better. I could see how this would work well with textured hair. I'm going to perfect it on the mannequin and then a friend before I try it on a client. You are such a jewel for sharing this information! I may contact you with more questions- so be on the look out! Thank you girl!


Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: February 06 2005 at 11:10pm
she starts from the right side with the first ponytail then basket weaving to the left side. I also think a straight needle would be a tad easier. Great..... I think you will have it down in no time.
I do think she has the best video''s for sure!!

Posted By: Skyeam
Date Posted: February 06 2005 at 11:22pm
Starting out on the right side makes since if you're right-handed. I'll try it that way next time. I just completed one track and I sewed in a hand-tied weft I recently put together. It's nice and flat. I like it! I'm sure her videos are nice; but they are so expensive! What other Lisha Coleman video is worth the investment?


Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: February 07 2005 at 12:26am
I really like every video she has put out. She's a good teacher and explains everything. I don't think you can go wrong with any video that you purchase from her.

I really liked her Secure Locking video. She has alot of extra info in the tape on securing attachments with this method and how to make head templates. She explains it very clearly. I think it is better for med/coarse textures. As metalgirl and I both found, fine hair does tend to slip a little.

I will always buy her videos in the future. I really can't say that about to many other videos I have bought though. Hair to Go, I would look into again if they come out with some new extension ones. Lisha Coleman's my favorite.

Happy Weaving!!

Posted By: Skyeam
Date Posted: February 07 2005 at 9:47am
Save A Stray,

Have you purchased Lisha's Swedish Method video? If so, what do you think about it. On her site, she says it works well with fine hair.


Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: February 07 2005 at 10:36am
Yes, I do think I have this one. I looked on her site and the Swedish Method cover is the exact same one I have but named differently.
When I bought it 5 years ago it was called The Strand To Strand Method, which has been called French Lacing according to the cover I have.
My box also has the blonde girl with the fine hair on the back of the box. I almost sure it's the same tape.
It's basically the same Malaysian ponytail knot method, in little ponytails all the way around the head with about 1" spacings between ponytails which are all linked together with the thread as you go from pony to pony. That's the track!!
It's supposed to last 6 - 8 weeks.
Hook it up Skyeam!! I just picture you running off to get your mannequin head...haha

Posted By: Skyeam
Date Posted: February 07 2005 at 11:47am
Oh my gosh! You have me cracking up over here! How did you know I was running to get my mannequin head. I told myself I was going to burn all of my heads after I got my license. However, when your a hair weaving specialist, I guess you have to hang on to them for practice purposes. Lisha is getting over on these tapes! She knows she could have added the multiple ponytail technique to the Malaysain video and she could have said this is for more reinforcement. She had to give it a new name and everthing! I guess she's tryin' to stay paid too. Can't blame her on that one. Well, I must go so I can go practice the "Swedish" technique! Ciao!


Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: February 07 2005 at 12:04pm
Skyeam~The only difference I see from the Malasyian ponytail
knot is that she doesn't go up through the split ponytail with the
thread. Do the first 3 steps only -circle around 3 times, up
through circle 2 times and splits the ponytail pulling taunt
making sure the thread is snug by the hairline then just lets the
ends drop back down, move right on to the next ponytail. That's
the only difference.Her second track was all different spacings
apart. You can use 1/2" 1", 2"....what ever spacings you rules here!!

Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: February 07 2005 at 12:07pm
Yip, I saw you runnin........GO GIRL!!


Posted By: Skyeam
Date Posted: February 07 2005 at 12:37pm
Okay, so on the Malaysian she doesn't knot the ponytails in between at all? She just circles around 3 times, then two times up through the circled thread, then moves on to the next? What about back stitching?


Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: February 07 2005 at 12:41pm

Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: February 07 2005 at 12:46pm
You do go up through the split ponytail with the Malaysian
Method but not on the Swedish. That's what I was saying the
difference was between the two.Okay you got it?!!

Posted By: Skyeam
Date Posted: February 07 2005 at 1:39pm
But on the Swedish you still definitely have to knot the end anchors, right?


Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: February 07 2005 at 6:25pm
Look at my first post on this page .....Follow the first 2 lines
only.....that is the swedish ponytail. Then you lace on to the next

I don't know how else to explain to you. I'll try again if you still
haven't got it. >^..^<

Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: February 07 2005 at 9:29pm
Skyeam~ you can go up through the end anchors a third time if you feel you need it.
Try a combination~ you can use the Malaysian knot on the ends and the rest the other way.
Fine hair you would space closer together.
You can spray down the hair lightly if you want to make it easier with fly away's.
She does say this has been called the pole method......!!Missed that last time.

So is your Mannequin all hooked up?!!

