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OMG bout 2 have a heart attack

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 28 2024 at 8:27pm

Topic: OMG bout 2 have a heart attack
Posted By: SugarCube
Subject: OMG bout 2 have a heart attack
Date Posted: July 08 2007 at 10:23pm

omg 2morrow is my trim!! if dat guy does wut he did last time( turned my 1in trim into a seven inch chop) this is wuts gonna happenstarwars i no it seems extreme but i've finally reached my halfway goal and am having serious scissor phobia right now lol. jus gunna cross my fingers fa now tho.. wish me luck

JESUS is The Way the Truth and The Life!

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: July 08 2007 at 11:09pm
are you going to the same one?

------------- - My Journal

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: July 08 2007 at 11:19pm
NOOOOO!!!!  it does not sound extreme!!!! you let him know exactly what you want! If he makes one cut that is to mutch, you stand up and walk out of there with the cape still on if you have to!!!  You have every righ there is to tell him how much you want taken off!!!Thumbs%20Up
I have had my hair hacked at my the last 5 stylist I have gone to, and to tell you the truth, there is no way I would ever go back to any of them.Can I ask you, whay are you going to the same guy that has wronged you in the past?Is ther no other way for you to get around this?

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: Shanarana
Date Posted: July 09 2007 at 5:48am
Don't be intimidated, remember your the paying customer and YOUR IN CHARGE.....I agree with the other poster, if your uncomfortable just get up and leave, it's your hair!!!

I did a trim on my own hair last night, it's long enough where I can do it myself now.  I understand your fears about going to a salon for a "so called" trim that ends up being a whole new style if the customer does not speak up.

Be firm with what you want, and that's that....they (not all) will always try and put their two cents in with what they think is best for you, but you know what you want........

I'm not knocking all stylist as I know there are lots of real good ones, I'm talking about the ones that don't, and will not listen to the customers concerns.

24" of hair as of 7/7/07 Goal: 33"

Posted By: Bob S
Date Posted: July 09 2007 at 3:19pm
     Hi Sugar Cube! I'm with the others. Crossing your fingers won't help, and you should *never* go back to someone who discarded your wishes (and hair) last time. *Even* if that person is a friend or relative. *The stylist* is the one who abused the trust, not you, and he or she knows it!
     My wife stopped going to salons b/c of *other* women getting hacked against their wishes. She herself has had nightmare salon visits, but they occurred many years ago. There just came a point when I had read and heard about too many fiascos, and said, "Enough!" So I gather my courage when necessary, take my time and trim it myself.
     Surely there is someone in RL whom you can trust, Sugar Cube! Right? (lol) Good luck, Bob Wink

Posted By: digitaldiva
Date Posted: July 09 2007 at 3:25pm
I'd like to know why you're going back as well. Star

AS OF 5/25/2007
10 1/2' in the top
10 on the sides
3 1/2 in the back


Posted By: SugarCube
Date Posted: July 09 2007 at 6:08pm
i know i know, i shouldn't be goin back but i don't know neother stylist tho..... i'm goin 2 be really firm this time and not back down with all her suggestions

JESUS is The Way the Truth and The Life!

Posted By: mia23
Date Posted: July 09 2007 at 7:53pm
was 7inches of your hair split ends or something. maybe thats why the stylist cut that much off.

Posted By: digitaldiva
Date Posted: July 10 2007 at 7:43am
Originally posted by SugarCube SugarCube wrote:

i know i know, i shouldn't be goin back but i don't know neother stylist tho..... i'm goin 2 be really firm this time and not back down with all her suggestions

Okay so, for some strange reason this reminds me of an episode of Oprah. She had a couple of child molesters on the show and the kids that had been molested. They molested the kids over and over again, but the kids continued to stay in the bad situation. When asked why the kids didn't leave the situation or tell someone sooner. Turns out the molester began to build trust again with the kids after the first times. Then they built more and more trust until the kid allowed them to do it to them again!

I know this is completely far fetched as hel_l lol, but this is to say if they did it once they will do it again. On that one day that you've built up your trust because they've been doing your hair nicely for the past few months, you may forget to yell at them or smack them around a little bit about the fact that you're paying them to do a service for you not vice versa. I don't know about you. But it's a lot of energy to continuously be aggressive and mean to someone. I'm sure you could find someone on this board that visits a decent salon in your area. A stylist you can see, that you don't have to bully or that wont bully you into getting something you didn't want. Sorry, I've just gotten the shaft too many times by stylist.


