PH/Dome Pinchbraids--Almost 4 Weeks Wear
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Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
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Topic: PH/Dome Pinchbraids--Almost 4 Weeks Wear
Posted By: Jenny_RR
Subject: PH/Dome Pinchbraids--Almost 4 Weeks Wear
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 11:29am
Well, these updates are probably getting a bit repetitive, I know, but
I just wanted you to see the PH/Dome combo after nearly 4 weeks of
wear. I've blow-dried this hair twice now (once about a week ago and
once last night). I've washed the length about 6 times.
I used hot rollers here (the 1 3/4 brand-new jumbo Revlon ones), which
do *not* create nearly as much curl as the vintage Clairol ones I have.
With the old Clairol ones, I can leave them in for 4 minutes and get
tight curls; with these, I leave them in until they cool, and it's much
looser (but I like the looser waves anyway, so...). Here, I actually
didn't leave them in until they were fully cool, which was probably a
bad idea.
Only products used since I got the hair: Dome Care Spray, Bedhead
Headrush Spray (like the Beyond the Zone Flasher Spray) and a bit of
diluted fabric softener in a spray bottle during and after washing.
Posted By: Kimbearly
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 11:34am
Your hair looks really, really pretty Jenny. Are you still happy with it? It looks like beautiful, healthy hair.
Posted By: Syren123
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 11:39am
I agree. It's really beautiful.
Same question as Kimbearly: are you happy with it? Do you plan to keep it this way for a while or do you have another plan simmering away for next time?
Posted By: Rhyse
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 11:45am
Beautiful Jenny..
Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 12:13pm
Aw...thanks. I'm thrilled with the hair overall. The quality of this
synth is wonderful, and I'm having a lot more sucess with it this time
(since I know what do do with it now, lol!). I'm definitely sticking
with PH going forward, but I'm ditching the Dome, just because it costs
more than the PH and PH has the white-blonde color in stock. As far as
I can tell, the quality is the same. So for the next install, I'll do
100% PH, but I also want to try out the WaWa and some of the other
therms, too, so I need to figure out how to incorporate those into the
mix. I don't intend to use HH again.
I'm also having much more luck as a result of the install this time.
Isaac spent a lot of time razoring and layering it. I wasn't sure about
it at first because I usually like the look of one-length hair better,
but I have to say, it wears much better with the layers and lots of
What else? Issac also filled in any non-braided areas and made all the
braids just a bit smaller overall, which has really improved matters
tremendously. I had some problems with pieceness last time, but it's
not an issue anymore.
My only difficulties are really just due to the inherent challenges of
dealing with my own (real) hair. The braids are fairly well-concealed
in the photos, but because my hair's so thin, fine, and light, they're
fairly visible when the wind blows (my real hair just blows all over
the place, while the synth, which is heavier, stays put). Extendtubes,
shrinkies, and fusion are smaller, but I still have the same problems
with them. For this reason, I may just get the braids done all the way
to the top going forward, incorporating them as part of the style,
rather than concealing them with my very thin, weak, damaged "top
hair." It's worth a try anyway.
Posted By: Amanda8Beechwoo
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 12:16pm
I think it still looks fantastic, the curl seems a lot better than last time as well. Think you are onto a winner. At least if you try the Wa Wa and don't like it you know what you do like and what works for you now xx Thanks for keeping us informed that's what these boards are for so keep it coming xx |
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 12:47pm
I just got my roots done and a cut...
------------- i love plastikhaar
Posted By: sesame617
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 12:54pm
This is just absolutely beautiful!! Please keep the updates coming.
I don't know if you posted this previously but what does something like this cost for hair and installation? A range is fine!!
Posted By: Bridget
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 1:10pm
Hey Jenny, your hair looks great! 4 weeks, huh! That's super! and it still looks great! What ph color is that? and what do you use for your roots? I know this is a repeat question...sorry!
Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 1:30pm
Actually, since I've got your attention....
Here's the original 50mm/Dome Classic pattern:
Here's the wave now:
So, what do I do to make the second picture more like the first. Different rollers? Maybe more rollers?
Posted By: Bridget
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 1:37pm
It's not that much of a difference... I think in the first picture your hair looks like it has a lot more volume/body.
Posted By: ccross6032
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 2:07pm
hey jenny - these posts aren't repetative at all. your hair looks fabulous...i agree with bridget, there really isn't that much subjective difference between the two picks...the former looks slightly more "fluffed" up for lack of a better term; the wave to me looks really really close...perhaps more rollers/smaller sections may fluff it up a bit?