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: February 07 2005 at 9:32pm
This may be the most complex thread I've ever read on this board. You girls are in an advanced-weaving universe of your own. Perhaps we can turn this into a tutorial afterward? :)

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Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: February 07 2005 at 9:44pm
HAHAHA I was thinking the same thing Jenn....this one is way over my head. Its like a whole different world! But its interesting to read about a whole different method than most of us know anything about! Weaving sounds like a very complex technique. And it sounds like it takes alot of skill and practice.

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Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: February 07 2005 at 9:47pm
HaHa..... Jenny, It's really quite simple. I just hate the fact that
there are so many different names thrown out there and it ends
up being the same method.These are two very flat methods of
weaving. I would be thrilled if DIY'ers can pick it up.

Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: February 07 2005 at 9:48pm

Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: February 07 2005 at 9:50pm


Posted By: Skyeam
Date Posted: February 07 2005 at 10:02pm
Ha! Ha! I guess this is sort of like an online tutorial! I luv this forum! Weave sistahs unite!

Ingenious! Spraying down fine hair for flyaways. Every little thing makes such a difference. My mannequin has the tight weave! I'm ready to do this on a friend now. I just love learning new techniques! Oh! I know what I wanted to as you Save A Stray- how small are the horizontal sections? I assume they shouldn't be too wide.

This method is easier than the pole and it has the same effect. The pole gets on my nerves sometimes. Always having to mess with spoools, tension and adjusting the machine is a hassle.


Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: February 07 2005 at 10:20pm
I think you are talking about the spacing's right? If so, it
depends on the clients hair. Fine hair I would do closer
spacings like say anywhere from 1/2" - 1" apart . It's really up to
you how you want to place the spacings. Each person is

Posted By: Skyeam
Date Posted: February 07 2005 at 10:49pm
no actually the sections that you part. I've been doing them pretty thin.


Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: February 07 2005 at 11:22pm
1/2- 3/4" between tracks is what I like. I prefer more of the
natural hair out than the tracks being too close together. I like
the horseshoe tracks following the natural shape of the head.
Let me know how your friends hair turns out.....

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: February 08 2005 at 12:49am
Excellent. I will add this to the links whenever I can get into the thread. Can you girls just tell me which names this would go under (Malaysian, Pole, or anything else) and what you would suggest it for (the advantages and disadvantages of using it), what kind of hair it's best suited for, how it differs from traditional weaving, etc.).

Thanks a lot! :)

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Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: February 08 2005 at 5:01am

These two weaves are for achieving the flatest weaves without
any bulk, like you tend to get with a braided track.

The Malaysian Method is suitable for most hair types and can
last up to last 3-4 months.

The French Lacing Method is suitable for fine, caucasian hair
but can be used on all hair types. Lasts 6-8 weeks.

The big advantage to these methods is the super flat feel you
get, which is hard to achieve with a braided track.

The disadvantages I could see are these methods may need
maintanence sooner than a braided track would. There also
may be some slipage with these methods. Another is the cost
factor. Salons can charge a much higher price than a weave
with a regular braided track. if you can learn this with a friend, it
will save you $$$$.

Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: February 08 2005 at 5:08am
Jenny~ you may just want to call it...Flat Weave Techniques
due to the fact that there are so many names out there that are basically the same method. Just a thought......

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: February 08 2005 at 5:28am
Thanks, Save~A~Stray. That'll be a great addition to the boards! I appreciate it. :)

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Posted By: AfroPuffs
Date Posted: February 08 2005 at 7:06am
This Malaysian method sounds just like a method my stylist used to use called "Pinch Weaving" It was just a bunch of knots as a base and then the weft was sewn on top of the base.

Here's a description from hair factory

http:// - -

Pinch Weaving Video is 54 minutes. #VI-8 . . . $29.99
Learn The Pinch Weave Base. Quick & Easy.

A special technique of weaving with needle & thread. No braiding or bulkiness. Form a secure base & attach any length of weaving hair. If it can be pinched it can be weaved. Two weave styles are demonstrated; silky fine Caucasian hair to add volume & a short relaxed Afro American hair.


Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: February 09 2005 at 11:53pm
Afro Puffs:

Have you tried the Hair Factory pinch weave on anyone. How does it hold up?

I have tried the Secure Locking method on a hispanic client with fine hair (which seems like it is the same as the Malaysian method) and it was ok. It did not come out, but it was very loose after about 5 weeks.

I love the idea of weaving, because I think it can be more gentle on the hair, but it does take a lot of practice.

After I ordered the tape, I called Lisha for a few pointers, and she said watch your thread tension and hand angles, and practice alot. I may give this method another try.

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Posted By: AfroPuffs
Date Posted: February 10 2005 at 5:40am
hi metalgirl,

I'm not a stylist and only do my own hair. I've never done this technique on myself because I failed miserably each time I tried but my stylist hated glue and she used this technique on me.

I can't remember how long it used to stay. I don't get it done anymore because she moved to California.


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