AS OF 5/25/2007
10 1/2' in the top
10 on the sides
3 1/2 in the back


Posted By: Shanarana
Date Posted: July 10 2007 at 7:53am
How did everything go for you?

24" of hair as of 7/7/07 Goal: 33"

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: July 10 2007 at 8:34am
I was just wondering the same thing. SugerCube, is everything all right?

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: July 10 2007 at 8:40am
I have to say this one thing about being firm, sometimes it just does not work When my hair was cut last November, I told her only an inch on the bottom ,and three layered up. I even showed her how much on her comb, ans told her that my hair is curly, if you take 1 in off,it will respond like 3.  I ended up with an 8-12 inch "trim". Sometimes, I think that they just think they know best.She though my hair was o thick, so she took a razor to it from the shoulders down ( remember it was at my waist).
I dont mean to come off klike I am whining, or something,I just really believe that you should be so extremely cautious when it comes to stylists.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: July 10 2007 at 8:33pm
Many good points made here.  I wonder why you sought out this stylist again, SugarCube.  I hope your hair is okay and mostly (if not almost entirely) intact.

Originally posted by Alisa06 Alisa06 wrote:

I have to say this one thing about being firm, sometimes it just does not work When my hair was cut last November, I told her only an inch on the bottom ,and three layered up. I even showed her how much on her comb, ans told her that my hair is curly, if you take 1 in off,it will respond like 3.  I ended up with an 8-12 inch "trim". Sometimes, I think that they just think they know best.She though my hair was o thick, so she took a razor to it from the shoulders down ( remember it was at my waist).

There is absolutely no excuse for stylists to behave this way.  It is extremely unprofessional, yet I read (and personally hear about!) such stories all the time.  Such stylists need to learn to put aside their own personal preferences and just honor their clients' requests.


Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: July 10 2007 at 11:26pm
Originally posted by DaveDecker DaveDecker wrote:

There is absolutely no excuse for stylists to behave this way.  It is extremely unprofessional, yet I read (and personally hear about!) such stories all the time.  Such stylists need to learn to put aside their own personal preferences and just honor their clients' requests.
And if clients keep coming back again and again after experiencing chop jobs, the stylists will never get the point!
SC, surely this is not the only salon in your area.  Shop around!  Make phone calls and visits to find another one you feel comfortable with.

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: July 11 2007 at 10:31am
I agree, Hairbraider, and Dave!!!
I also think that if you keep going back, then you really do not have anything to complain about, if they keeping chopping your hair. When I was in my early 20's I went and had a cut, she took too much off,and then apologized because she didn't realize how much it would bounce up.
 I came back one more time, thinking,"this time she will get it right". She did the same thing again. I never went back.I figured, ok, once give her the benefit of the doubt, after all she did apologize,but twice, she wasn't going to get it right, and I wasn't going to let her experiment with my hair. From then on, one shot was all anybody got. Now, I do it myself.
SC, you have not responded yet, is everything ok. I do hope he didn't take toooo much off. I know anything that is too much , is too much, but just remember, alot of us have been there.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: Seraphina
Date Posted: July 12 2007 at 5:21pm
Just trim your hair yourself.  You can never trust hairdressers I am sorry to say.

Posted By: babycheeks24
Date Posted: July 12 2007 at 7:24pm
I would go to one that you pay a high price for and tip for if they know they have a good pay and tip coming there more likely to do a good job. I go in there and i put my fist down and i look them dead in the eye Im not nice at all whe ni go see my stylist if that hurts there feelings to bad im not going there to make a friend. I also state do not talk to me while you cut my hair i want you to concentrate so dont talk to anyone or get up and leave. I tell them up front I am going to tip you such and such amount by following what i say. If you dont I wont tip you this amount so listen to what i say i am a client and want what i feel is best for MY hair.  I also make them show me where they are going to cut before they can cut into it. YOu just have to make some serious boundaries with them and make some ground rules. Ive gone to the same lady now I think she gets my drift and knows how to act around me.