Posted By: AmethystKat
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 2:09pm
i hope i can get the hang of caring for synthtic extensions like you
do. beyond the zone actually makes great products, the flasher spray is
Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 2:11pm
Seriously, Kat, they're a lot easier to take care of than human, imo.
It's just a matter of getting the hang of it (which, in many ways,
means not doing a whole lot to it).
If you run into any problems, there are about 50 of us on this board to help you through it, so don't worry!
Posted By: hippyhair
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 2:19pm
Hey Jenny girl ~
The more I see your pics (and I love the pics!), the more I am wanting synth and not human!
It's absolutely beautiful sweetie! I hope mine will end up looking half as good...
If I ever get it, that is.....
Posted By: Syren123
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 3:00pm
Maybe you could try rolling your hair starting at the top and in a spiral pattern rather than a straight roller roll, get what I mean? The original 50mm wave has kind of a spirally quality as opposed to a rollered wave. And I have the best results when curling thermofiber by starting at the top of the hair and rolling toward the ends. Less 'beauty queen' curl and more continuous wave.
I hope that makes sense.
Edited to say I know that technique was posted here before (how else would I have known about it, seriously) but it might bare repeating.
Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 7:42pm
Definitely, Syren--good points all. The PH is definitely a spiral
pattern. I haven't really played around with the rollers enough to
perfect my technique, but I'm going to try all of those things soon. :)
Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 7:53pm
sesame617 wrote:
What does something like this cost for hair and installation? A range is fine!! |
Sure. The hair is $13 a bag, and I'd say you need about 3 to 4 bags for
something like this (3 would be ample if the hair is doubled over).
Then, the install costs me $350. I generallly get them redone every 2
to 2 1/2 months, but you could definitely go for 3 months with these.
Bridget wrote:
What ph color is that? and what do
you use for your roots? I know this is a repeat question...sorry!
It's a mix of the PH Vanille and the Dome White (which is like a true
white-blonde platinum--I'm going to switch to the PH Perlweiss for
that, though, since it's the exact same color).
For my roots, I use this Feria 205, which gets me from my natural color (light brown/dark blonde)
to platinum--no red tones whatsoever. My only complaint about it is
that it has two powder bleach packets, so when you're doing your roots,
you have to be careful to get every single hair, because it's not
spreadable (hope that makes sense).
This one--the Feria 200--produces virtually the same result (I use them
interchangably, really), but it's just slightly more yellow, as opposed
to white, and it's more liquid, so it spreads more easily.
This one--the Loreal 10NB--is the one I used for more than 10 years,
before I switched to the Feria last year. This is considered more of a
high-lift peroxide (because it has no separate bleach packet), but if
you overlap, it can still be damaging. This would take my hair to
almost platinum, but not quite, and it oxidizes (gets a bit brassy)
over time. It works pretty well, though.
Posted By: FinaFina
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 8:30pm
Jenny_RR wrote:
I'm also having much more luck as a result of the install this time. Isaac spent a lot of time razoring and layering it. I wasn't sure about it at first because I usually like the look of one-length hair better, but I have to say, it wears much better with the layers and lots of razoring. |
I have to agree that that makes a HUGE difference. I've been doing lots of fill-in synthetic installs on the sides of my head and it's SO hard to get the razoring and layering correct. . .getting it done correctly up front is crucial. My 28mm was SO crazy, curly, like-nothing-I-ever-had that she didn't cut it much, so I did. Once it started to drop, the ends looked terrible, which is why I had to replace them.
Jenny_RR wrote:
My only difficulties are really just due to the inherent challenges of dealing with my own (real) hair. The braids are fairly well-concealed in the photos, but because my hair's so thin, fine, and light, they're fairly visible when the wind blows (my real hair just blows all over the place, while the synth, which is heavier, stays put). Extendtubes, shrinkies, and fusion are smaller, but I still have the same problems with them. For this reason, I may just get the braids done all the way to the top going forward, incorporating them as part of the style, rather than concealing them with my very thin, weak, damaged "top hair." It's worth a try anyway. . |
Yes ultimately that's the challenge. I have the same problem, except with multiple colors going on as well. Your color is so gorgeous, and the pinch braids look so cool, that I really think they'd work well as part of the whole overall look!
In general I AM VERY ENCOURAGED BY THIS!! I am getting my 50mm installed in less than 2 weeks -- and I feel like I'm limping to the finish line with this 28mm!!
Just FYI - all - I'm on NINE weeks and NOT ONE of my heat sealed braids has budged. NOT ONE. They are feeling loose and will be ready to go, but when I take them out (like I have on the sides), the underlying hair (mine) is completely undamaged; just slightly kinked from the braid. IMO the more of your head you can do with the braids, the better...