Posted By: SugarCube
Date Posted: July 15 2007 at 12:18pm
sorry i haven't responded; i've been so busy what with summer classes, my bible teacher's wedding, drama with my friends and i've been kind of depressed latelyUnhappy. with all this goin on i've decided to talke your advice to heart and not go back to that hair stylist( haven't got the trim yet gunna postpone that sry). i'm gonna ask my cousin who does her hair cus she got a trim that took all her splits w/o lukin like she got a tim!!!! thank ya'll soo much for takin the time to respond to this i no imma droama queen sometimes and ya'll r very kind about itbubbles

JESUS is The Way the Truth and The Life!

Posted By: SugarCube
Date Posted: July 16 2007 at 9:27am
OMG GUYS GUESS WUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yea well i skimped on the gell and oil and use some cream and serum n it turns out i don't have as many splits as i thought!!!!!!!drunk i guess the oil was drying my hair up and when i felt my ends i assumed there weere splits n now i found there aren't just about the last 1/4 inch which i'm gonna go to get dusted im sooooo happy i could cry. i am DEF goona use my new hair conoction (runs around the room screaming weeee while dad, sis n cats quietly shake their heads n mutter amusingly "oh LORD what did that child drink now jk lolz")

JESUS is The Way the Truth and The Life!

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: July 17 2007 at 7:32am
Yay!!!  Yeah that jojoba alone tricks me sometimes too.  Now I've made a habit, whenever I think my ends are bad I say to me "just wait until after the next wash, we'll clarify and try buttered oil instead of just oil and see if it still looks dry" - usually it doesn't and I'm glad I didn't cut it.

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: SugarCube
Date Posted: July 17 2007 at 9:29am
yeah i can totally feel where ur cumin from Susan, and i was about to get a 2-3 inch chop!borg

JESUS is The Way the Truth and The Life!

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: July 17 2007 at 11:16am
I am so happy for you Sugarube. Clap 
At the moment, my hair is playing tricks on me too. Mine is from the way it was cut. It was razored from the shoulders down, so now I have these ends sticking out all over . They feel very "poky" if you know what I mean. It keeps feeling lik it needs to be trimmed, but when I get to looking, I actually hardly have any splits. My hair is just very course, so all these ends coming through feel very strange to me. I can not wait to have them grown out!lolabove

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: SugarCube
Date Posted: July 19 2007 at 10:07am
i know!!!!! guess wut tho..... i found a new hair routine and soo far my hair has been soft soft soft! oh and my hair when straight is officially a inch from the waist!!!!!!horsei havent been paying attention to my hair lately and i'm soooo happy. i guess its cus me n my sis have freakishly fast hair growth ( if well taken care of 1-1.5 inches a month )

JESUS is The Way the Truth and The Life!

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: July 19 2007 at 11:28am
WOW! congratulations! that is so exciting! What is your new routine?

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: SugarCube
Date Posted: July 19 2007 at 5:48pm

CO every 3 days and shampoo every other week and for styling products a little bit of oil gell sunsilk anti frizz and a LITTLE bit of the straighting creme rub together and slather scrunch on hair and let air dry in a room with AC i'm sooooo happy!!! i wus jokin with my cuz that i was gonna get a pixie n she was mortified, we're both growin our hair our hair out i'm jus sooooo happy!!!!!!!!!

JESUS is The Way the Truth and The Life!

Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: July 24 2007 at 6:25pm
SC, I'm very happy for you!  Glad you didn't cut it unnecessarily.

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: SugarCube
Date Posted: July 24 2007 at 9:38pm
thanks and trust me when i say so am i lolz

JESUS is The Way the Truth and The Life!

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: July 24 2007 at 9:39pm
Originally posted by hairbraider hairbraider wrote:

SC, I'm very happy for you!  Glad you didn't cut it unnecessarily.

Indeed!   Yay! barmy


Posted By: SugarCube
Date Posted: July 25 2007 at 6:30pm
yea i was freaking out cus i finally get it to bsl and then i need a chop!!!!!! no way, i'm soooo glad i found out and it wouldn't have been for guys.... thanks sooo much for our support and tips ya'll are sweetHug

JESUS is The Way the Truth and The Life!

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