Jenny I agree your posts are NOT repetitive. Keep them coming!! Next week I'll do a post on my 9+ weeks old PH install with some HSF/Wawa/HH add ins. . .
Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 9:29pm
I can't wait to see your next install, Fina. From the sounds of it,
your real hair is the same as it would be after pinchbraid removal--a
little kinked from the braid, but totally intact and healthy. I'm also
happy to hear the heat-seals also haven't budged--I have the same luck
with pinchbraids. The two methods are really quite similar.
I think you'll love the 50mm, too. It's such a gorgeous wave. I do
think it'll drop faster than the 28mm, though, so you may want to avoid
washing your hair (although I know you wash your hair a lot), or just
wash the top, for at least a few days to prolong that initial wave
pattern. Of course, you can always reset it, though.
Posted By: amm
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 12:29am
Never ever repetitive and I think I can speak for a lot of people when
I say I LOVE looking at other's hair photos. It's a great source of
inspiration. The trial and error/success information is invaluable.
Your hair volume, color and cut is perfect and looks fabulous at 4
weeks. Truly, this Plastikhaar is turning out to be far and above
human hair for loose extensions.
Wish I knew someone close who did pinchbraiding. I would love to
try this.
------------- - Extension Supplies & Virgin Brazilian Hair
Posted By: plastikhaar
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 1:31am
hey jenn
your hair looks awesome, as always : )
hey i got exactly the same hairclips! i love them
sara : )
------------- need some great hair? - plastikhaar
Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 5:15am
hey Jenn I agree with everyone else, your posts are not repetitive at all, I actually appreciate reading and seeing your progress with the PH, you (and the other ladies) are making it easier for the rest of us, and giving me hope that the PH will work out for me. My next install has to be with synthetic! No more HH for me after this latest install.
Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 5:48am
amm wrote:
Wish I knew someone close who did pinchbraiding. I would love to
try this. |
Funny you should mention this, because hippyhair has been trying to
find an experienced pinchbraider in Northern California, and it doesn't
seem there are many of them out there (which suprises me, really). Rae
had suggested Rachel at Edo Salon (I have no idea where that salon is),
and down in Long Beach there's and, of course,
over in Seattle, there's Boogiemama's heat-seals, but that's not all
that many people for such a vast area. I'm sure there are more
HP-trained stylists out there, I just don't know how to track them
plastikhaar wrote:
hey jenn
your hair looks awesome, as always : )
hey i got exactly the same hairclips! i love them
sara : ) |
Actually it's YOUR hair that looks awesome; I'm just wearin' it, LOL! I
love these hairclips too--they're perfect for thin, fine hair. I got
them in lots of different animal prints from Sarah at,
the shipping was lightning-fast, and they're exactly what I wanted.
They're cheap, too!
sherrie215 wrote: me hope that the PH will work out for
me. My next install has to be with synthetic! No more HH for me after
this latest install. |
Excellent--you're taking the synth plunge! For you, Sher, I predict
it's gonna be all about the hot rollers. I think you mentioned that you
have some of those old-skool Clairol Kindness ones? (Maybe it's mine
that are vintage, and yours are new; I forget.) Anyway, I think you'll
find that those are a whole different animal on the synth than the new
jumbo ones (the heat is much higher on the old ones, and the very big
ones will probably be too big for you--you'll probably want more of a
5/8 or 1-inch roller). The truth is, this hair is very curlable--it's
just a matter of figuring out how to use the rollers, rather than the
iron. You're a pro at curling, so it'll be interesting to see what your
styling regimen ends up being.
Posted By: delin
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 10:19pm
Jenny; Your hair photos are inspirational. Thanks to you I have several boxes of PH on my dresser...Sara should consider kickbacks
I currently have both the 28 and 50mm installed. There is a decided difference in the texture...I prefer the 50, and why do the 28 since the curl doesn't hold anyway? I'd love to find the rollers that replicate the original 50 wave pattern.
I love the PH hair and I find it very easy to take care of. No special procedures, just some different products. Love the weight of it to.
Do you think the pieceness look is best avoided by more and smaller sections, or fewer and larger sections with more hair in the tip? IMO the razoring gives it a more natural look. Very nice.
Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 10:28pm
delin wrote:
Do you think the pieceness look is best avoided by more
and smaller sections, or fewer and larger sections with more hair in
the tip? |
More abundant and smaller is definitely the way to go, ideally without
any gaps between the connections or the rows. It's made a huge
difference for me in terms of the pieceness.
By the way, these are the rollers I'm using at the moment: